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The bleach-breeding-program guy here. You folk should embrace my way of thinking. Recently my head have been emotional and my heart more resolute. I am now capable of being angry all the time, which in turn cause me to have firmness of purpose, or whatever native English speaker called it. Every time I see a White and Non-White couple, I become angry. Every time I see a mixed person, be it children's or adults, I become angry. Every time I see a White and Ethnic White couple. I become angry. Every time I see some Uzbek, Mongol, Chinese, and the likes, individual or in family, I become angry. Every time I see a pretty woman of my own kind and skin, I become angry. There is this one time where YouTube recommend me a short about a artist (celebrity) woman dating a really fair and really White guy, my reaction to it are anger, hate, and malice even. If anyone here who is reading this have already read my posts about the bleach breeding program, then you might understands what and why I felt the way I felt. Anyway, as for the reason why I am telling all of you this and why you folks need to think like me. It would be WAY easier to do revolutions, establish a regime, and convince the masses to do it IF we tell and indoctrinate workers, activist, civilians and and the likes about the bleach breeding program.

ORG banned me for posting this. They banned me after about 2-3 minutes of the thread being posted
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>aesthetic racism


And what do you achieve from your posting? The world is steadily becoming browner and more whites are opting not to have kids and dying of drug overdoses.


And again, your racism is mainly self induced hogwash.
So right back atya


stop disgracing Berserk with this racist bullshit


RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! why can't you guys just admit that turning everyone into 10/10 White blondes is the solution!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.
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>I got blackpilled and like men
Holy based gayanon


liberalism isnt fascism because liberalism enshrines rights and individualism and fascism doesnt


Liberalism = fascism. At least in its current state. At least in US and Canada the explicitly liberal governments are aiding and abetting a literal genocide, and are imperialistically expanding NATO eastward.

To be a liberal is to be an idealist without regard for the material reality of the world, and not caring about the present nature of liberal governments. Instead liberals try to think of idealistic ways the world should function and expect it to move in that direction.


Nice bait

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Material explanation for the rise in transgender mass shooters?
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autists are prone to social contagion like transgenderism or incelism. It's easy to see how there's a rise in incel and troon shootings when it's mostly autists who perpetrate these types of attacks on the working class.


As an autist, I can wholeheartedly agree. Alot of our radical politics nowadays are populated by autists or autist-like folks.
Ans theyre not all male


Killing autistic people is a eugenical stance and therefor not leftist


nobody suggested that.
But I dont think its wise to allow autistics to breed.

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All women are normies.
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They're calling you a cocksucker and relieving their itchy butts on your gaystick. Scratching with your hand is very unhygienic.


And they both define the same thing anyway


Yeah apparently they just look at you. I have never, ever known this. But I have had a few women be more forward and it's always an ick for me (because they're really bad at picking up guys), I just wish I knew about the looking thing.

Basically for men unattractive women are seen as annoying. But women don't even see unattractive men, it's like they aren't there. So if you catch one actually looking at you, that's a green flag to go talk to her!


people refer to teens as adolescent or pubescents without much distinction.


When men choose to be single they are labeled lonely, but when women choose to be single they get called empowered.

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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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Kids should pay their mothers for meals.


Then youd have to give them wage labor to pay mom for meals.
But then youd say thats child abuse


Then they should be paid for going to school


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commies can't argue against pic related

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 No.149523[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

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LeftyPol allows misandrist posts talking about "Men are expendable, lets be rid of them", but then will ban me for suggesting restriction of procreation based on hereditary and financial conditions.

They will suggest transitioning for incels but get mad at me for criticising the social entitlement for romance and sex.


I you delete the zionist comments in that thread, how will anyone know they're mad?


>criticising the social entitlement for romance and sex

That's some "If I can't have any neither can anyone else" type of selfish shit anon. Get over yourself. (But I don't think you should be banned for having opinions)


>That's some "If I can't have any neither can anyone else" type of selfish shit anon. Get over yourself. (But I don't think you should be banned for having opinions)

Bruh, see what I mean?
Its other people who feel entitled to sex and romance and suggest laws to punish women or men for not liking them.
These people are the ones referring to young adults as grooming victims for getting lucky with some one older while they missed out in their youth.

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America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
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You sound retarded


this is why I dont like imageboard users. You all have serious problems dealing with reality.

Yankee logic: communism = oppression.

People call anything they dont like "socialist".


The user you were replying to was talking about unionization and socialist organization. Those things have recently increased in the US. Get a basic grip on what's being discussed.
American mass media is, at this point, far to the right of the general public.


Should America be saved?


Does America WANT TO BE saved?

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>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
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funnily, these jewish (probably zio) scholars argue that merchant of venice is not in fact antisemitic


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Le Colonization


All Arabs =/= All Palestinians

If I shoot up white family and then shoot up a black family, does that cancel out the families being shot? No. They are still two families that got shot.


Also doesn't address Israel's policy towards their neighbors, including the Palestinian state.


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I don't feel bad for Arab settlers.

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is his life over?
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We should pay EDP445 to post here


EDP445 Endorses Trump For 2024!


Is EDP our guy?

>vehemently opposes and intensely dislikes the Democrats

>supports gun rights



Alot of washed has-beens/reactionaries side with Trump


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What have YOU been doing for the last 8 months, anon
>Nm just chillin with the boys


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Fuck this place



(he never got a reply)

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