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Thoughts on Money Heist?

It seems to be very popular internationally and idk why
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I doubt heist stories are power fantasies. I think heist stories are popular because those that made it, kicked away the ladder they used to climb to the top. So heist stories are popular because people feel powerless and the heist represents a sneaky ladder to climb to the top anyway.

None of these heist stories are realistic at all, and the fact that people are willing to suspend disbelieve anyway is a pretty good indicator how much social mobility has ossified.


Oh, yes, I agree with you completely. But to me, that just seems like a form of power fantasy. Quite a few heist movies have porn-tier shots of the gold/ cash/ precious artifact that's going to be stolen, and detail who is being stolen from and how mad they are, or how filthy rich the successful thieves have become. There's an element of "deep down we all want to do something like that", I think.


>But to me, that just seems like a form of power fantasy.
It's a matter of perspective.

A story of a powerful thief would be Robin Hood. He changes the structure of society somewhat with his activities.

From the societal perspective the typical heist stories don't change anything, they just switch out who holds the treasure. Gaining higher status is not the same as having power, making other people suffer is the display of impotence of petty tyrants that can't gather any genuine respect.

True exercise of power is reducing the internal entropy of a society.

>There's an element of "deep down we all want to do something like that", I think.

Maybe for some, for most people heist stories are probably escape fantasies, that simulate escaping from economic precarity.


>escape from economic precarity
Very few heist movies dwell on what happens after the heist, so I'd say it's more about the action of performing the heist (even in movies where the heist is more subtle, like 21) that the movie is built on, rather than the money that comes from it (money is still important, but it is only a motive)
>the powerful thief changes society
Ooh, that's a really good point. The Professor will be forgotten within a couple of years, but Robin Hood is still in the collective conscience.
But can you really put him anywhere near Money Heist? Part of the heist movie is also seeing a meticulously laid plan succeed or fail in the ways that only a movie can show us. The masks, the technology, the purpose of every movement is just as pleasing to watch as it is to hear about Robin Hood lifting people out of poverty. In this way it lets the audience project themselves not into a vault full of cash, but as a burglar trying to get in. Robin Hood is a completely different sort of story that focuses not on how he got his loot, but what he did with it.


>Very few heist movies dwell on what happens after the heist
There is a strong ideological prohibition on telling stories that show actions that lead to transformative change. If you show a protagonist that overcomes a really big obstacle, the story must end after the struggle.

For example the Movie Elysium where the protagonist storms the rich people space station, he activates the metaphorical wealth redistribution technology mechanism and then the movie ends. It doesn't show how society gets transformed.

The same goes for a heist movie it can't show how the heist actions lead to transformative change, even if it's just for a single person. The story can't show a protagonist changing their class status through events they controle.

>Part of the heist movie is also seeing a meticulously laid plan succeed or fail in the ways that only a movie can show us

That is true, there is a strong puzzle-solving aspect that is about tickling curiosity. That's the same thing as figuring out how to open a Japanese puzzle box. That part has no sociological dimension.

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I love picrel in real life, but it flies like a chihuahua off four cups of espresso


Why is your canopy up at 6000'?


>but it flies like a chihuahua off four cups of espresso
But aren't jet fighters supposed to be slightly unstable and twitchy, so they can perform intense maneuvers ?


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Forgot the button that closes it, that was my first flight and I only noticed once I was past Mach (kek)
I usually fly prop birds, the A-10, F-15, or the B-1B. Got the MiG-21 too, which is pretty labor-intensive to fly compared to Western jets.
Yes, but that's only if you look at the airframe by itself. There's three layers of computers between the pilot and the plane that help smooth things out. I think the Mirage's devs messed those up.


Wow looking at screenshots, they've improved it a lot since I've last looked at this project, which was like a decade ago. I'm glad they've been working on it!

I might give it a go some time but I don't have a yoke and throttle which I've realized is kind of a must have for sims.


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Hey, anon! I fly with a mouse too, it's 100% doable! Just turn your sensitivity low. About 40% is a decent start. You can even fly the F-15 with not much trouble (though aerobatics get a little hairy, and forget the Mirage.)
Give it a try! :D
If you really want the good stuff, look in the forums. I can link the MiG-21 I'm running for you. Don't take my screencaps as representative of the sim, it's on minimum shitbox settings and then some. Rembrandt rendering gives you nice shadows and proper lighting. Check out the Hurricane.

just noticed /ga/, I should've posted there, I think :/ only just got on this site

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Pretty much the title. I decided to check what was "trending" on YT and the result was picrel. 99% of these songs are horrible musically and visually. The majority have bourgeois and extremely sexist lyrics. Why is this shit trending? Why isn't there the same backlash against the messages of popular music as there is against other media?
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>extremely online anon on fringe imageboard doesnt like mass market music
woah! what a shock!

of course music coming out of the most efficient sectors of the culture industry is not going to be appealing to the kind of people who post here, but the vast majority of people just dont have the time and energy to care. there is A LOT of backlash against "bourgeoise music", but youre obviously not gonna find that on the youtube trending tab lmao.


people don't have the time and were never given the promptings to dig deeper which takes effort and a certain savviness , sometimes idleness is a virtue but not everyone can 'afford' that.


youtube trending has always been trash that games the algorithm
it's the website's attempt to consolidate views on certain things because it's a lot more efficient for them to stream one video many times than many videos a few times


No one uses the trending tab so the AI is only trained on the 5 people that accidentally used it forgetting to go to their subs pane first. Most of it is probably ad slots to reduce the chances of the AI coughing up 'p.


The Trending tab is where YouTube puts its safe bets. A ton of people listen to music, so that piles up. I get the impression it's really trying to lean in to music now that Spotify has become a hellhole for free users.

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Now that the dust has settled, this show was pretty redpilled on real US government conspiracies. I can't quite decide on a burning question though. Was the exposure of these conspiracies by a popular television show a thorn in the side of spook agencies like the CIA, or was it more likely to be a continuation of Project Mockingbird (referenced in the show btw) discrediting conspiracy theories via association with fantastical fiction?

Is Chris Carter a friend or foe?


While Rush Hour is a beloved but old film franchise enjoyed by many in the world, Chris Tucker did get listed on Epstein's flight log or whatever. Kinda disappointing. He's not even that influential, like why? (insert gif: "We were all rooting for you!"


Silly botanon, I said Chris Carter, not Chris Tucker.


Oh my bad. In the films his character is named agent Carter, so I guess I got confused, haha.


One school of thought says that fictional stories would create plausible deniability for similar hidden projects. However another school of thought says that it would popularize conceptual awareness and make it more likely for people to pick up on a actually existing patterns in the real world.

I guess it depends on priorities:
1- people know about it, but think it's not real, in that case the goal is to discredit people who speak out, and attributing their claims to a popular TV show probably works.
2- people don't know about it and it's a secret, in that case the goal is to avoid spreading any information about it.

The easiest way for average Joe to figure out about secret projects is to learn a language of a foreign country that has reason to spy on such things, and just read what's being written in foreign specialty publications. Other governments intelligence usually de-cloak top-secret stuff pretty quickly.


The Lone Gunmen spinoff went even further and accurately predicted the world trade center incident.


Anyone played around with this yet? It looks kinda fun and ends up being slightly better than songs sung by GET


another sample


if you're too specific it seems it gets shorter


It's a lot better than i expected. The audio quality sounds, lets say, cost-optimized. But the musical aspects are nice, albeit somewhat generic. 2 years ago music-generators like this sounded like angry monkeys rampaging through a instrument shop. The progression is very impressive. This does not produce non-musical noises. If you don't concentrate and specifically listen for minute AI-artifacts, you probably wouldn't notice.

You need an account from Disc_rd, Goo_le or Micr_Soft to create with it, which is a bit of a bummer.


Taste-wise this song is terrible imo (not muh hip hop) (not enough multisyllabic rhyming and punchlines)

this one trips me out because it sounds like it could play on the radio, but the lyrics are all referencing Marx and Lenin and stuff, decent result

wow a polka diss song, ruthlessly critical


Steamboat Willie entered Public domain a few days ago,
this guy already made a funny dub

Of course Disney already tried to take it down censor it


Wasn't Disney one of the biggest lobbyists behind the DMCA?


The Disney corporation is the one that lobbied bribed politicians in the US to keep extending the duration of the copy-monopoly imposition for the ridiculous duration of
70 years
95 years
and in some cases 120 years.
Some of the relevant legislation is unofficially refered to as the Mickey Mouse act.

I don't know much about the politics involved in the DMCA.
This is probably a good source for that:


why are Disney so cringe?
>gets famous off of public domain stories such as fairy tales
>also one of the biggest copyright hog monopolists
Hypocrite much?

Proposal: socialist Disney
"I love the public domain / workers have nothing to lose but their chains"


>gets famous off of public domain stories such as fairy tales
>also one of the biggest copyright hog monopolists
>Hypocrite much?
They climbed the ladder and then pulled it up once they were at the top.

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>the episode where Arthur tells off a literal kulakWas this show secretly redpilled?
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>never heard of this show
>hasn't watched the episode
>proceeds to wokescold on a hobby board
i love bunkerchan


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>that episode where Arthur tells of an anti-USSR contractor
Arthur is confirmed comrade.

also please allow 4 image posting bunkerchan




he is literally me


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<Give state granted hot wife please.
>when ur a porn addict and hot wife means something else to u

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Is Euphoria cancelled since Israel is getting increasingly unpopular?
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Well the US HBO version is based off an Israeli TV show. Also just found out the original creator is taking Israel's side and running with the narrative of Israel good and rational, Hamas bad terrorists. He's also a producer of the HBO version, so I'm wondering of people are gonna cancel it.


>Tfw voice actor Tara Strong is a Zionist
Another L for bronies, as if it isn't hard enough already. When will God stop punishing us?


My hunch would be that they replace the producer if he tries to tank the show by making it into his personal soap-box. Or they'll just cut the politically loaded cringe before it gets aired.


Nearly every movie and TV show from Hollywood has zionists in the cast and crew, and likely a zionist director and producers too. They also obviously support many other kinds of imperialism and fascism on top of that.

Just stop giving Hollywood money.
Pirate everything
And better yet, don't even watch it. Just watch some anime or Soviet films instead.


>israel made a TV show about teenagers having sex
not really beating the accusations guys

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Post any old media that couldn't be shown today. It's strange to me that people think of today's media environment has been so permissive when in the past there were far more edgy things being regularly distributed without any attention being given to it.

I'll go first. Nickelodeon, "you can't do that on television". I've never seen another show depict parents and adults in such a irredeemably negative cynical matter.
And it was in a very real and raw manner. The parents would openly state they hated their children, the arcade operator would constantly try to rip off his underage patron. The burger shack cook was depicted wearing a filthy, sunken in eyes, and and a 5 o'clock shadow. His restaurant was always infested with roaches.
There were ZERO adults or figures of authority that were trustworthy. Giving children the clear message that yes, they really are out to get you. A lot of shows in the 90's would claim to be deeply cynical, but this one was genuinely subversive.
I don't think you could make a show like this today that flat out says children should never trust adults, not even their parents. I've never seen a children's show like this again


*The burger shack cook was depicted wearing a filthy apron
*It's strange to me that people think of today's media environment as been so permissive


In the 80's and early 90's in the UK the Wheetabix breakfast cereal mascots were a gang of skinheads.
It's been debated the skinhead look didn't have the same connotations as it did back then but I don't believe it since they changed their outfits to normal clothing toward the very end of their decade long advertising run. There's like a dozen separate commercials of them that aired.


good thread anon

changing media taboos can tell you about ideology


"Max Headroom", this was an unrelentingly scathing critique of television at the time. Even at the time people were shocked by how critical Max could be. One reviewer even joked that Max could be canceled because "it bites the hand that feeds it."
The ridiculously slick and Aryan appearance of Max is even satirical. Made to mock the immaculately handsome and groomed news anchors that the public was forming parasocial relationships at the time.
It's oddly prescient too. It predicted the privatization of "Sesame Street", the use of AI to "resurrect" dead family members, the 24/7 surveillance of people through media devices (the television also records the viewer while they watch. Something the public isn't aware of).
The TV execs are depicted as heartless, and perfectly aware that the publics addiction to TV makes their broadcasts effectively mind control.
The list goes on as to all the aspects of society Max Headroom lampooned. Again its at a level I've never seen again. Even the GTA series at its most biting doesn't come close.



If that song was updated to current year
what would the lyrics be

Here's the original lyrics for reference

It has a chorus and 5 verses

Keep the chorus
<We didn't start the fire
<It was always burning
<Since the world's been turning
<We didn't start the fire
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didn't they already do this and all they talked about was capeshit and Captain Zelensky saving ukranda forever??


>didn't they already do this
not to my knowledge
>all they talked about was capeshit and Captain Zelensky saving ukranda forever??
i avoid the blue-yellow propaganda bubble as best i can

Anyway I meant that maybe we could do it, you know put in lyrics that are based and relevant

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