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Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
84 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Whatcha' eatin'
Mushroom Linguine
>Whatcha' watchin'
The Boys
>Whatcha' playin'
Mother Russia Bleeds


1. did you cook it yourself?
2. thoughts on the show?
3. are you playing by yourself or with others?


Raping non virgin foids shouldn't be a crime,



“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde


Shouldn't a developed society protect its women?


A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.


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me first. org deleted this so I'm reposting it.

I am from the group of people that are NOT White but NOT Black either. Knowing that, you guys needed to understand that women, men, good-looking people, celebrities, and rich and influential people from my group of people here are objectively evil and are fucking insufferable. I have zero respect for them. I respect Blacks and Whites, but not the rest. I want as many of my own skin and any "in-between" people to die and be sterilized as much as possible when an (actual) communist revolution started. And I am willing to shoot up a mall for this. YOU DO NOT KNOW how right the Bleaching-program are. If any of you are Chinese, Arabs, SEA, and any other group that are not "White" or "Black" and you aren't afraid to say what you want to say and aren't bending knees to political correctness (that said mentioned objectively evil people socially control anyway), then you will understand me. As a matter of fact, FUCK both of you radlibs and tankies. FUCK both of you rightist and leftist. I am willing to defend stuff like Stalin-era USSR and Russia and the likes. But you guys are SO dogshit, like little children that you need to babysit, or some sort of smug retard suburbanites and woman. Except you guys are grown up and are healthy (I assume). FUCK YOU ALL!!!! you guys made me think that maybe those leftcoms were right. I WANT TO FUCKING MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think that the creation of adolescence is a key ingredient to the dumbing down of society.

Making young adults think of themselves as defective fragile humans that need further protection to the point were "teenage rebellion" is considered par for the course.
Making them spend longer time in school to help "develop their brains" instead of having them do trades is why people struggle in their twenties and thirties for stability.
I think that college is being overpromoted to young people to upkeep the cultural institution of adolescence, now that most kids dont have the wacky misdaventures they used to have before the Internet.


I mostly agree with you.

I don't think children should be treated too differently than adults. There's no need to talk to them any different or use excessive baby talk on toddlers. Obviously you have to appreciate the fact that they are going to be extremely ignorant until they're fully developed (probably for boys until about 25) but having a whole designation of "teenager" for the most formative part of their lives probably stunts development. Plus it creates annoying shitheads because nobody wants to be labeled a "teenager" or "tween".

I think spending some time learning the basics in an industrial setting for a coop program or a summer camp is a good idea, because it's educational and kids love building shit and learning, but I don't think they need to be tasked with creating material value for society until they're ready to take on that role.

We definitely can and should trust kids who are interested with way more responsibilities than we currently do. I bet they would love to follow someone around and learn to refuel a jumbo jet or something.

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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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>Shiny round foreheads

God I wanna cum on those things so bad


Why is it that anything has male bodies being involved is always considered gay?

Porn has to involve both male and female.
If you think male porn stars are gay just because men are the consumers then youre ignorant.


>its another "male workers in glam industries are gay" accusation


t.undercover homo


Just admit you're gay Anon, it's <current year> no one will judge you.

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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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today a girl complimented me on my fashion 🥹


whats the point of this life shit


this life shit don't be making sense


The reason my posts don't get replies is because my gangstalkers are using hacks to hide my posts.


I got my dick sucked by a trans woman and didn't realize it until later. I just thought she was a tall ugly woman.

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It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.
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lol @ Hexbear rooting for them, only for that person to turn around and become a Soc Dem Vote-Blue-No-Matter-Who pro-Ukraine Bidenite like Vaush and Destiny


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>>7371 (Me)
This is an outrage. How could any self-respecting person visit these kind of sites?


>Making up shit about leftcels to coverup their own pedos


>>7371 (Myself)
Disgusting. "Left' cels should be ashamed of themselves. Shame!

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Thoughts on this poetry?


>3rd video
>We never dated but I can't get over you
Yikerino, real entitlement energy hours


anybody else enjoy it when women cry?


damn, what happened, i thought yall hated women

so much for schadenfraude

you do know that normies/women read incel spaces to get their schadenfraude laughs in? i vividly remember twitter posts saying such. this is why you must be as inflammatory as possible.

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 No.960[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Reminder if you are not a chad women will not take any interest in anything you say or do, no matter how remarkable it is. How do I know? I used to be 'the hot kid' for a year or two in my teens and became average after I grew older. Though I never scored with a chick because I was an autist, here's the kind of shit that used to happen.

-Girls would ooh and ahh when I walked past, some pinched me trying to get my attention
-girls would 'sneakily' follow me everywhere and try to catch a glimpse of me
-one girl would pretend to use a makeup mirror to spy on me
-Girls would approach me and try to start conversations even though I was an introvert and had nothing to say
-Neighbor used to invite me out to hang out with her and would rub my hair
-girls would giggle around me in class and try to rub my hair
-Female hs teachers gave me better grades and tried to hangout with me after class
-girls would openly compliment me call me sexy in class etc
-if I went to my friends house his sister would try flirting with me, laugh at my jokes even if I made none, always try to hover around me

All that shit is gone now, women now will just ignore me/act like I dont exist at parties. Will not bother talking to me or taking any interest, never find my jokes funny or compliment me etc.

The cold reality is if you're not a chad women dont really have any reason to give a fuck about you and you will always be friendzoned at best. They don't really give a shit about your personality, it's all a halo effect from your attractiveness. No amount of hairstyles, confidence, style etc will change anything unless your face is attractive. And if you do somehow score a gf, she will hop branches, never have true sexual attraction towards you, sex will be lame etc. There is no 'type,' only a singular hot chad and if you were in the 5% you would.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Nobody wants to see your HRT induced manboobs anon.


Hes virtue signalling. If he went through his prime years without pussy, he would be saying a different tune.


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I fucking do.


>Uglycels are worthless in society
That's not true. Ugly men can provide labor and labor is necessary for society or the world to run. They can also take on dangerous jobs such as construction work or mining. Ugly men can also be (used as cannon fodder for meatgrinders) be drafted/get enlisted as a soldier. Furthermore, ugly men can donate organs. Ugly men can also be test subjects/guinea pigs. Ugly men can spend money, thus participating in the economy. Ugly men can pay sex workers (also OnlyFans), keeping them in business. Ugly men can also be backup for women who are done partying and want to settle down.

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Who was in the right? And is Britbong really like this?
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>Like he personally went around killing 80 million? Or is this about his comically large spoon?
Did hitler personally kill 6 million jews? This is your game I'm just applying the rules consistently.

>Why are you so upset about nazis getting punched?
I believe in absolute free speech I don't want anybody to be punched unless it is self defense.

If your argument is it's ok to punch nazis because they support an insane authoritarian genocidal ideology then I've got bad news for you because marxism is responsible for at least an order of magnitude more death and suffering.

If we're punching nazis then we should be throwing communists out of a helicopter. I think a smart man did that once.



Any marxists, fag?


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Who was in the right?


then it should not be ok to hit kids for cussing out an adult.

Or to say you wanna have sex with kids.

Or to to scream racial slurs.


>Who was in the right?
According to liberal courts: the man
According to me: the woman is annoying so she deserved it

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Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments | Scientific Reports

Tell me how autism isn't a curse…
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It's a cope, it's almost never over for a woman.


Youre wrong.
Its only never over if they keep ther youth forever.
And never marry nor birth kids


Those women will still have plenty of suitors, youth or not. Cope if you think otherwise.


I wouldnt say suitors. They would have alot of hookups though.


Young females show off like this and then accuse autistic males of being insensitive/dehumanising women for merely disagreeing with them

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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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that's Ariella Ferrera

btw damn 5 minutes


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If you're discriminated against by society in some way you should just neet. Imo most men should neet. Unless you have a good autism score and can snag a high paying job there's no reason not to.


NEET posters aren't real. If they were real, then where are the posts? They are glowie feds + AI chat bots.

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