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>implying Poland isn't a nation

For Poland

Poland and the struggle for power

Frederic Engels: The Working Class of Poland (1868)

The International Workingmen's Association, What have the working classes to do with Poland?

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>Hug de Pinós


I will NOT hug de pinos!!!!


Why do you hate jizzuz so much anon it's heretical to do this immedi8ly vow your love to Hug de Pinós or face the consequences you g-ddamn baphometoid

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The goal is to be one of those.
You can't even fucking trust the plebs with voting as long as there is a non-socialist option on the slip after all. Democracy is when 100% of the vote goes to the left. Anything else is fascism.
Those stupid shits simply don't know what's good for them, which is feeding their socialist leaders, that sit around throwing dice all day for what is just and what is unjust the next day.


Every time you jerk off, especially to porn, you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish.
Through pornography, you are kept weak and docile. You are placated and are far less likely to actually reproduce.
Imagine an insect being tricked by a mirror into dancing with itself, when you consume pornography, that is what you are.
Abstain and you will regain your energy. Choose wisely anon.


Why are imageboards so obsessed with sexual reproduction

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Anyway, personally, I don't believe this shit really gets brought up in the US Courts I mean come on,
I'm halfway across the fucking continent. What the fuck are you going to do if it were somehow proven to violate the copyright law?
Delete my channel? I could get another one.
Send US Marines across the ocean just to imprison a fucking boy who just uploaded a fucking video on youtube?
Get a grip on yourselves you fucking clowns.
I REALLY, don't need to provide my "Rationale" excuses for your bitch-ass conglomerate sissies,
In fact, it should be you whom I should question your rationality. Are you really going to remove this fucking video?
Less than 5 minutes Music Video with no bloody fucking view made by yet another insignificant person in your whole fucking Scamming Empire?
Think about it will you? and uhh, while you're at it
I must go to take care of some BUSINESS,
Because unlike YOU what so-called HUMAN who claimed to have a full-time JOB,
My profession actually provides a REAL impact on the society of which you live in,
Of which people that served you on the McDonald Drive Thru,
Of which people that sent your package you bought online,
And of which of those people that working their asses off during this Global-Fucking-Pandemic.
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All this & you won't even post the video

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See example here.
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>he believes in purring sexual jews




You can't believe that there are people less intelligent than you?


>Asian women are "soulless/empty" bcuz thy no submissive like stereotypes make them out to be.

Entitlememt is strong with you

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Then they want to use their ranks to wage holy war against anybody unlike themselves.


How do we know fascist vs class cucked psyopped person?


There's actually zero difference.You imbecile

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entertainment treats men as convenient punching bags.

Men are only seen as comedians. But as beauty figures? Thats considered pathological.

Look at the way parents treat their kids based on gender, especially fathers.

Boys are taked down to like a cartoon character.
Theyre even referred to as such.

Girls are worshipped.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


but isn't communism about the production and reproduction of real life?


Minimising suffering is still worthwhile.


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I'll enjoy killing fags like you on Лехин день


true that.

That lady in the OP vid is dumb as shit.
Its more likely to run into a rich white boomer who doesnt know about computers than a ghetto kid who doesnt.
And old white boomers are pretty knowledgebale about computers evn if theyre not as savvy as their juniors.


"Man is above the animals" is the biggest cope ever.

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Why hasn't some Youtuber done a lore video about us?


The appeal of such a video would be very limited.


Sad day.


Too niche

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So much hate is coming for America. I don't think it's that bad. So how about a thread of positivity? Life is not all about dating anyways.

I like the infrastructure
I like innovation culture – as if our future lies in our fate
I like social safety nets that allows one to live dreams (some works some doesn't but at still its good we have it)
I like the weather in some parts, especially the seasons
I like the peace and the order
I like it being quiet
I like the value of work – maybe not for material gain – but that Americans are looking for mastery
I like the products that come from here
I like most people here, really, even some females are good people too

There's a lot to like about America. I have to admit this is still one of the best countries in the world.

I think the natural environment is hard to beat in America. You can find a wide variety of stunning scenery and environments everywhere. Asia is very polluted and dirty. Even when you go to natural preserves around Asia there's a general feeling of neglect.
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America is not good for socialisation or upward mobility.
But I think part of why Americs is not as good is becauae it oversells suburban living and family planning.

And the urban planning.

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