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In only six months, Sahra Wagenknecht's new party has BTFO'd the remnants of Die Linke and is already the 3rd most popular party in recent German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. Is she gonna do it, anons? Can Germany be saved after all?
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She's in great danger of being assassinated like Robert Fico right now. The party revolves too much around her personally and all it would take to defuse its momentum is her death.


>She's in great danger of being assassinated like Robert Fico right now.
What makes you say that ?
Why do you think she's got something in common with Fico ?
Do you think Germany is as rough as Slovakia in that regard ?
>The party revolves too much around her personally
In what way ? She's the most visible personality in the media, but is she really the one that runs things ?
>and all it would take to defuse its momentum is her death.
I'm not so sure that your prediction would come true, it might make her a martyr, a powerful symbol. Political assassinations have unpredictable consequences and can backfire fantastically. And there's probably tons of volunteer-effort that went into making the party a success, not just one person.

All that said, you are correct they eventually do have to be more than just the Sahra Wagenknecht party.


It's not that Germany is as "rough" as Slovakia, it's that the German/NATO media has been relentlessly smearing her as some kind of fascist along with AfD, and there are huge vested interests that want to ensure Germany stays a vassal state to US hegemony.


She was already attacked by someone a couple weeks ago by the way. Hope they're giving her good protection.


Wagenknecht? Moar like WagenCucked amirite? (Idk anything about this person)


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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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>I really think Russia is going to double down on regime change in Ukraine at this point.
I agree that seems likely.
However they haven't done any decapitation strikes so far.


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Kek, Putin just Endorsed Camala Harris

<“Putin told the audience that he admired the Democratic Party candidate’s <“infectious laugh” and that he respected current President Joe Biden’s choice to endorse her as his successor.”

Gotta hand it to him, he's intelligent.
They made him into the devil and granted him the power to drain reputation by giving devil-hugs.


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Good timing since they seem to be trying to revive Russiagate again:


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>they seem to be trying to revive Russiagate again:
That crazy shit just got a whale killed.

<Hvaldimir, suspected of being a Russian spy whale, spent five years schmoozing Norway’s coastal communities, charming the locals with his toothy grin and seemingly insatiable appetite for attention. But two animal activist groups this week said that someone fatally shot him and left his bullet-riddled body floating in coastal waters.



Lol that is a hilarious move, Putin should double down on this grift and watch the democrats cope and seethe.


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 No.471994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Maui fires raise questions over warnings, death toll hits 80

"MAALAEA, Hawaii, Aug 11 (Reuters) - The death toll from the Maui wildfires rose to 80 on Friday as search teams combed through the smoldering ruins of Lahaina, and Hawaiian officials sought to determine how the inferno spread so rapidly through the historic resort town with little warning.

The fires became the deadliest natural disaster in the state's history, surpassing that of a tsunami that killed 61 people on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1960, a year after Hawaii joined the United States.

Officials have warned that search teams with cadaver dogs could still find more dead from the fire that torched 1,000 buildings and left thousands homeless, likely requiring many years and billions of dollars to rebuild.

"Nobody has entered any of these structures that have burned down and that's where we unfortunately anticipate that the death toll will rise significantly," U.S. Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii told MSNBC.

In a late evening statement, Maui County said that the death toll had risen to 80.

The Lahaina fire that spread from the brush to town was still burning but 85% contained, the county said earlier. Two other wildfires on the island were 80% and 50% contained.

Three days after the disaster, it remained unclear whether some residents had received any warning before the fire engulfed their homes.
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>there's a risk that they end up stuck in the tempcontainers.
While that is true, the alternative is to provide these people nothing to appease schizos. Again, the gentrification of NO was a far more serious issue than fucking FEMA camps. It's a conversation designed to distract from the real issue, which is the transfer of wealth and property from the poor to the very rich.


>the alternative is to provide these people nothing to appease schizos
>We built these concentration camps out of the kindness of our hearts!
>The displaced couldn't possibly be allowed to live in houses or apartments


Temporary housing isn't a concentration camp. Nobody is required to go there. Nice try, though, schizo.


it's a literal pogrom to herd people into shipping crates. kill yourself fed.


thats most people worldwide tbh.

I think our moern society obsesses too much over academic skill to he point where its replacing common sense and survival skills.



Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?



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>meme "party" started by unprincipled e-celebs
This is roughly on par with that "people's party" grift pushed by the Bernie Sanders campaigner a few years ago.


I love that other terminally online leftists are calling them Nazis without any substantial reasoning. It's a knee-jerk reaction to them actually trying to appeal to conservatives, which I think is an interesting angle (at least that's what I think Haz is trying to do with this).

In the end I think leftists biggest obstacle to organizing will be getting over themselves and uniting as one front.


 No.483169[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>481432

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 39,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Reports in the Israeli press confirmed that the IDF implemented a 'mass Hannibal Directive' on October 7th, knowingly and purposefully killing many of its civilians and turning the Gaza border into an 'extermination zone' to prevent hostages from being taken alive.

The US Congress invited Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak. Tens of thousands demonstrated in DC, blockaded roads, and pulled mischief at the Watergate Hotel, but apparently failed to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes. Many were met with pepper spray and tear gas. At least 96 congress members boycotted the speech. Ahead of the visit, the Center for Constitutional Rights called for the DOJ to investigate Netanyahu for genocide, war crimes, and torture as required by US law. Simultaneous demonstrations occurred in other parts of the US and Canada.

A deal for a "national unity government" between the Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas was brokered in Beijing.

The International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion on the legal status of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, as requested in 2022. It found that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, its occupation is illegal, and its activity in Gaza & the West Bank has continued to constitute a de facto occupation even after the IDF ostensibly withdrew in the '00s. It also confirmed that supporting Israeli apartheid and illegal occupation is illegal.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, nearly shutting down the Israeli port of Eilat. A Yemeni drone struck a building near the US embassy branch office in Tel Aviv on July 19th. This was followed by direct Israeli airstrikes on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

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Yeah, this.


Activist killing: ‘Shots came from the direction of the army, not anywhere else’
Here are the accounts of two witnesses who observed the killing of Turkish-American activist Ezgi Eygi, 26, in the occupied West Bank village of Beita:

Jonathan Pollak, an Israeli who was participating in Friday’s protest, said the shooting occurred shortly after dozens of Palestinians and international activists held a communal prayer on a hillside outside the northern town of Beita overlooking the illegal Israeli settlement of Evyatar.
''Soldiers surrounded the group as its members prayed and clashes soon broke out with Palestinians throwing stones and soldiers firing tear gas and live ammunition, Pollak said.
The protesters and activists, including Pollak and Ezgi Eygi, retreated from the hill, and the clashes calmed down, he said. He then watched as two soldiers standing on the roof of a nearby home trained a gun in the group’s direction and fired. He saw the flares leave the barrel of the gun when the shots rang out.''
''He said Ezgi Eygi was about 10 or 15 metres (33 to 50ft) behind him when the shots were fired. Pollak then saw her “lying on the ground next to an olive tree, bleeding to death”, he said.
Mariam Dag, another activist at the protest, also said she saw an Israeli soldier on a rooftop. Dag said she then heard the firing of two live rounds. One ricocheted off something metal and hit a Palestinian protester in the leg; the other hit Ezgi Eygi, who had moved back into an olive grove, she said.''
Dag said she ran towards the fallen woman and saw blood coming from her head. “The shots were coming from the direction of the army. They were not coming from anywhere else.”

US lawmakers call for accountability in killing of American activist

Senator Patty Murray of Washington state condemned the killing of American citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi.

“The government of Israel must deliver answers immediately and hold the perpetrators of this killing accountable,” Murray said in a statement.
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Israel intentially leaks scenes of Palestinian prisoners’ torture: Rights group

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says that efforts to undermine the resolve of prisoners by broadcasting torture scenes will not succeed.

“The leaking of these photos and videos is a deliberate act by the current settler government, headed by the fascist Minister [of National Security Ben-Gvir], with the aim of boasting about torturing prisoners,” the rights group said in a statement.

It said the practice was “part of the competition between the ministers of the current government over who tortures and kills Palestinians more”.

“The other goal … is to influence the image of the Palestinian prisoner in the collective consciousness …, in addition to using them as an additional tool for intimidation operations and spreading terror among Palestinian citizens …”

In August, a report by Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said more than a dozen Israeli prison facilities have been converted into a network of camps “dedicated to the abuse of inmates” since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Death toll rises to 8 in Israeli attack on school in northern Gaza

We reported earlier that a number of Palestinians had been killed following an Israeli attack on a school-turned-shelter in Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip.
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>Used by who? That's like saying is Obama going to convict himself of murder for drone bombing children in Syria.
It is different with Zionism.

Israel and the Zionist apartheid project are not an end in it self, their purpose is imperial power-influence in the Mid-eastern-region. However the largest part of the Pro-Zionist groups do see Zionism as an end in it self. This is a contradiction that has not yet fully manifested.

It is likely that Israel will fail with it's current strategy. They are trying to do what colonial administrations did during the height of European empires (17 to 19 century). That is a defeated strategy. It has shown 100% failure for over half a century. Israel could end up as mostly powerless or fail as a state. And would no longer serve the imperial purpose.

The imperial strategists will change their approach, relocate imperial resources from Israel to something else. They might try to take over Jordan (which is not entirely implausible) or try some radical new military technology like drone-carrier-ships. While unlikely to happen they could copy the Chinese soft-power-strategy of winning influence with infrastructure and other forms of developmental "technical support".

The Zionists who see Zionism as an end in it self, will not accept that and resist with determination. Then the powers that be will likely seek to use repression against them. Always remember empires have permanent interests and temporary alliances.


110 Palestinians killed over 4 days in Gaza; ‘contamination’ by explosives presents new danger: UN

In the four days between Monday and Thursday this week, 110 Palestinians were reported killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza and 230 people were injured, the United Nations reports.

Among the most deadly attacks this week was an Israeli strike on a residential building in central Gaza City on Tuesday that killed nine people, including at least five children and one woman, UN’s OCHA said in its latest situation report.

A children’s nursery was also hit in Jabalia, in northern Gaza, on the same day killing seven people.

Humanitarian workers on the ground in Gaza are also warning of “widespread contamination” of Gaza by explosive remnants of war.

On Tuesday, a Palestinian girl was critically injured in an explosion involving discarded explosive ordnance (EO) in Khan Younis in Gaza’s south, OCHA said.

“Children face a heightened risk of being exposed to EO, as they usually play outside, tend to search for scraps amongst rubbish and rubble, and lack an awareness on the dangers of EO,” OCHA said.

Family statement on killing of ‘beloved’ Aysenur Ezgi Eygi by Israeli military
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Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
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>Whatcha' eatin'
Mushroom Linguine
>Whatcha' watchin'
The Boys
>Whatcha' playin'
Mother Russia Bleeds


1. did you cook it yourself?
2. thoughts on the show?
3. are you playing by yourself or with others?


Raping non virgin foids shouldn't be a crime,



“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde


Shouldn't a developed society protect its women?



A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.


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me first. org deleted this so I'm reposting it.

I am from the group of people that are NOT White but NOT Black either. Knowing that, you guys needed to understand that women, men, good-looking people, celebrities, and rich and influential people from my group of people here are objectively evil and are fucking insufferable. I have zero respect for them. I respect Blacks and Whites, but not the rest. I want as many of my own skin and any "in-between" people to die and be sterilized as much as possible when an (actual) communist revolution started. And I am willing to shoot up a mall for this. YOU DO NOT KNOW how right the Bleaching-program are. If any of you are Chinese, Arabs, SEA, and any other group that are not "White" or "Black" and you aren't afraid to say what you want to say and aren't bending knees to political correctness (that said mentioned objectively evil people socially control anyway), then you will understand me. As a matter of fact, FUCK both of you radlibs and tankies. FUCK both of you rightist and leftist. I am willing to defend stuff like Stalin-era USSR and Russia and the likes. But you guys are SO dogshit, like little children that you need to babysit, or some sort of smug retard suburbanites and woman. Except you guys are grown up and are healthy (I assume). FUCK YOU ALL!!!! you guys made me think that maybe those leftcoms were right. I WANT TO FUCKING MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think that the creation of adolescence is a key ingredient to the dumbing down of society.

Making young adults think of themselves as defective fragile humans that need further protection to the point were "teenage rebellion" is considered par for the course.
Making them spend longer time in school to help "develop their brains" instead of having them do trades is why people struggle in their twenties and thirties for stability.
I think that college is being overpromoted to young people to upkeep the cultural institution of adolescence, now that most kids dont have the wacky misdaventures they used to have before the Internet.


I mostly agree with you.

I don't think children should be treated too differently than adults. There's no need to talk to them any different or use excessive baby talk on toddlers. Obviously you have to appreciate the fact that they are going to be extremely ignorant until they're fully developed (probably for boys until about 25) but having a whole designation of "teenager" for the most formative part of their lives probably stunts development. Plus it creates annoying shitheads because nobody wants to be labeled a "teenager" or "tween".

I think spending some time learning the basics in an industrial setting for a coop program or a summer camp is a good idea, because it's educational and kids love building shit and learning, but I don't think they need to be tasked with creating material value for society until they're ready to take on that role.

We definitely can and should trust kids who are interested with way more responsibilities than we currently do. I bet they would love to follow someone around and learn to refuel a jumbo jet or something.


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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>Shiny round foreheads

God I wanna cum on those things so bad


Why is it that anything has male bodies being involved is always considered gay?

Porn has to involve both male and female.
If you think male porn stars are gay just because men are the consumers then youre ignorant.


>its another "male workers in glam industries are gay" accusation


t.undercover homo


Just admit you're gay Anon, it's <current year> no one will judge you.


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Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.


games have gotten objectively worse in many ways

Current games often have defects that prevent you from owning what you buy unless you perform major restorative interventions in the technical guts.
Physics simulation has deteriorated a lot in quality and render speed (technical regressions are unusual, i wonder why that happened)
There's lots of stuff that interrupts game-play like for example the nickle and dime mechanisms "in-game purchasing"
Multiplayer has been ruined with root-kit-malware that pretends to be "anti-cheat" with doubtful effectiveness in stopping cheating.
Many games don't work while offline, and while fixing that malfunction is often possible, that stuff should just work.


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Yes, obviously the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has been progressively making games worse over time. Now what about the test, anon? You're not so rose-tinted to the past to assume that your first youthful experiences were the best ever… are you?


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The bleach-breeding-program guy here. You folk should embrace my way of thinking. Recently my head have been emotional and my heart more resolute. I am now capable of being angry all the time, which in turn cause me to have firmness of purpose, or whatever native English speaker called it. Every time I see a White and Non-White couple, I become angry. Every time I see a mixed person, be it children's or adults, I become angry. Every time I see a White and Ethnic White couple. I become angry. Every time I see some Uzbek, Mongol, Chinese, and the likes, individual or in family, I become angry. Every time I see a pretty woman of my own kind and skin, I become angry. There is this one time where YouTube recommend me a short about a artist (celebrity) woman dating a really fair and really White guy, my reaction to it are anger, hate, and malice even. If anyone here who is reading this have already read my posts about the bleach breeding program, then you might understands what and why I felt the way I felt. Anyway, as for the reason why I am telling all of you this and why you folks need to think like me. It would be WAY easier to do revolutions, establish a regime, and convince the masses to do it IF we tell and indoctrinate workers, activist, civilians and and the likes about the bleach breeding program.

ORG banned me for posting this. They banned me after about 2-3 minutes of the thread being posted
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>aesthetic racism


And what do you achieve from your posting? The world is steadily becoming browner and more whites are opting not to have kids and dying of drug overdoses.


And again, your racism is mainly self induced hogwash.
So right back atya


stop disgracing Berserk with this racist bullshit


RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! why can't you guys just admit that turning everyone into 10/10 White blondes is the solution!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Editor’s Note: Jakarta has been engulfed in fiery unrest in recent days, as thousands of protesters attempted to storm parliament in response to controversial changes to election laws. In September 2023, MintPress News revealed leaked files from the National Endowment for Democracy, suggesting that this CIA-linked organization has built an extensive network of political, media, and civil society infrastructure in Indonesia aimed at facilitating regime change. After years of fostering insurrectionary fervor in the country, has the NED’s influence finally reached a boiling point? MintPress News is republishing the following groundbreaking investigation by Kit Klarenberg as events in Indonesia once again come to the fore.

Widodo’s candidacy also reportedly stimulated Indonesia’s stock market and Rupiah currency due to his sparkling political and economic record. One might think burnishing the country’s finances to such a degree through sheer force of personality would make him an ideal leader from Washington’s perspective. Yet, the President has also prioritized “protecting Indonesia’s sovereignty” and limiting overseas influence in Jakarta. Moreover, he pursues an intensely independent foreign policy, much to the U.S. Empire’s chagrin.

Widodo has encouraged leaders of Muslim states to reconcile and pushed for Palestinian independence. His Foreign Minister visits Palestine but refuses to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. He has also distributed sizable aid to oppressed Muslims abroad. Most egregiously, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he flew to both countries and urged their leaders to seek peace. When Jakarta hosted the G20 Summit that year, he invited not only Zelensky but Putin to attend despite fierce Western criticism.

Widodo is now preparing to leave office, his constitutionally-mandated terms over, and personal approval ratings at all-time highs. His departure creates a clean political slate, which NED is eager to fill. Mercifully, a repeat of the intelligence agency-orchestrated slaughter that brought Suharto to power decades ago appears unlikely. But the leaked documents obtained by MintPress News make clear the U.S. Empire is preparing to pull off another coup in Jakarta under the aegis of “democracy promotion.”

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Hello from Indonesia

I live in east borneo and while people complain about government on social media, no one is actually organizing or attempting to do anything


most politically active dayak fag


>no one is actually organizing or attempting to do anything
In what regard? Like they're not attempting to prevent a coup or they're not attempting to do a coup?


What do people think of Sukarno and Suharto? Do they even know who they are?


they're not attempting to prevent a coup


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Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.
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>I got blackpilled and like men
Holy based gayanon


liberalism isnt fascism because liberalism enshrines rights and individualism and fascism doesnt


Liberalism = fascism. At least in its current state. At least in US and Canada the explicitly liberal governments are aiding and abetting a literal genocide, and are imperialistically expanding NATO eastward.

To be a liberal is to be an idealist without regard for the material reality of the world, and not caring about the present nature of liberal governments. Instead liberals try to think of idealistic ways the world should function and expect it to move in that direction.


Nice bait


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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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today a girl complimented me on my fashion 🥹


whats the point of this life shit


this life shit don't be making sense


The reason my posts don't get replies is because my gangstalkers are using hacks to hide my posts.


I got my dick sucked by a trans woman and didn't realize it until later. I just thought she was a tall ugly woman.


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Material explanation for the rise in transgender mass shooters?
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autists are prone to social contagion like transgenderism or incelism. It's easy to see how there's a rise in incel and troon shootings when it's mostly autists who perpetrate these types of attacks on the working class.


As an autist, I can wholeheartedly agree. Alot of our radical politics nowadays are populated by autists or autist-like folks.
Ans theyre not all male


Killing autistic people is a eugenical stance and therefor not leftist


nobody suggested that.
But I dont think its wise to allow autistics to breed.


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Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century: planting bombs, assassinating rulers, organizing radical unions
Anarchists today: wear leather jackets and doc martins, listen to Sex Pistols, maybe they'll spray paint some graffiti, otherwise do absolutely nothing

Not saying they were always engaged in effective activity (Propaganda of the Deed is the dumbest revolutionary strategy ever), but at least the original anarchists actually did something. It seems like in every lefty org I've been in the anarchists are the ones least likely to roll up their sleeves and actually get some work done.

What happened?
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It's hard to be an anarchist when you're a NEET who can't survive without government handouts.


I mean, there are still anarchist communes, and I think that's a very good thing, and anarchists seem to be good at it. And I could be wrong here, but I get the impression that anarchists have been among those helping to generally up the game when it comes to… anti-police activity. That said, this all is still obvious steps down, but it's more than the shallow stereotype alluded to in yr post.

I don't think punk was solely responsible, but "punk" politics are, and always have been, stupid, yeah. The punk "movement" is heavily romanticized as revolutionary when in reality it was mostly a bunch of aimless nihilists. It was firmly attached to an aesthetic identity, to youth and 'edge,' and this made most political expressions very shallow and juvenile even in cases where they were sincere.


This. Same applied to gangster rap, which is the black mans punk.
i think punk and gangster rap have ruined the avenues of youth engagement into politics.
Also alot of the avid hardcore fans of both genres are over twenty-five.


How'd it go?


interesting connection never thought of it like that but it's true. What would you consider fake norse shit like heilung and varg? nazi gangsta rap?


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All women are normies.
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They're calling you a cocksucker and relieving their itchy butts on your gaystick. Scratching with your hand is very unhygienic.


And they both define the same thing anyway


Yeah apparently they just look at you. I have never, ever known this. But I have had a few women be more forward and it's always an ick for me (because they're really bad at picking up guys), I just wish I knew about the looking thing.

Basically for men unattractive women are seen as annoying. But women don't even see unattractive men, it's like they aren't there. So if you catch one actually looking at you, that's a green flag to go talk to her!


people refer to teens as adolescent or pubescents without much distinction.


When men choose to be single they are labeled lonely, but when women choose to be single they get called empowered.


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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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Kids should pay their mothers for meals.


Then youd have to give them wage labor to pay mom for meals.
But then youd say thats child abuse


Then they should be paid for going to school


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commies can't argue against pic related


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I don't understand how the military industrial complex creates value.

If it doesn't create value I don't think the USA would keep spending money on it, and I don't think the owners of it would be getting more and more rich.

But value is created by socially necessary labour time, and making military stuff doesn't seem to be socially necessary. How can burning so much fuel and exploding ordinance and building vehicles and stuff actually generate value if at the end of the day it just goes poof into a cloud of smoke?

Is it just a tool to extract value from other countries?

I asked chatGPT and it suggested that the MIC is actually a tool to realize value from surplus, by creating an artificial demand for the surplus that's created. That was a very good point I think.
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Well that's true, and computers and internet and GPS are all military developments, so I guess there's some tie-in to what people actually find socially necessary.

So I guess it depends on the point of view: if it's from the POV of the bourgeoisie, the military is necessary, so they fund it. But from the proletariat point of view it is a surplus resource sink and a tool of imperialism. Then most of the military is a waste of human life.

However that still leaves me confused: what is being created by this industry? Of course we can tally up how many human hours work for the MIC, but is it or is it not work that goes into creating value? And if it's not (because it's not SNLT) what is being created?


>So I guess it depends on the point of view: if it's from the POV of the bourgeoisie, the military is necessary, so they fund it.
Yes but not for every capitalist, the circle of capitalists that benefit is shrinking. Some capitalists are loosing out. We're sort of nearing the end of the age of empires as well, which means that the returns on investment for imperial stuff are going to shrink and eventually it'll turn into a loss.

>But from the proletariat point of view it is a surplus resource sink and a tool of imperialism. Then most of the military is a waste of human life.

Well the world has anarchy between states, so you can't do without some amount of military, but yeah upholding a imperial system that's a drain. That's why all empires fall.

>However that still leaves me confused: what is being created by this industry?

Like you said there's some technological offshoots. Politically i think the current crisis period will "produce" more assertive pacifism.

>Of course we can tally up how many human hours work for the MIC, but is it or is it not work that goes into creating value? And if it's not (because it's not SNLT) what is being created?

You need work to create value, but the reverse is not necessarily true, not all expenditure of work creates value. For example all the human effort expended for the 2 decades of Afghanistan forever-war yielded roughly nothing. All the dead/maimed and all the grind that went into it, poof.


It doesn't create value.
Eisenhower was calling out the two obvious threat to what had taken over the US, that he was tasked with representing. Aristocracy fears a military coup - this is the most obvious way the nascent globalization project would be destroyed at home - and it fears industry that is not in service to aristocracy. and technological values not lining up to aristocratic desires.

In effect, he was calling for the MIC to not be independent of the true ruling power, and appealing to factions in the US public that were more amenable to seeing the militarists as a threat than the aristocratic project.


The military is most unnecessary though. It's well known that most of these weapons platforms will be obsolete and scrapped without seeing significant use, and their use as a deterrent is questionable. The purpose of all of the military apparati in the past century has been primarily defensive. The German war plan during the Nazi period was no exception. Retards think "offense won", but the Germans expected that if they did not engineer the swift victory backed by internal coup, they were going to have to continue pressing, and defend the Nazi imperatives. It just so happened the Nazi imperatives weren't "defending Germany", but defending their stolen hoards of gold as the rats slinked off and left the German people to eat shit.


If you took these weapons for an offensive war, they get utterly destroyed against any half-competent defensive strategy. Setting up a modern war entails a ridiculous setup of siegeworks before the war begins, logistic expectations of what will result from it, and limited war aims. General war becomes far too difficult to control or predict, and no one is in the business of throwing away their big and expensive military because it's a freeroll.

One reason why it was a fools' errand to believe Bush would attack Iran (aside from there being nothing to gain and the known existence of the Iran-Contra network).


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Is anime for losers?

Discuss this sociological question. Maybe there's a class-based explanation?
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>But what about artistic integrity?
Don't know an answer to that, not many artists figure out how to make money without compromising.

>What about the youth that consumes this anime?

What about them ?

Young Children copy their parents, if the parents go for intelligent media, their children will too. Teenagers copy their slightly older peers, same dynamic.

So … try to figure out how to make a good community where the good role-models catch on.


the correlation is spurious. Anime attracts autists and autists are losers. Anime is really for children. It's the same way communism is for losers or incelism is for ugly people or transgenderism is for perverts. Autists are everywhere and they stain everything they touch with their ugly retarded perverted self obsession. Autists are a blight on men like bpd is a blight on women.


why areyoy guys so obsesses about sex all the time?
Yes anime has pervy elements but so what?
So does western media.

Why arent you guys concerned about the violence in anime?


>OMG think about the children.

Im so tired of this shallow reacrion towards anything slightly sexual or surreal.
Yet meamwhile, actual violence and euphemistic idealism are oversold.

Moral obsession about the youth is a sign of arrested development.


If anime is for losers, so is western cartoons and live action sitcoms


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 No.149523[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

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LeftyPol allows misandrist posts talking about "Men are expendable, lets be rid of them", but then will ban me for suggesting restriction of procreation based on hereditary and financial conditions.

They will suggest transitioning for incels but get mad at me for criticising the social entitlement for romance and sex.


I you delete the zionist comments in that thread, how will anyone know they're mad?


>criticising the social entitlement for romance and sex

That's some "If I can't have any neither can anyone else" type of selfish shit anon. Get over yourself. (But I don't think you should be banned for having opinions)


>That's some "If I can't have any neither can anyone else" type of selfish shit anon. Get over yourself. (But I don't think you should be banned for having opinions)

Bruh, see what I mean?
Its other people who feel entitled to sex and romance and suggest laws to punish women or men for not liking them.
These people are the ones referring to young adults as grooming victims for getting lucky with some one older while they missed out in their youth.


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Prostitutes, camgirls, e-whores and the like are lumpenproles at best and petty bourg at worst
There is no such thing as "le sex work", only redditors and radlibs think so, and their justification for it is always some idealist idpol riddled nonsense like "womens empowerment"
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Capitalism already did that.


100% spook. Zero substance.

>Stop defending lumpen proles.
I am a lumpenprole, faggot. What is it with some of you people and thinking everyone you're talking to is a spectator?
>Theyre not all "le misunderstood loners".
>Most lumpenproles are not even victims of ghetto upbringing.
I never said any of this, and it's cartoonish that this is where your thoughts immediately go, like you need some sort of comic book villain backstory to accept that some folks don't get 'normal' work.

>Leftists have a toxic affinity for lumpen proles.

>Yet, they look down on college students whom are law abiding citizens and work dead end jobs and are eager to give what little they have to leftist cause.

I'm fine with both of those groups actually lol.


>100% spook. Zero substance.

Provide proof.

>I am a lumpenprole, faggot. What is it with some of you people and thinking everyone you're talking to is a spectator?

Because most people are spectators.

>I never said any of this, and it's cartoonish that this is where your thoughts immediately go, like you need some sort of comic book villain backstory to accept that some folks don't get 'normal' work.

Are you born disabled or in a socioeconomic bind that makes you unable to pursue "normal work"?

>I'm fine with both of those groups actually lol.

Youre a rarity. Most people are too moony for former delinquents.


Because the nuclear family is kinda bourg. Most families were extended and had communities that were like extra cousins.

Also, irony is, alot of whores come from nuclear families.


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These kinds of people are literally just black chuds, they worship "black owned businesses", they have their own black version of schizo-tier race science (Yakub), are religious extremists (just Muslim instead of Christian), are often antisemitic, homophobic, etc., and essentially just want a Fourth Reich but in Africa ("Pan-Africanism"). Basically take any /pol/ talking point but replace "Jews" with "whites" and "Europe" with "Africa". There's a reason the American Nazi Party regularly attended Nation of Islam conferences.
How do you get them to realize they have a lot more in common with the white proletariat than the black bourgeosie?
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So what's the political counter to "codifying people" ?


You cannot. Until these uyghurs will actually get shredded 4 long enough in stupid identoid wars they would never ever want 2 see themselves as humans & not fucking uyghurs or chingchongs or wh@ever. something something dialectical materialism or some shit
Also, don't ask mr. Lemmin on the "pan-" faggotry question or else these shitskin bourg simps will hang & you will get thrown in jail by the former slaveowner families 4 disordering their diversity of conflict‒their greatest strength.

>ma massa blacq

>ayooo bixnood hyperuyghea kangz slaves (wiet) n shieeeeeet


you are consistently the worst poster on this site


Still not worse than the schizo who fills threads up with walls of garbage.


Dont you dare talk about Eugene like that.



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America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
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You sound retarded


this is why I dont like imageboard users. You all have serious problems dealing with reality.

Yankee logic: communism = oppression.

People call anything they dont like "socialist".


The user you were replying to was talking about unionization and socialist organization. Those things have recently increased in the US. Get a basic grip on what's being discussed.
American mass media is, at this point, far to the right of the general public.


Should America be saved?


Does America WANT TO BE saved?


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My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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Do you agree that romance and sex are oversold as entitlements of adulthood?
That most people fail in romatic love because theyve been taught wrong about love being some fatalistic innocent effect that just happens rather than being based on sociobiological endowments?

Society tells young people tgat "looks dont matter" in the game of love.
They tell young people to "be yourself".

Yet, young people whom are plain in looks amd wit are looked down upon.

Theyre left to rot lonely and awkward.
They find love in middle age when theyre already burned out and stuck in a dead end job to some damaged goods


>It's very telling that women are told to emphasize their "market value" or a eugenic sense of civic worth with their whole person, and this dominates all messaging to women and about women. So insidious is the messaging that when we think of women as anything but this, we're "objectifying them", while this treatment that is mandated and glorified and emphasized is somehow not objectifying. Then a guy figures out that women are, you know, objects of affection who won't actually love them back, and decides to make the most of it, and this isn't good enough either. It's all designed to emphasize who's in the orgy club and who isn't, and everyone who condones it is a complete piece of shit.

Blame chivalry.

Also, its not really the fault of women they ended up like this.

Theyre just as hurt and confused.


Most of the world doesn't go in for "romance". Talk to married guys and they are miserable and regret it. They will try to say it's for the kids and hold on to that, if they can, except now eugenics is taking your kids and punishing parents for any kindness or decency that once existed. They're not going to stop until all of humanity is as Satanic as them.

>They tell young people to "be yourself".

>Yet, young people whom are plain in looks amd wit are looked down upon.

That cult of selfishness stuff is literally the Nazi ideology. It's alarming how this was asserted and we weren't allowed to say no or say what it was - how standards of comparison were destroyed, making the Nazis appear fantastical. Now there are a few shmaltzy ads coming out telling us how Nazis were actually good, that Hitler made a paradise on Earth. It's disgusting. If you opposed it, you were accused of "promoting degeneracy".
This is what I mean by the eugenic creed. It's not a rehash of the Nazis carried out mindlessly. That's what eugenics always creates, wherever it inhabits institutions. It went on for too long.

Really though, people don't need to be much to be acceptable. At the end of the day, any penis will do. The one thing that would make this tolerable - any sort of genuine affection and kindness - is haram under the eugenic creed. Anything that would allow a family to form has become unseemly and "creepy". The only "exceptional" traits that are valued are the traits of perverts who insinuate what others are allowed to be. Eugenics only had to select for such people and impose their ultraviolent, Satanic religion on the world, and wait us out. We were told to "stand and die" as they did this.

Love is a very simple thing. In another world, I could have shown it to human beings, but it is not to be. Not in this life. I can only show that indirectly through things and whatever world can exist outside of society - or rather, outside of this beast which is now called "society". The sick thing is that there are all sorts of hiding places where we did retain anything to love, and all of them are aggressively destroyed by the same insinuation and faggotry.

I know what you mean, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>That cult of selfishness stuff is literally the Nazi ideology. It's alarming how this was asserted and we weren't allowed to say no or say what it was - how standards of comparison were destroyed, making the Nazis appear fantastical. Now there are a few shmaltzy ads coming out telling us how Nazis were actually good, that Hitler made a paradise on Earth. It's disgusting. If you opposed it, you were accused of "promoting degeneracy".
This is what I mean by the eugenic creed. It's not a rehash of the Nazis carried out mindlessly. That's what eugenics always creates, wherever it inhabits institutions. It went on for too long.

Ive noticed this as well.
Even before my political phase, I notice tgat Nazis were always glamorosed.
I heard people s at ing Hitler was a misunderstood genius, that Jewish elites were making him look bad because he opposed the international bankers.
Hell, nowadays, "nazi" as an insult is reclaimed as comical or endearing.
Meanwhile, "commie" is considered evil.
People view communism with worse fear and loathing than Nazism.
Anything that interferes with personal convenience is wrongfully called communism.


>Most of the world doesn't go in for "romance". Talk to married guys and they are miserable and regret it. They will try to say it's for the kids and hold on to that, if they can, except now eugenics is taking your kids and punishing parents for any kindness or decency that once existed. They're not going to stop until all of humanity is as Satanic as them.

Again, its fucked up that society overpromotes romantic love and family planning as the only route of adulthood.

Because of it,too many adults throw away their potential for a participation trophy.
Most child-rearing adults, especially nowadays, often are terrible life coaches.

Society reduces children to being bipedal pets that are only barely tolerated.

Meanwhile, single childless adults are looked down upon as leeches.
They ruin many bachelors who couldve made a legacy doing scientific research or trades or culinary/agrarian arts.


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>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
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funnily, these jewish (probably zio) scholars argue that merchant of venice is not in fact antisemitic


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Le Colonization


All Arabs =/= All Palestinians

If I shoot up white family and then shoot up a black family, does that cancel out the families being shot? No. They are still two families that got shot.


Also doesn't address Israel's policy towards their neighbors, including the Palestinian state.


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I don't feel bad for Arab settlers.


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is his life over?
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We should pay EDP445 to post here


EDP445 Endorses Trump For 2024!


Is EDP our guy?

>vehemently opposes and intensely dislikes the Democrats

>supports gun rights



Alot of washed has-beens/reactionaries side with Trump


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What have YOU been doing for the last 8 months, anon
>Nm just chillin with the boys


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Fuck this place



(he never got a reply)


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 No.10032[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

Board Logs
View different board logs by changing the end of the url
221 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


suggestion: make the site as fast as soyjak party


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It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.
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lol @ Hexbear rooting for them, only for that person to turn around and become a Soc Dem Vote-Blue-No-Matter-Who pro-Ukraine Bidenite like Vaush and Destiny


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>>7371 (Me)
This is an outrage. How could any self-respecting person visit these kind of sites?


>Making up shit about leftcels to coverup their own pedos


>>7371 (Myself)
Disgusting. "Left' cels should be ashamed of themselves. Shame!


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Thoughts on this poetry?


>3rd video
>We never dated but I can't get over you
Yikerino, real entitlement energy hours


anybody else enjoy it when women cry?


damn, what happened, i thought yall hated women

so much for schadenfraude

you do know that normies/women read incel spaces to get their schadenfraude laughs in? i vividly remember twitter posts saying such. this is why you must be as inflammatory as possible.

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