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R: 7 / I: 0

Big wins for Wagenknecht's party

In only six months, Sahra Wagenknecht's new party has BTFO'd the remnants of Die Linke and is already the 3rd most popular party in recent German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. Is she gonna do it, anons? Can Germany be saved after all?
R: 465 / I: 79

Ukraine 3.0

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

Pro-Ukraine sources:
Everywhere else
R: 112 / I: 15

Hawaii's on fire

Maui fires raise questions over warnings, death toll hits 80

"MAALAEA, Hawaii, Aug 11 (Reuters) - The death toll from the Maui wildfires rose to 80 on Friday as search teams combed through the smoldering ruins of Lahaina, and Hawaiian officials sought to determine how the inferno spread so rapidly through the historic resort town with little warning.

The fires became the deadliest natural disaster in the state's history, surpassing that of a tsunami that killed 61 people on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1960, a year after Hawaii joined the United States.

Officials have warned that search teams with cadaver dogs could still find more dead from the fire that torched 1,000 buildings and left thousands homeless, likely requiring many years and billions of dollars to rebuild.

"Nobody has entered any of these structures that have burned down and that's where we unfortunately anticipate that the death toll will rise significantly," U.S. Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii told MSNBC.

In a late evening statement, Maui County said that the death toll had risen to 80.

The Lahaina fire that spread from the brush to town was still burning but 85% contained, the county said earlier. Two other wildfires on the island were 80% and 50% contained.

Three days after the disaster, it remained unclear whether some residents had received any warning before the fire engulfed their homes.

The island has emergency sirens intended to warn of natural disasters and other threats, but they did not appear to have sounded during the fire.

"I authorized a comprehensive review this morning to make sure that we know exactly what happened and when," Hawaii Governor Josh Green told CNN, referring to the warning sirens.

Officials have not offered a detailed picture of precisely what notifications were sent out, and whether they were done via text message, email or phone calls.

Green described multiple, simultaneous challenges, with telecommunications down and firefighters concentrating on other major wildfires when the greatest threat to Lahaina arose.

In any event, he said, "We will do all that we can to find out how to protect our people more going forward."

Maui County Fire Chief Bradford Ventura said at a press conference on Thursday that the fire's speed made it "nearly impossible" for frontline responders to communicate with the emergency management officials who would typically provide real-time evacuation orders.

"They were basically self-evacuating with fairly little notice," he said, referring to residents of the neighborhood where the fire initially struck."

R: 3 / I: 2

American Communist Party /ACP/ General

Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?

R: 218 / I: 60

Israel 'at war' as Hamas gunmen launch surprise attack from Gaza Thread Pt. V

Continued from >>481432

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 39,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Reports in the Israeli press confirmed that the IDF implemented a 'mass Hannibal Directive' on October 7th, knowingly and purposefully killing many of its civilians and turning the Gaza border into an 'extermination zone' to prevent hostages from being taken alive.

The US Congress invited Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak. Tens of thousands demonstrated in DC, blockaded roads, and pulled mischief at the Watergate Hotel, but apparently failed to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes. Many were met with pepper spray and tear gas. At least 96 congress members boycotted the speech. Ahead of the visit, the Center for Constitutional Rights called for the DOJ to investigate Netanyahu for genocide, war crimes, and torture as required by US law. Simultaneous demonstrations occurred in other parts of the US and Canada.

A deal for a "national unity government" between the Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas was brokered in Beijing.

The International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion on the legal status of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, as requested in 2022. It found that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, its occupation is illegal, and its activity in Gaza & the West Bank has continued to constitute a de facto occupation even after the IDF ostensibly withdrew in the '00s. It also confirmed that supporting Israeli apartheid and illegal occupation is illegal.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, nearly shutting down the Israeli port of Eilat. A Yemeni drone struck a building near the US embassy branch office in Tel Aviv on July 19th. This was followed by direct Israeli airstrikes on the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

Demonstrators have continued to blockade and damage arms factories manufacturing weapons for Israel in the UK.

The Center for Constitutional Rights appealed the jurisdictional dismissal of the genocide complicity lawsuit against President Joe Biden; the appellate argument was scheduled for June 10th, and was rejected.

More countries recognized Palestinian statehood, with Ireland, Spain, Norway, Armenia, and Slovenia being the latest.

Hamas agreed to another ceasefire agreement. Following this, Israel refused, and the US tried to blame Hamas. The US then came up with a ceasefire proposal similar to the one Hamas had already agreed to, claimed it was an Israeli proposal (despite Israeli leaders denying their agreement to basic aspects), and proposed it at the UN Security Council after having vetoed or abstained on almost all of the previous proposals. This US-backed proposal passed at the UNSC, but like the previous proposal for a temporary ceasefire for Ramadan, Israel ignored it.

Starvation deaths have continued to increase in Gaza amid Israel's imposed famine.

Israel killed 90+ people in an Israeli-declared safe zone in al-Mawasi and claimed afterwards that they were trying to kill one Qassam Brigades commander. In Nuseirat, at least 276 were killed and 698 injured in the IDF's June Nuseirat refugee camp massacre.

The US stated that the Biden Pier had been decommissioned.

The UK and Germany tried to block the ICC from issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu & Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant. The UK is allegedly going to withdraw its frivolous objection.

The UK resumed funding for UNRWA.

Israel shelled more UN facilities in Gaza.

Hezbollah released drone footage from deep within Israeli territory.

Israeli security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir advocated delaying any more hostage deals until Trump's election.

The US gov't continued shipping weapons to Israel, in violation of US law.

The DOJ launched an investigation into the UAW in a possible political retaliation for the union backing a ceasefire.

The Israeli war cabinet dissolved following Netanyahu's refusal to provide a clear Gaza plan. The Israeli supreme court ruled that ultra-orthodox Jews, many of whom are religiously opposed to Zionism, are no longer exempt from conscription, causing political upheaval.

Attacks on US bases in Iraq over US support of the genocide in Gaza have resumed following a previous Iranian-encouraged pause.

And much, much more!
R: 89 / I: 25

It's Friday Night Boyos.

Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
R: 3 / I: 1

whine thread

A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.
R: 186 / I: 75

Incel News II: Return of the Ugly

First Incel News General archived here:
R: 2 / I: 1

Nostalgia Check

Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.
R: 10 / I: 0

you all MUST think like me

The bleach-breeding-program guy here. You folk should embrace my way of thinking. Recently my head have been emotional and my heart more resolute. I am now capable of being angry all the time, which in turn cause me to have firmness of purpose, or whatever native English speaker called it. Every time I see a White and Non-White couple, I become angry. Every time I see a mixed person, be it children's or adults, I become angry. Every time I see a White and Ethnic White couple. I become angry. Every time I see some Uzbek, Mongol, Chinese, and the likes, individual or in family, I become angry. Every time I see a pretty woman of my own kind and skin, I become angry. There is this one time where YouTube recommend me a short about a artist (celebrity) woman dating a really fair and really White guy, my reaction to it are anger, hate, and malice even. If anyone here who is reading this have already read my posts about the bleach breeding program, then you might understands what and why I felt the way I felt. Anyway, as for the reason why I am telling all of you this and why you folks need to think like me. It would be WAY easier to do revolutions, establish a regime, and convince the masses to do it IF we tell and indoctrinate workers, activist, civilians and and the likes about the bleach breeding program.

ORG banned me for posting this. They banned me after about 2-3 minutes of the thread being posted
R: 6 / I: 0

Possible Indonesian coup incoming

Editor’s Note: Jakarta has been engulfed in fiery unrest in recent days, as thousands of protesters attempted to storm parliament in response to controversial changes to election laws. In September 2023, MintPress News revealed leaked files from the National Endowment for Democracy, suggesting that this CIA-linked organization has built an extensive network of political, media, and civil society infrastructure in Indonesia aimed at facilitating regime change. After years of fostering insurrectionary fervor in the country, has the NED’s influence finally reached a boiling point? MintPress News is republishing the following groundbreaking investigation by Kit Klarenberg as events in Indonesia once again come to the fore.

Widodo’s candidacy also reportedly stimulated Indonesia’s stock market and Rupiah currency due to his sparkling political and economic record. One might think burnishing the country’s finances to such a degree through sheer force of personality would make him an ideal leader from Washington’s perspective. Yet, the President has also prioritized “protecting Indonesia’s sovereignty” and limiting overseas influence in Jakarta. Moreover, he pursues an intensely independent foreign policy, much to the U.S. Empire’s chagrin.

Widodo has encouraged leaders of Muslim states to reconcile and pushed for Palestinian independence. His Foreign Minister visits Palestine but refuses to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. He has also distributed sizable aid to oppressed Muslims abroad. Most egregiously, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he flew to both countries and urged their leaders to seek peace. When Jakarta hosted the G20 Summit that year, he invited not only Zelensky but Putin to attend despite fierce Western criticism.

Widodo is now preparing to leave office, his constitutionally-mandated terms over, and personal approval ratings at all-time highs. His departure creates a clean political slate, which NED is eager to fill. Mercifully, a repeat of the intelligence agency-orchestrated slaughter that brought Suharto to power decades ago appears unlikely. But the leaked documents obtained by MintPress News make clear the U.S. Empire is preparing to pull off another coup in Jakarta under the aegis of “democracy promotion.”

R: 8 / I: 1

Liberalism thread

Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.
R: 346 / I: 72

Feels Thread

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
R: 6 / I: 1

Material explanation for the rise in transgender mass shooters?
R: 8 / I: 0

What happened?

Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century: planting bombs, assassinating rulers, organizing radical unions
Anarchists today: wear leather jackets and doc martins, listen to Sex Pistols, maybe they'll spray paint some graffiti, otherwise do absolutely nothing

Not saying they were always engaged in effective activity (Propaganda of the Deed is the dumbest revolutionary strategy ever), but at least the original anarchists actually did something. It seems like in every lefty org I've been in the anarchists are the ones least likely to roll up their sleeves and actually get some work done.

What happened?
R: 24 / I: 2

Women want comfort.

All women are normies.
R: 526 / I: 393

Post here each time you visit the site

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
R: 7 / I: 0

Marxist view of the Military Industrial Complex

I don't understand how the military industrial complex creates value.

If it doesn't create value I don't think the USA would keep spending money on it, and I don't think the owners of it would be getting more and more rich.

But value is created by socially necessary labour time, and making military stuff doesn't seem to be socially necessary. How can burning so much fuel and exploding ordinance and building vehicles and stuff actually generate value if at the end of the day it just goes poof into a cloud of smoke?

Is it just a tool to extract value from other countries?

I asked chatGPT and it suggested that the MIC is actually a tool to realize value from surplus, by creating an artificial demand for the surplus that's created. That was a very good point I think.
R: 11 / I: 3

Is anime for losers?

Discuss this sociological question. Maybe there's a class-based explanation?
R: 180 / I: 56

.ogre discussion general.

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

R: 16 / I: 0

"Sex work" isn't real

Prostitutes, camgirls, e-whores and the like are lumpenproles at best and petty bourg at worst
There is no such thing as "le sex work", only redditors and radlibs think so, and their justification for it is always some idealist idpol riddled nonsense like "womens empowerment"
R: 7 / I: 0

How do we steer black workers away from idpol and towards class consciousness?

These kinds of people are literally just black chuds, they worship "black owned businesses", they have their own black version of schizo-tier race science (Yakub), are religious extremists (just Muslim instead of Christian), are often antisemitic, homophobic, etc., and essentially just want a Fourth Reich but in Africa ("Pan-Africanism"). Basically take any /pol/ talking point but replace "Jews" with "whites" and "Europe" with "Africa". There's a reason the American Nazi Party regularly attended Nation of Islam conferences.
How do you get them to realize they have a lot more in common with the white proletariat than the black bourgeosie?
R: 33 / I: 5

America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
R: 69 / I: 19

Eugene-lit 2.0

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
R: 91 / I: 77

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
R: 7 / I: 1


is his life over?
R: 2 / I: 1

What have YOU been doing for the last 8 months, anon
>Nm just chillin with the boys
R: 222 / I: 24 (sticky)

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

Board Logs
View different board logs by changing the end of the url
R: 58 / I: 7

Why has nobody revived /leftcel/?

It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.
R: 3 / I: 0

Thoughts on this poetry?
R: 198 / I: 28

Uglycels are worthless in society

Reminder if you are not a chad women will not take any interest in anything you say or do, no matter how remarkable it is. How do I know? I used to be 'the hot kid' for a year or two in my teens and became average after I grew older. Though I never scored with a chick because I was an autist, here's the kind of shit that used to happen.

-Girls would ooh and ahh when I walked past, some pinched me trying to get my attention
-girls would 'sneakily' follow me everywhere and try to catch a glimpse of me
-one girl would pretend to use a makeup mirror to spy on me
-Girls would approach me and try to start conversations even though I was an introvert and had nothing to say
-Neighbor used to invite me out to hang out with her and would rub my hair
-girls would giggle around me in class and try to rub my hair
-Female hs teachers gave me better grades and tried to hangout with me after class
-girls would openly compliment me call me sexy in class etc
-if I went to my friends house his sister would try flirting with me, laugh at my jokes even if I made none, always try to hover around me

All that shit is gone now, women now will just ignore me/act like I dont exist at parties. Will not bother talking to me or taking any interest, never find my jokes funny or compliment me etc.

The cold reality is if you're not a chad women dont really have any reason to give a fuck about you and you will always be friendzoned at best. They don't really give a shit about your personality, it's all a halo effect from your attractiveness. No amount of hairstyles, confidence, style etc will change anything unless your face is attractive. And if you do somehow score a gf, she will hop branches, never have true sexual attraction towards you, sex will be lame etc. There is no 'type,' only a singular hot chad and if you were in the 5% you would.

People will always be a slave to their biology, anything else is cope.
R: 16 / I: 3

Who was in the right? And is Britbong really like this?
R: 16 / I: 1

Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments | Scientific Reports

Tell me how autism isn't a curse…
R: 3 / I: 0

what's the explanation for forgetting something 1 second after thinking of it?
R: 167 / I: 110

NEETS thread

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
R: 3 / I: 0

nazbol femboy spotted at dnc

I hate you people. look what you've done.
R: 2 / I: 0

The New Yorker Publishes 2005 Haditha, Iraq Massacre Photos

From Democracy Now!:
After nearly two decades of obstruction by the U.S. military, The New Yorker has obtained and published 10 photos of the aftermath of the 2005 Haditha massacre, when U.S. marines killed 24 Iraqi civilians in revenge for an IED bombing that killed a service member. The graphic images show dead Iraqi men, women and children, many of them shot in the head at close range. The victims ranged in age from 3 to 76. Release of the photos came only after producers of the investigative podcast In the Dark sued the Navy, the Marine Corps and U.S. Central Command to force them to turn over the photos and other records. "What the photos clearly show is that these were innocent people who do not appear to be doing anything threatening at the time of their deaths," says Madeleine Baran, host and lead reporter of the podcast. Four marines were charged for the killings, but the charges were dismissed in three cases, and the last ended with a plea deal that did not result in a single day in prison. Baran says the survivors of the massacre, who cooperated with producers to get the photos released, are still waiting for justice. "What they want is the world to know what happened to their family, to know that their family were good people, not insurgents, and they want justice," she says.
R: 355 / I: 320

/webm/ thread

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
R: 4 / I: 0

Brazilian Politics

Remember when people thought this guy was some kind of lefty?
R: 13 / I: 2

its over for autistic males
R: 64 / I: 6

What should the age of consent be?

In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
R: 12 / I: 13

"I Took A Fan On a Date"

Jesus fuck. This is painful to watch. How can someone be this pathetic I'm astonished

If he was my son i'd kill him and then commit sui what a disgrace
R: 55 / I: 19

Imageboard and Chan General

This will be a dedicated thread for sharing and showcasing and reaching out to other, smaller, communities and chans so that we can all help and boost one another.
Imageboards and imageboard culture is important we like to believe. Anonymous culture on the internet allows for the, more or less, free flow of ideas in the general public and for beliefs and those ideas to be challenged.

We hold these values closely here at leftychan. We also have noticed an uptick in spam, so, to anyone looking to advertise your board this is a space to do so. The only thing we would ask is the same privilege from you in return! Thank you! Enjoy~
R: 17 / I: 1

how do stop losing wizards to the right?
R: 22 / I: 2


General for all Nintendo Games and Nintendo related discussion!
R: 46 / I: 137

thinspo, pro-ana, pro-mia thread

Talk about how to live with anorexia/bulimia and make people not notice.
Post thinspiration, restrictive diets, what you eat in a day, extreme workouts, etc.

The following links may be outdated:


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
R: 4 / I: 0

protect your peace

protect your peace, beware the energy leech
R: 2 / I: 0


Fermilab is a big atom-smasher particle-accelerator physics research project, in the US.It's no longuer the biggest project of this type, the currently biggest is the LHC in Switzerland. Threat-title is a Swiss-French speaking physicist quip about that. The biggest smasher under construction is in China

The fermilab had an interesting research project for neutrinos, and sort of was the front-runner in that area. However they had funding problems and might not be able to continue and there was some drama as well. There was a death and some close calls too.

Neutrinos are very light, low energy particles that don't interact much and hence can pass through matter without getting blocked. They occur naturally in the sun's core as a byproduct of nuclear fusion, but they are also generated by technology without nuclear reactions.

These neutrinos have interesting technological applications.
high power applications: is a neutrino-ray-cannon that can disable nukes by making them cook-off with 1-5% of their specified yield. Regardless where the nuke is or how fast it's going. No matter of shielding or how deep they are buried/submerged. It also doesn't do damage to anything else, so there's no political complications.
low power application is neutrino based communications. Those could become very energy efficient and no longer suffer from signal degradation from passing through objects (including the entire earth). So you can send signals to somebody on the other side of the planet by pointing the neutrino transmitter straight down. Jamming neutrino transmission would be impractical. The military obviously wants this for their ships, subs, bunkers and bases, the first generation of such devices (derived from research instruments see picture) would be super bulky , and likely limited to such niche applications. However eventually could be shrunk down to fit very small electronic devices.

I wonder whether this project is being sabotaged because the anti-nuke-ray would finish off the nuclear weapons industry, and neutrino communications would use a different more 3 dimensional network-topology and reshuffle the deck in communications, upstarts could potentially up-root the entrenched 2 dimensional telecoms.

Fermilab isn't the only research project that's doing neutrinos, so if this was industrial wreckers, they just delayed it a bit.

What do you think did somebody fuck with fermilab ?
R: 129 / I: 28

Nuclear War

The nuclear threat is back. But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s. Why is that? Why does nobody care?

I am not some prepper retard but even I am getting nervous.

Just look at this shit
A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight
>This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
>As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in August, the world has entered “a time of nuclear danger not seen since the height of the Cold War.”

and also this
US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia


>The US conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada just hours after Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing, prompting concerns of a new arms race between the world’s top nuclear powers.

So, are you going to PROTECT AND SURVIVE, anon? Or are you just going to give up everything and die?
R: 3 / I: 1

Pure Distilled Sectarian Essence

Was Bordiga right?

I have to admit some of his arguments are compelling. It certainly does seem to be the case that an unprincipled "popular front" just leads to liberals taking control of your revolution and directing it away from anticapitalism. At the same time history seems to have been very unkind to his strategy. Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power. Bordiga seemed very satisfied in interviews towards the end, that he had remained ideologically pure throughout his long life. Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.

Maybe there's no effective answer to the problems he identified? Are we supposed to just kick back in our armchairs and wait for capitalism to devour itself in the end?
R: 80 / I: 5

US elections

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
R: 5 / I: 0

What the fuck is going on in France?

Seriously wtf
Is Macron dictator for life now? What's happening? What's going on?
R: 153 / I: 59

/soy/ - soyjak general

non coal edition

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/pDgN6

Soycraft 1.16.5
R: 14 / I: 6

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TSCC or TTSCC)

Whoever has been posting about this show, thanks but also fuck you. Why'd they have to cancel this show? It was fun and thrilling and sometimes surprisingly deep and charming/endearing. Summer Glau's character is one of the most fascinating and perfect fictional characters I've ever known. Sometimes I wish Terminator was real because of her even though it might mean the end of humanity.. *laments*
R: 9 / I: 0

How does the left deal with the fact we've completely lost the online sphere as well?
>All social media/forums taken over by establishment bootlicking Neolibs.
>Young male content all alt-right adjacent
>Tankie has become a mainstream insult against anyone left of Obama/Blair
>Basic left wing positions are now claimed to be wrecking/unrealistic by majority of "progressives" that supported them just 4 years ago.
>Left wing outlets censored from social media, journalists arrested or blacklisted.
>Left wing forums completely overrun by insane idpollers who worm their way into mod positions and ban anyone who doesn't bow down to their libshit
>Dirtbag left media ecosphere is dead
How does the left deal with this? Online is incredibly important for information dissemination but the left has been effectively pushed out of the Online sphere as well. Dead IRL and dead online, don't know how the left will crawl back from this tbh.
R: 59 / I: 19

anti idpol "socialists" are so strange. i just found out that dasha from red scare pod, aka sailor socialism, isn't actually a socialist. she's actually a tradcath, and somehow the anti idpol part of the left like her?

since i heard earlier the mods don't typically ban posts like these i would like to have a discussion about this with you people. because how is supporting a tradcath conservative going to bring about communism? I just can't see the through-line here.
R: 467 / I: 120

leftypol.org psyop general

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
R: 4 / I: 0

Prison Political Economy

How does solitary confinement fit into the larger prison industrial complex? It seems to me like it would be rather unprofitable to keep your slaves confined for years at a time, unable to do any productive labor.
R: 9 / I: 2 (sticky)

Site Updates: i2p, Moderation changes, /k/ board & More

This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p or http://leftychan.i2p/

Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.

Other Updates
* Removal of the post counter - This has been hotly debated for a while, but after several failed votes the motion has finally passed.
* Dealing with AI - In light of the recent spam of AI generated prompts and images, we have voted to formally declare AI content exempt from normal moderation procedures. If you believe your post has been misidentified as AI by a mod, please let us know in /meta/.
* IRC now fully functional & bridged with other chats - ircs://irc.leftychan.net:6697/#leftychan
* Creation of a Telegram chat - https://t.me/+RegtyzzrE0M1NDMx

Plans for the coming year
* Continue to encourage freedom of discussion - We have no intention of clamping down on the ability of users to share their personal opinions and views on this site, despite repeated requests to do so. In fact, we plan on widening the variety of topics that can be discussed by unpinning the 'Right wing blood sport' thread (which we have already done) and having conversations about the status of wordfilters.
* The 2024 US election - We believe the upcoming US election will be an excellent opportunity to grow the userbase of the site. We hope for anons with a wide variety of views on the candidates to share their opinions, fostering a culture of debate online that is absent from many other more partisan platforms.
* Maintain our independence from leftypol.org - As predicted, our sister site has continued to go down the path of censorship, adherence to political correctness and moderator tyranny. For these reasons, any kind of reconciliation between the two sites seems impossible for the foreseeable future. Leftychan continues to welcome anons from .org who seek a more enlightened /leftypol/ experience.
R: 1 / I: 1

western media hegemony doomed ?

theory background, skip if you wish
In the cold war the Soviets had a closed media ecosystem with state censors etc. The materialist reason for that is, that their media production could neither match the quantity of output nor the level of technical sophistication of western media production.

The functional aspect of Soviet censorship was doing protectionism. The repression of expression-freedom of soviet citizens was not functional, it likely hampered the development of the means of media production. It likely worked only because the boost from protectionism more than off-set the drag from repression of expression.

This is what most ideological analysis got wrong. What matters is the structures that transport the information and the type of social relations that create the interaction with people. The specifics of the information never mattered.

In feudalism the information structure was the church. The specifics of religious faith, didn't really matter for the functioning of feudalism. The change from feudalism to capitalism changed information from a indoctrinated believe, into a object that is consumed.

We lack any concept of what the socialist information structure could be like. We haven't really thought beyond changing the information content. When the printing presses automated writing, capitalists printed information on paper squares arranged as either news-papers or as books. Socialists only ever did the exact same paper-squares with different words on it. Same thing for every subsequent media technology. That's why socialists have always been on the back-foot. It's like if the bourgeoisie had tried to edit the ten commandments in the bible. Instead of replacing the church with modern media.

Now for the juicy bit
The west is ramping up attempts at censorship. Ranging from deleting content up to attacking the people that make it, as well as attacking capitalists that own means of dissemination. The West has/had a relatively open media ecosystem as well as very high production media quality, and that is the combined reason why it's media structures have absolutely dominated the world.

For unclear reasons they're now trying to throw out the winning strategy and close off the western media eco-system. If it succeeds the global audience would get alienated out of it, and then western media power will shrink from influencing ~4 billion to maybe a few hundred million, continuing on a downwards trajectory.

When (not if) the Chinese figure out they can get that kind of media power by switching their media eco-system to open and largely uncensored. They'll get all that media domination the west has/had. They'll be able to set the structural standards, people all over the world might even learn Chinese to consume Chinese culture, the way people all around the world now learn English to consume western culture.

The amount of soft-power this represents is enormous, it's hard to fathom why anybody would ever give that up.
R: 13 / I: 5

Thoughts on Roblox game 'Dress to Impress'?

Gameplay revolves around each person dressing up according to a theme and people vote whose fashion walk they liked the best, which is related to democracy in Marxism, because of voting.
R: 3 / I: 0

JFK's assassination

Did Oswald act alone?
Or do you believe he really was the patsy?
Which do you think is the more likely scenario?
R: 6 / I: 1

peace game

Peace-negotiations, cease-fire talks, and all the other variants of diplomatic efforts to avoid war, are increasingly "gamed" by the war-monger-gang, towards their ends.

Negotiations for a peace-deal become a pause to restock weapons and re-arm fighters. Peace conferences become a vehicle for political antagonizing or even a venue to form new battle alliances.

Of course it's not a new phenomenon, but recently it's on the rise again.

I think this needs a counter. How do you re-frame diplomacy efforts for peace so that it's not perverted into something else ?

Should peace-talks have as requirement that the warring parties must agree to peace and cessations of hostilities, before the negotiations begin, and the purpose of the negotiation is only about the details of the arrangement ?

One step further would be, for the peace-gang to "game" the structures the war-monger-gang set up to facilitate war, and turn it into a means of pacification. How would one go about doing that ?
R: 412 / I: 70

Alternative chans

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
R: 352 / I: 217

Incel Humor Thread II: Electric Boogaloo

Archive of first Incel Humor Thread:
R: 6 / I: 2

I am a modder for Hearts of Iron IV and I'm currently updating my old mod. My main issue is that I need loading screens/menu screens. The image given is a filler so I'm looking for something different.

The images need to be 1920x1440, and they SHOULD be appropriate to have on the Steam Workshop. Thanks!
R: 26 / I: 5

Single Mothers have devastated the Proletariat

Here's the killshot, single mothers predict how bad crime is in an area NOT POVERTY!
>The proportion of single-parent households in a community predicts its rate of violent crime and burglary, but the community’s poverty level does not. Source: D.A. Smith and G.R. Jarjoura, “Social Structure and Criminal Victimization,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 25. 1988.”
This alone should repudiate feminism in the minds of anyone, left or right. And the high single motherhood rate is the direct result of feminists' sexual revolution that encourages women to be promiscuous which inevitably leads to bastards.
Anyone that's traveled outside of the US can attest to this finding. While no poor area of a city or town is safe. They are not these Falluja style war zones that say Baltimore is.
Eliminating single mothers goes a long long way to eliminating poverty for workers. And it's in the best interest of children, which feminists and women pretend to care about.
These studies were aggregated on https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics. Here are a few other highlights
>“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.” Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
>Effects of Fatherlessness – Teenage Statistics
>63% of all youth suicides,
>70% of all teen pregnancies,
>71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
>80% of all prison inmates, and
>90% of all homeless and runaway children, came from single mother homes.
>Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
>Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)
How does the left, which claims to care about workers, answer for this. This complete lack of accountability for women throughout every sect of anti capitalist ideology.
Every single critic of women's sexual liberation is pilloried as a bitter loser or incel.
All while this same behavior has had a devastating effect on children and communities. Something that would have been blatantly obvious to anyone not brainwashed but none the less we've had scientific proof of for centuries. these studies go back to the 1930's
And yet in every supposed left wing circle if the idea that maybe we should pressure women not to have children out of wedlock because of the obvious downsides, you'll have leftist quote Engels and other feminist toadies on how regressive women not being able to sleep with whoever they wanted would be just like a handmaids tale. And how this is really the fault of the patriarchy somehow.
Since when in your cucked anticapitalists' did women's whoring around become more sacrosanct then children's welfare?
And before someone strawman's me as some CHUD that wants women to go back to the kitchen, I'll say that there's a dozen fucking forms of female birth control now. There's NOTHING to keep women from planning every single one of their pregnancies. Using a pill does not require you to give up your career.
If the left wants any sort of legitimacy they'd openly admonish women that willingly become single mothers. It is not some terrible circumstance that befalls them, it's something completely in their control.
And before someone brings up the recent abortion bans, abortion in the country is no where near abolished, you can still get one and the left should be all in on facilitating it.
The problem is there's not even social pressure to stop these tragic outcomes.
The left needs to answer to this now.
R: 2 / I: 2

Linux Musicians' Thread

Some breakthroughs have led me to finally and definitively abandon microshit's spyware.
I had been staying on wangblows for the audio software but had no idea Linux production had come so far.

My DAW [Renoise] has a fucking excellent native linux version that exceeds WIndows performance in some cases. Grabbing audio to feed into its sampler is easier than ever with youtube-dl and ffmpeg.
yabridge lets you convert Windows VSTs to run through Wine, the ones I've tried have worked seamlessly albeit with a little overhead.
Takes a tiny bit of elbow grease to get it optimized enough for serious use, but it's pretty simple once you get past initial setup and it even supports VST3.

Feels pretty good to be making music on a system I have so much control over, it's actually given me a lot of inspiration to work on new material.
Are you a composer or producer who runs Linux? What's your workflow/software?
R: 4 / I: 1

/zizek/ supercut

Only post bangers

keep the clips short
R: 93 / I: 4

DNC 2024

Happening tomorrow. Who's stoked to see it fall apart?
R: 2 / I: 0

Isreal's prolly fucked

>Jon Elmer. A senior Israeli officer predicts Israel's collapse within a year from attrition

>the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse within no more than a year.

>Terror attacks are intensifying in the West Bank and inside the country,
>the reservist army is voting with its feet following recurring mobilizations of combat soldiers,
>the economy is crashing.
>Israel has also become a pariah state, prompting economic boycotts and an embargo on arms shipments.
>We are also losing our social resilience, as the growing hatred between different parts of the nation threatens to ignite and bring to its destruction from within.

So it appears that the Yahu is ramming Zionstan into the abyss. Iran is probably timing it's retaliation to help that process along.

The upside will be a sharp drop in hollowed out child-skulls, haniballed hostages, murdered journalists and exploding hospitals/schools. I guess the US will swoop in to secure the military bases. It will be a free-for-all mayhem to fill in the political vacuum in "Postrael".

Now the (for us) interesting question: what happens in the west when the Zionist lobby collapses ?

Pic not related
R: 4 / I: 0

face-swap tech


This is a piece of software that does deep-fake face-swaps but it's fast enough to do it live.

While everybody lost their minds over how to use this maliciously.

I think this is some really empowering technology for video creators. It enables super low budget movies to be shot by a very small number of actors that play multiple roles, each with a different fake-face, they can also economize on stuff like make-up and hairdressing (especially for scifi alien foreheads) .

For people that wanna be actors but didn't win the genetic lottery on looks this might be the time to shine. (at least briefly until more advanced tech comes along)

it will also level the playing field for e-thots somewhat.
R: 20 / I: 1


For some reason many people are very reluctant to get vaccines as a means to boost their immune response to hazardous microbes.

There is another solution if we made people with DNA from 6 parents instead of only 2, humans would get a rate of genetic adaptation that should be beyond the maximum rate of adaptation through mutation for viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

This would involve artificial fertilization with 2 normal parents + 4 random DNA donors. For best effect we'd draw DNA donor-samples from the entire planet. As bonus various genetic diseases like mitochondrial dysfunction would get wiped out as well (that's already being treated through tri-parent DNA) , the common cold would probably become a rare occurrence affecting only a very small number of people. Metabolically people would have to expend less energy on immunological function and we'd get a boost in brain-power, muscles and endurance.

It would probably annoy the Eugenics crowd if we did that. To be clear eugenics never had a basis in real biology, so this does not make any material difference, it's just surplus enjoyment of an ideological middle finger.

Practically speaking if you wanted a Hexa-child. You and the other parent would have to give your DNA to the big DNA-lottery and then you get 4 random DNA samples in return.

By the way the medical tech already exists, so for this to become a thing, it only requires organization.

I'm curious if there's any takers ?
R: 7 / I: 0

Are police proles?
R: 17 / I: 3

I've noticed a severe lack of touhou-related threads. Here, let me fix this problem
R: 8 / I: 2


>your type
>describe your favorite way to explain cognition; stacks, circles, etc
>explain where you discovered this way of thinking and why it stuck with you
>what do you seek to gain by discussing typology
>do you actually gain that in these threads

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The test attempts to assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving.

Learn the Basics

Don't know your type? Take a test here:

An introductory article:

Is MBTI - pseudoscience?

Bibliography of Jungian and MBTI derived typology

Explanations of functions:

Additional tests and resources:

A bunch of documents pertaining to Isabel Briggs-Myers life including letters and homeschool workbooks: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/collections/myersbriggs

Big5 OCEAN test

Disclaimer: The problem of MBTI
R: 9 / I: 0

rate my superstructure

A superstructure can be a state for example, but it could also be other structures.

I will split this up and put it all into subsequent posts so its more legible.
R: 24 / I: 30

Leftcel Humiliation caption porn

Leftcels do participate in self flagellation. And their obsession with relationships and sex?

Leftcel humiliation fetish captions.
Tags: femdom, findom, domination, humiliation, beta, beta male, maybe joi, chastity
R: 27 / I: 7

Old Hags

Would you fuck an old hag to ascend? Has anyone here ever been a sugar baby to a sugar mama? Or dated a cougar? What was that like?

What being a male striper or gigalo? Share your experiences here.
R: 31 / I: 17

Imagination posts

Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.
R: 36 / I: 0

The degrees deal

Grad degrees are legit if you have a field with A LOT of information. The higher you go the more specific stuff you learn.

The deal is that getting a BA is kind of exactly like high school. You take the same range of classes and don't focus on much. So, it's like a movie that starts an hour in.

Back in the 30s etc you could become a doctor in like four years, now it takes 12 and doctors don't know that much. I mean a general practitioner.

If a four year degree was specialized, you would not need a masters.

In psychology, they try to wear you out with all you must do. So, it's a money hustle and to keep people out.
R: 1 / I: 0

Mechanical Violator Hakaider

holy fucking based

is this the greatest toku film of all time?
R: 3 / I: 0


When modern women say modern men are shit they are right, when modern men say modern women are shit they are right. With that being said there are only two solutions. Either everybody can individually build themselves up in value, listen to the advice the other gender gives, and not worry about what losers are doing, or they can stop trying to impose standards that they themselves cannot live up to and just settle for someone who is equally as shit as them. Both options require self-reflection and the ability to take accountability which nobody is capable of doing and why scapegoating has become the popular third choice.
R: 219 / I: 36



You will never have your ethnostate
You will never have that race war
You will never have a tradwife gf
You will never lose your virginity
You will never have a chin
You will never bed a woman
You will never be a man
R: 8 / I: 0

intel's fucked

So Intel processors are crapping out and they're already on the financial downturn. Intel might go under or continue on in a diminished fashion.

Many think that the X86 platform will stagnate without the competition between AMD and Intel.

I don't know, but there's always Risk-V, with it being a very open platform, there is nothing stopping anybody from taking a RISC-V design with small low-power cpu cores and adding a few really powerful chunky desktop type cpu cores to it, to make a hybrid processor. Lowering the barrier to entry for companies to make desktop-type processors.
R: 12 / I: 6


feet thread
also: footwear, shoes, socks, etc.
R: 76 / I: 75

TikTok Kino Thread

Post tiktok gems you find, can be screenshots or full videos
R: 21 / I: 7


A video game that nintendo had a legal distribution monopoly on was leaked ahead of the official release. They got really mad about that and they are trying to take it out on the video-game emulation communities, by attacking emulation related software projects on github.

So the lesson here is if you give companies like that money they are going to use it to attack your hobbies. I think this legitimizes "pirating" games because you have no legal option to buy these games without also supporting nintendo's legalistic mafia-terror.

If copy"right" wasn't set up like a monopoly, and you could buy these specific games from any distributor not just nintendo, so that you could choose to buy from non-mafia sellers, it would at least be logically possible to make a case against "piracy". But as long as that's not possible "piracy" is basically just self defense. Keep in mind that nintendo doesn't make games, it's just a legal entity, and not the same as the people that make the games like for example programmers and artists.

Obviously there also is the hole deal with DRM which is total hypocrisy, it basically attacks the concept of personal ownership of your possessions. It's property-rights for me but not for thee.

If they were to reform copy"right" and remove the distribution monopoly aspect, so that everybody with the means to distribute copies was free to do so as long as they gave royalties (as a form of revenue sharing) to the people who actually created the stuff that is being copied. Maybe that would work.

But as long as they keep the monopoly part "piracy" is basically just competing distributors that were arbitrarily banned from participating in the market. Some times people make the strange argument that pirates gain from the work of others but that's also true for the capitalists that own nintendo, by that logic all of nintendo's profits are pirated.

I sometimes feel like the copy-monopolists take the most extreme ideological positions, while we don't and that's why this hole shit drifts ever more towards reactionary insanity where Nintendo gets to rape random software devs on github as some kind of bully-frustration release mechanism and it's a crime if you play with toys "the wrong way". Maybe we should redefine piracy as everything that keeps works-of-art outside the creative-commons/public-domain and drm as a product defect. Maybe that will create a counter-weight.
R: 22 / I: 1

the sanc

Venezuela is under economic siege again, the US is punishing them for doing a democracy.
If you care for details, check this is out https://farside.link/invidious/watch?v=0qz_qKWFIaM

Sanctions have become ineffective against big countries like Russia or China. Those have figured out how to derive economic benefit from it and deflect all the economic damage back at the source of the sanctions.

However sanctions still appear to be doing damage to mid sized countries like Venezuela.

Why is that ?
R: 2 / I: 2

1 have kuz buy it
R: 47 / I: 37

why is she so perfect?
R: 15 / I: 4

List of unnecessary & unproductive hobbies

Besides racing & golf? Is there another richmen club hobbies that should be abolish?

Hoarding absolutely.

Hoarding stamps? Nope. Airsofters? Nope. Roleplaying? Nope. Cosplaying? Nope. Drama? Yes. Gambling? Yes. Coping? Yes.

Is there anything else?
R: 5 / I: 0


Does anyone actually know how to make money on the Forex market? Been trying for years, but nada.
R: 18 / I: 2

Work day general 2.0

Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
R: 7 / I: 0

studies on attractive girls

There's studies on this, girls who appear attractive and sexually mature are magnets for trouble.

R: 135 / I: 42

I think we need some female tripfags to orbit

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?
R: 27 / I: 2


Only post bops.
R: 3 / I: 1

Pierre Tru-Dank 2024

Ya'll remember Pierre Tru-dank?

Now he buck dances for Yankee Tankie for a shred of the internet relevance he once had, picking up trash…

for fee
R: 21 / I: 3

American hookup culture is a swinger culture

America's hookup culture is just another form of swinger
culture without the whole "open marriage" thing. casual sex and physical attraction with no room for emotions or feelings. when you're hooking up with people without any intention of developing a relationship,basically just swapping partners like they do at swingers clubs? It
might not be as formal as signing up for "swingers only" events,
but the principle is the same.

hookup culture encourages people to stay shallow without considering how their actions might impact others. It's living in a
world where everyone is constantly seeking validation through casual sex instead of real

apps like Tinder making it so easy to find people to hook up with, there's no excuse for anyone to claim that they can't find
someone if they really want to. It's just another way for Americans to pretend like they're open-minded
R: 3 / I: 1

Google Antitrust

So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?
R: 6 / I: 1

electrification of food

you will eat ze homogenized bacterial carcasses


TLDR company using solar power to extract hydrogen and carbon from air which is then metabolized by bacteria into primary ingredients for processed food.

Gets about 10 times as much protein per unit of land then a grain-farm + cattle-factory.
- above estimate is with solar panels, 20000x as space efficient if you have a nuclear plant
Will make food absolutely anywhere independent from water sources and weather
electricity + air = food
virtually no risk of spawning shit like mad cow disease
can probably be miniaturized like microbreweries.
- good for perpetually feeding astronauts in space
- but also good for food independence down to tiny communities

At this early stage it's likely not safe to eat
We did not evolve a gut-biome to digest bacto-slop, expect lotta farting, that won't get fixed until version 2.0 or 3.0
If it takes off, there will be a bitter fight for controle, they'll fake-accuse you of "pirating food" if you build you own bacto-slop machine.

During the last 20 years there has been an ongoing corporate land grab that displaced subsistence farmers all around the world, that'll be a total write off, since this will reduce agro-land needs by 80%

Class dynamics might change, if farm-workers become factory-workers tending the slop machines.

Every country can be food secure, and that'll cross off one reason for war. Also starving people out, like the US did to Cuba and the DPRK after the Soviet dissolution, or what the Zionazis are doing to Palestinians now, that'll go away.

New politics around food traditionalism will form.

As the power that be try to controle the food supply, "copyright" will become synonymous with mass-starvation of billions and "copyright-holder" will become a worse insult than "Hitler".

In the end it'll represent progress towards independent food abundance and a step towards a food replicator, but it'll be a nasty struggle.
R: 159 / I: 69

Sex Robot General

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
R: 30 / I: 24

/brit/ - Baz Snaps

Football fans and Gregg's connoisseurs from around England are currently rioting following the murder of three schoolchildren by an asylum seeker (Axel Rudakubana) and subsequent non-response by the courts. The riots have only escellated following Starmer's absolutely braindead response & the response of local law enforcement.

Bongs to follow for updates:
R: 8 / I: 2

the holodohoax did not happen. it's a complete lie. it have vague description and changes description every time.

give me things that help me get the message to people that it have vague description and that it changes description every time. post copypasta, papers, books, your own writings, websites, videos, debunks, and etc.
R: 9 / I: 0

dude, (or madame), why is the overboard catalog black an white?
R: 12 / I: 0

Can we talk about how video games like Age of Empires/Civilisation etc are conduits to right wing thought about political economy of globalisation?

Simply, they portray human society and civilisations as inherently atomised and singular in their development as well as presenting culture as essentialist.

Also, an anon posted an academic article related to this recently, but I've lost it, if anyone could repost that would be great.
R: 21 / I: 8

India renamed to Bharat

India renamed it self, a bit like Turkey recently was renamed into Türkiye. However unlike Türkiye which makes a nice sound, Bharat sounds harsh like somebody burping during speech. They're undoing the colonial naming legacy and have been renaming their cities for some time, but they could have picked a nicer name for their country. Oh well.

I wonder if BRICS for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa , now has to be spelled BRBCS. 'Brubkess' def. is a downgrade from 'Bricks' too.
R: 32 / I: 8

I want Liz Trueanon to shrink my penis 😳
I want her to say "BUH BYE" as it turns into a little dicklet 😳
R: 0 / I: 0

Anime Male Beauty Appreciation

Most discussion about anime characters focus too much on the spry nubile females.
R: 17 / I: 5

is lip surgery worth it?
R: 14 / I: 0

French Politics

What's the deal with the French?

So they form some big "left" coalition to push back against Macron and overwhelm le Pen's party in the recent election… and then they immediately nominate another neoliberal technocrat for prime minister who went to same schools as Macron? How could this do anything but discredit themselves and open a wide lane for more support for the hard right? I don't understand how France can have all these ostensibly left formations and still end up serving the status quo.
R: 72 / I: 75


We need more banners and a banner thread in general. Give me your pictures for banners and I will bannerfy them
R: 5 / I: 1

What do you call a singer
who sings pop songs
for cow pedophiles?
R: 9 / I: 9

Dominating your landlady trust fund bunny - porn captions

Porn captions about dominating your landlady trust fund bunny. As requested.
R: 94 / I: 17

leftypol target by feds?

You know, looking back at the split cycles and looking back at how insane the jannies at org are currently what does chan think of the possibility that leftypol.org was the target of CIA/FBI infiltration / divide and conquer? I mean, look, we know the FBI intentionally will go after hacker forums like Raid Forums who are doing grey market shit, but, I don't think it's beyond rationality to think that a website as HUGE and influential as bunkerchan was during its heyday from being targeted by the Feds. In-fact, I would say it makes perfect sense.
Look at the current state of org and tell me it's not glowing brighter than the surface of the sun. I think it makes perfect sense that the FBI would want to get something like org under control and foreign agencies have already targeted us in the past.
So what do you think anons? Fact or fiction?
R: 1 / I: 0

wtf bros, is this real?
R: 16 / I: 9

Why did the Western far-left become the 2SLGBTQRPGMMO+++ rainbow mafia?
It genuinely is perplexing to me that Western leftists seem to hold even the most absurd AGP sex fetish shit and BPD tumblr furry xenogender larping as the most ultimate leftist purity test, yet then will accept literal fucking Capitalists into the movement wihtout hesitation.
I used to think this shit was exaggerated, but it's honestly not, most western leftist spaces are just rainbow mafia/idpol obsessed and you can't push back on even the most absurd, eye rolling narratives, without getting asked to leave, or if online, copping a ban, this includes communities like leftypol(dot)org.
Even holding the same policy positions, as most Communist Parties in the Global South, will get you banned from basically any Westoid "Leftist" space. Leftypol lets you claim Xi is based or whatever, but if you actually espouse his policies, enjoy your ban because it doesn't align with Western Idpol shit.
Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society? They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
R: 2 / I: 0

threadly reminder

every woman who has ever rejected you was actually a skinwalker working for the CIA to keep baiting you into desiring sex while always keeping it just out of reach. reject the black iron tartarean prison of sex and become /schizocel/.
R: 3 / I: 0

How to Find

Please Help Me? How to search this Play
R: 1 / I: 0

>300 torrents
>18 terabytes were seeded
>4 of them thanks 2 fallout new vegas
Is this truly so over for people rn?
R: 3 / I: 0

picture and video request thread

picture and video request thread
R: 4 / I: 2

R: 21 / I: 6

weewee Hemo Union

This was a failed state and its still worshipped by losers like you lmao
>thread got saged from .ogre
R: 9 / I: 0

theoretical breeding programs

I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good. Sure, there are races nobody wants or wants to be (you know which ones), but I do not want to live in a world without cute redheaded whites or busty ebony blacks.

FINALLY!!! someone in this exact thread have the same opinion as mine. if you can choose which race you want to be, NOBODY in their right mind would choose to be a subcontinental browns. fuck pakistan. fuck india. fuck bangladesh. fuck sri lanka.

everybody who are brown or live in a brow country care. which is half the world. hence why we should do a multigenerational breeding program for the entire world.

post your breeding program
R: 4 / I: 1

I Like Ugly B*d Hentai And I'm Not Sorry
Lily likes ugly bastards?

There's females that like the ugly bastard genre. What's your excuse now?

Discuss the ugly bastard question.

Does it disprove the mainstream/orthodox something-pill?
R: 11 / I: 3

Christianity is a pestilent superstition.

The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to show compassion, but towards every other people they feel only hate and enimity. As a race (the Jews are not a race, because they have mingled with the other races to the point that they are only a people, not a race), they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing is unlawful.

Tacitus mogging Judeos
R: 24 / I: 0

How to have seggs :DDDDDD

Share your tips on how to have effective and enriching sex. I'll start. This sexologist Jessica Garner used to be all over Tik Tok before she got canceled.
Her "bottle opening" technique has done wonders for my love life.

You've been having sex wrong all this time, as sexpert explains perfect technique


She also has a lot of information on sex history, how Gen Xers and later generations were left in the dark on sex and have views on it mostly informed by porn. How older generations actually had better sex
R: 9 / I: 1

Next recession thread

Is it here yet?

pic unrelated
R: 25 / I: 13

✨💖 Femcel Humor Thread ✨💖
R: 15 / I: 0

Sneaky Ways to Disable/Destroy a Security Camera

halp. bitch neighbors
R: 1 / I: 0

Sex is the driver of history

Did you know that the Tiananmen protests had their origin in anti-BBC chinlet riots?
>The Nanjing protests were groundbreaking dissidence for China and went from solely expressing concern about alleged improprieties by African men to increasingly calling for democracy or human rights.[5] They were paralleled by burgeoning demonstrations in other cities during the period between the Nanjing and the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, with some elements of the original protests that started in Nanjing still evident in 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, such as banners proclaiming "Stop Taking Advantage of Chinese Women" even though the vast majority of African students had left the country by that point

This supports my theory that history is driven by sexuality moreso than class struggle. Hell even class arose from some men hoarding resources so they could fuck the best women and the struggle part is competition over who gets to stick their dick in who
R: 7 / I: 1

so fucking prevalent

Any other anons with a job in a trade or profession that is of use to a large percentage of people will be very familiar with the following interaction. Someone that you haven't spoken to in years appears via DM and goes:
>Hey bro! How've you been?
>Good thanks yourself?
>Great by the way my car is making a rattling sound when I go over bumps and my mechanic can't look at it til next week, can you help
>I don't really have any time off in the next couple of weeks either, but you can bring it in to my garage when I'm open and we'll assist
>I thought we were friends, man! I can't afford £40/hr. Can't I bring it to you on Saturday and we'll have some beers and fix it then?
>No, that's my day off. I'm not replacing ball joints on my day off
>But my car needs fixed! I would help you with anything you needed
>I don't need help with anything
>You're an asshole
At first I just thought this simply denoted selfish cunts that I should just cut contact with, but now I'm estranged from like half of the people I went to school with and some of my extended family because I have 'refused to help' them. It seems like a majority of people in my life, certainly all of the ones who do not work with their hands, think that my position is unreasonable.
Majority of people don't have a skill that their acquaintances have any need for, so fail to empathize with people who do. As far as they're concerned I'm just being greedy.
How would you deal with people who expect your time and effort for free, and are liable to become offended when you refuse? Do they have a point? Is this my fault for being trained to do this stuff in the first place?
R: 7 / I: 0  

theoretical breeding programs

I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good. Sure, there are races nobody wants or wants to be (you know which ones), but I do not want to live in a world without cute redheaded whites or busty ebony blacks.

FINALLY!!! someone in this exact thread have the same opinion as mine. if you can choose which race you want to be, NOBODY in their right mind would choose to be a subcontinental browns. fuck pakistan. fuck india. fuck bangladesh. fuck sri lanka.

everybody who are brown or live in a brow country care. which is half the world. hence why we should do a multigenerational breeding program for the entire world.

post your breeding program
R: 6 / I: 1

Insurgency General

the majority of insurgents dont succede. Have any of the dozens of the anti-Indian seperatists and communists groups succeded? No. What about the tamil tigers? How did Che end up? Did the Forest Brothers succeded in driving off the Soviet Union?

The vast majority of insurgents will die alone. People just glamorize it because they don't make it to the frontpage of the news.

usually these groups control territories for a long time until the regime waits them out, then they literally die of old age. this was largely true of the indian insurgents (who still exist btw) and the forest brothers. che died because he bit off way more than he could chew, he was very successful in cuba.

if you want an example of a "decentralized asymmetrical insurgency", then there's thousands of random bumfuck islamist and wignat groups to choose from. moreover street gangs continue to operate all the time regardless of police interference, and that's largely because it's still economically advantegous to do so given the sheer amount of capital to be had via the drug trafficking and distribution trade. don't even get me started on the actual cartels themselves. all this to say that yeah, some don't succeed, but counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism really isn't anywhere near as easy as just "arrest them all lol", if it was then we wouldn't have had a 20 year GWOT lol.

Fundamentally it's political. There was a lot going on in Cuba that made it possible for an insurgency to succeed that involved the politics of the country. It wasn't just the rebels inna Sierra Maestra but unrest with the urban population. It's too complex to get into and I don't even know a lot about it, but I believe there have been historians who have written books about all that. Che was a narcissistic and suicidal personality who couldn't deal with sitting around in boring meetings after they won, so he ran off to try to make revolution in Congo and Bolivia and it just didn't work at all, and then he was killed. He was going to end up like that one way or another. It's kind of a historical accident that he became this big hero because they won in Cuba, but in some slightly different circumstances he would've joined another one of these rebel groups in Latin America at the time, would've been killed and nobody would've ever known he existed.

It's interesting to read about left-wing groups in the U.S. in the late 60s who tried to cosplay as Che like the Weather Underground. Look up interviews with Mark Rudd talking about it. They really believed in what they were doing, but they misrecognized what happened, so Che succeeded in Cuba so therefore they should be like Che in the U.S., and it totally flopped and was self-destructive to their own movement. The only people they killed (although they did intend to kill soldiers at a barracks) were their own when they blew themselves up. They didn't even put two and two together, that Che was already dead when they began doing this, they were enthralled by his martyrdom and in love with themselves. They did have some success organizing students at Columbia University (somewhat like the encampments there recently), but they wanted to believe the people who showed up at these demonstrations they had organized would be future insurgents if they just got ball rolling. That was completely wrong.
R: 53 / I: 22

Previous Sexual Partners Affect Offspring

< Woman may carry ex-partner's DNA in offspring.
< Study tests telegony with flies.
< Telegony theory: old idea of mates influencing offspring. Ancient Greece (4th century BCE)
< Suggests past partners affect future offspring, even with a different father. (4th century BCE)
< Historically accepted but later debunked: Early 20th century (1900s)
< Involves traits of past partners impacting genetic makeup
< Once used to discourage mating across social classes or races: Throughout history, notably during periods of rigid social stratification
< Debated concept with limited scientific backing
< Implies traits can be inherited from non-biological parents
< Raises questions about the nature of genetic inheritance
< Considered controversial within scientific community
< Lack of conclusive evidence in humans
< More commonly studied in animal models
< Male flies' diet manipulated for size
< Offspring size affected by mother's previous mate's diet
< Traits from one mate can pass to offspring of another
< Seminal fluid molecules may influence offspring
< Non-genetic factors affect genetics
< Uncertain if phenomenon exists in other species
< No evidence for humans, but possibility not ruled out
< Ethical issues hinder human research
R: 2 / I: 1

what was his fucking problem?
R: 9 / I: 2

/HAG/ - Dating Older Woman General

post serious dating advice about older women

I would rather have my sexual experiences be with someone around much older.
R: 31 / I: 6

The Incel Armies of Africa Nobody's Talking About

This guy argues that polyamory is the hallmark of failed states and instable societies while monogamy is the signature of stable and safe liberal societies.
He also argues that sub Sahara Africa's political instability is fueled by a large pool of incels that warlords draw from for campaigns.
What are your thoughts?
R: 3 / I: 1

>be me
>average typical bat-rat-spider
>walking down the street
>when suddenly

>guy pulls up in a hybrid
>front is a bugatti, back is a rolls royce, middle is the most expensive high-end Amish horse-and-buggy that money can buy
>the engine is a slab of solid gold with no moving parts which propels the car only by acting as a conduit for resophonic emanations
>the horses in the Amish part are really exotic
>they're zebras
>none of the working parts are made by Tesla, but there's a Tesla hood ornament
>the driver rolls down the window, which are made out of some kind of melted sheets of a niche rich people brand of Jolly Ranchers, and yells at me that it's "problematic" to be a bat-rat-spider
>he says I'm gross and toxic masculinity
<my face.jpg

Don't you hate when this happens?
R: 0 / I: 0

Personality maxxing

As males in some way or another we can be attractive based on personality, sense of humor or charisma. Not so much for holes

Why arent't you personalitymaxxing?
R: 14 / I: 1

Fuck techbros and programmer scum.

Back when they were making 200-300k a year if you mentioned unionizing they would laugh and scoff and snub all the proles. They saw anyone making a normal prole wage as subhuman.

Now that porky decides theyve forgotten their place and lays them off, they have no savings left, and no jobs like every other prole they come crawling back and start talking about unionizing.

Tech workers are class traitors, barely different from cops. Its a great time to see them get crushed and experience the poverty they thought they were so immune to. Their demographic is literally typical smug atheist centrist libs, let them burn

This. Find an apolitical woman from a conservative family that way you make sure her core values are in the right place. Ideally working class. Then you introduce her to communism as an strictly political ideology keep her away from libshittery at all costs. You'd be surprised how much she will relate to it.
R: 25 / I: 9

Marxism Rodgerism

It may seem difficult to understand the realities of the blackpill. It may be hard to come to terms with how - and why - the world functions as it does. And even when you do, it is even harder to understand where to go next.

But there is one set of techniques which shines a clear light on the world we live in. A scientific and logical analysis of systems of limited resources - Marxism. When we undertake a Marxist analysis of the sexual economy, we immediately find its nuances explained and its realities presented for all to see.

The fundamental element of inequality is exploitation. In economic Marxism, exploitation occurs when a capitalist takes most of the value a worker's labor creates, leaving them barely enough to survive. In other words, the worker's surplus value is stolen from them. This is how capitalists make profits. Sometimes, the capitalists let some segments of workers keep more of their value, in order to bribe and pacify them.

In the sexual economy, there are two distinct classes of men - Chads…and everyone else. There is a group which keeps most women for itself - the Chad-Bourgeois - and a much larger group which, despite being responsible for maintaining global civilization with their labor so that Chad is free to take all he wants, is denied most women. These are the sexual proletariat.

The sexuality of women should be evenly spread among society, but it is not. Instead, it is commodified by sexual capitalism and given to Chad. The Chad-Bourgeoisie allow the sexual proletariat to have just as much pussy as they need to keep the human race alive through reproduction. But even here is it not fair; the proletariat get Chad's leftovers - only when the Chad-Bourgeois no longer want a woman does she go to settle down, marry, and reproduce with a non-Chad.

Now, I mentioned before that the economic bourgeois sometimes bribe workers by giving them more than they would otherwise. In the modern era, the Chad-Bourgeois are facing a world where the proletariat is no longer consigned to the feudal life of arranged marriages without any questions asked, and can see the reality of sexual inequality via media and their own insights. The Chad-Bourgeois responds by bribing the sexual proletariat - they, too, are now allowed to have sex before marriage, and perhaps fuck many women. These women are, of course, still the ones Chad doesn't want, but it bribes most of the world. Remember, this happened when the sexual free market, where women can now choose their partners without having to marry a non-Chad in the end, replaced the Feudal system of arranged marriage. This is sexual capitalism.

The people so bribed are normies. This is the main reason why normies are blind to the sexual capitalist system and lack revolutionary potential.

But the system is imperfect. Due to the female's nature, not all members of the proletariat can be bribed just by the Chad-Bourgeois allowing (pseudo) free sex for everyone. A group at the bottom is inevitability left out - incels.

As sexual feudalism shifted to sexual capitalism, a contradiction was exposed - the Contradiction of Sexual Capitalism is the existence of incels, and the conclusion of the capitalist stage of history must be the resolving of this contradiction. Due to how females are hardwired to be only attracted to Chads, incels always lose in a sexual free market. Many females would rather be single than marry an incel, and a result the incels become a class which doesn't even get marriage, much less any additional bribes. Due to their extreme condition, the incels become "blackpilled" and see the system as it is. The incels thus attain class consciousness.

The basic structure of the sexual world is that the Chad-Bourgeois take all the pussy they can, especially the desirable kind, while eventually passing their leftovers to the sexual proletariat as bribes and allowances. Among the latter group, those are who successfully bribed are normies, and those who become class conscious are incels.

So how do the Chad-Bourgeois manage to keep society under their control, even with incels attain class consciousness? In Marxism, the answer is the Base and superstructure. In a sexual capitalist society, all we know is shaped by the system of sexual economy we live in. Our culture, beliefs, and so on are bent to conform to and reinforce the Chad-Bourgeois narrative. In order to prevent the sexual proletariat from attaining class consciousness, the Chad-Bourgouse use culture to create a false consciousness for them to live in instead.

The key to understanding this is to understand that truth is relative to one's class. Comrade Lenin explained this with his concept of partiinost, party truth. What is "true" depends on your class, truth for one class may be falsehood for another. Thus, what class's "truth" you're listening to is very important.

For example, let's take the Chad-Bourgeois idea of "confidence." Confidence is an intentionally vague idea to explain Chad's sexual success as anything besides winning the genetic lottery. It is said that someone - anyone - with "confidence" can also live like Chad does. For the Chad-Bourgoise, this is true. All a Chad has to do is be willing step outside or set up an online dating profile and they will get all the pussy they want. However, for the rest of the world, this is not the case. By enforcing the idea of confidence instead of genetic luck, Chad yet again bribes the sexual proletariat - bribes them with hope. The idea of confidence explains structural inequality as personal failure - in the same way the capitalist tells the exploited worker that he, too, would be rich if he only worked harder, so does the Chad tell the sexual proletariat that they could have sex if they were only just a little more confident. In this way, the sexual proletariat are blamed for their own oppression - their celibacy is a result of their own moral failings, because they were not "confident" enough. The Chad-Bourgeois present themselves as having earned the pussy they inherent, while the rest of the world deserves to live without. Confidence is just one example of how sexual capitalism distorts culture and creates false narratives to keep people blind.

Normies love false narratives because they are bribed. A normie, who may have even had sex, believes that his success in the past means the confidence narrative and so on is true - he can truly be a Chad, if he works hard enough! Thus the normies convince themselves Chad's world is not only fair but desirable, because they too might have a chance of being chad.

Normies are deceived to varying degrees.

A regular normie has had their bribe a few times and doesn't bother to think about the realities of exploitation and the sexual economy. These normies can be blackpilled with evidence, but most of them just double down on the false consciousness due to their hope that they can be a Chad.

A beta is a normie who is faced with the reality of sexual inequality. He may be an orbiter, hanging around women in the hope he'll get sex. He may be a nice guy, who is nice to women for the same reason. He may be cucked, whereby he shares a single woman with other men so that he can at least get laid. Though he may deny it, he is painfully aware of these material and sexual realities.

A white knight has come against a blackpill before, and it scared them. They swing the other way - they actively try and spread Chad's narrative and enforce it, because they are trying convince themselves. There is great overlap between white knights and Betas, as the latter often exhibit white knight behavior. Many Betas turn into white knights when confronted with the black pill.

All normies have one thing in common - they do not want to accept the reality of the blackpill because they want to continue to believe they can be Chad. Another element is that they enjoy Chad's narrative when it suits them - regarding incels. They don't like to remember that Chad is sexually more successful then them because he is just better….but that's not so bad if it means that they are better than incels in turn, since they at least "earned" some sex and incels could not! In economic capitalism, the reality of economic status defined by class is ignored in favor of an individualist, democratic narrative, and sexual capitalism works the same way. The realities of incels and the Chad-Bourgeois are overlooked in favor of the lie that it's all about individual action, that any individual can work his way to the top of the sexual marketplace through hard work and imaginary concepts like "confidence."

By the methods described above, the Chad-Bourgeois extract all of the surplus value - in this context, surplus pussy - from the workers/sexual proletariat for themselves, and maintain the system through bribing normies and creating false consciousness. But here's where it gets really interesting - the immortal science of historical materialism explains even more than this.

Everyone knows that even among Chads there is a hierarchy - a racial hierarchy, with white Chad at the top. In the 1960s, Comrade Mao Zedong developed Marxist-Leninist-Maoism to explain the differences between the first world and the third world. Maoism reveals the first world exploits the third world through imperialism, and sets up a global class hierarchy of sorts. This economic hierarchy in turn ties into a sexual hierarchy - one where the imperialist white Chads are above the colonized Chads. A critique of imperialism explains the racial Chad hierarchy - which, of course, filters down into the sexual proletariat as well.

Following this trend, we can see the close interconnection between looks (Chad privilege) and economic success. Females like money and power…and it seems Chad ends up with those as well.

We all know that studies have proven Chads are much more likely to succeed in economic sphere. They are given quality jobs and often end up in very social, very prestigious positions like executive officers. But this shows us that wealth comes second. Poor Chads still dominate the sexual proletariat, and their poverty, on average, never lasts long. In other words, sexual inequality comes before economic inequality, and due to how intertwined they are, it means that economic inequality is a consequence of sexual inequality due to society's constant preference for Chad. Sexual inequality predates economic capitalism, feudalism, even primitive tribalism - sexual inequality is the original and eternal form of hierarchy, it is harbinger of all other inequalities in other areas.

Thus, the Revolutionary and Immortal Science of Marxist-Rodgerism is born. We see that the fundamental conflict is between the well endowed Chad-Bourgeoisie and the sexual proletariat, and that all other conflicts ultimately derive from this great inequality. We see that the Chad-Bourgeois manipulates culture and society to further its narratives and worldview to maintain this power structure. Finally, we must conclude that the only way forward for humanity is to dismantle the system of sexual capitalism so that sex can be distributed fairly to all members of society.

Incels of the world, rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains!

TLDR lel
Beta uprising -> everyone gets their looksmatch, enforced monogamy.

Marxism Rodgerism = Incels create a government that takes on the responsibility of abolishing lonliness and inceldom and cheating and paternity fraud by any means necessary, including state assigned wives.
R: 68 / I: 18

Would you fight for your country?

I wouldnt, If would, Describe reasons.

The goverment and healthcare system keeps letting me down, Why should i?

As a pussyfree man myself, Id betray my whole nation like it betrayed me just to have a chance to get a girlfriend, What has it ever done for me? Get bullied here, Ridiculed, Abandoned by the healthcare system, Denied XRAY, Denied this, Denied that, Denied meeting the right doctor. I dont even celebrate national day, This country is shit anyway, Is it even my country if i dont get pussy in it? Nah its not!

Is it even your country if your countrymen dont stand up for you to prevent you from being bullied? Is it even your countrymen if they keep belittling you and making fun of you?

Is it even your country if you get no say in what you want to do in said country? Is it even your country if you have to pay taxes to get nothing in return not even an XRAY at the doctors office if it was needed?

Heck idgaf about nationalism for the shithole i live in, Wait a whole month to meet a doctor so i can be rejected for the help im needed, nah this isnt my country, Fuck this country, The russians can just go ahead and invade it, Idgaf anymore.
R: 5 / I: 0

Healthy young people dying suddenly

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed… why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

Hot white woman, age 33:

Hot 25 year old white girl:

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

leftypol will called this fake and unscientific smh
R: 5 / I: 0

Unit Promotion

Whether real-time or turn-based, probably somewhere around half the games in the strategy genre implement unit promotion in some form or another. But is it even good game design?

In the best-case scenario it gets implemented in a way that doesn't cause snowballing (Pikmin, which doesn't feature 2P versus play anyway). However, in pretty much all instances it has the effect of discouraging sacrificial play as a tactic, in effect reducing the overall depth of a given game. I'm starting to think this may have been the genre's Original Sin. What do you think anon?
R: 11 / I: 4

>Marrying in 2024

Marriage is absolutely nothing, it's just a word. Being married has no special power and is just an idea, so if the ideas ends up sounding stupid, the marriage will fail.

Knowing yourself: You have to know if you actually want to be married of will you suddenly switch goals and realize you would rather be doing something else.

Like: For people to like each other, they need the same general hobbies, cultural ideas, and so on in order to be "best friends" because if you aren't best friends with your wife you will grow to dislike each other.

People who are young are highly unlikely to be in control of their own minds to understand long term values and understand friendship. So, getting married is not smart.

Talking about "marriage" in generally shows a HIGH LEVEL of stupidity because it means the person believes "marriage" is some transformative experience but once you get married you will be the same people.

In order to have a successful marriage you have to know who you are and so does the woman. You also have to LIKE EACH OTHER in an enduring way or it will fail.

I think regular marriages are crazy, let alone this.
R: 20 / I: 5

Why don't communists spread their genes by finding a loving communist wife, and impregnating her dozens of times and raising the kids to become communists over the course of their development so that the Marxist movement can grow exponentially? Just look at the Mormons! So much power comes from population numbers, so why not create and raise a swath of the masses to themselves create and raise a massive revolutionary body? That would be far easier than convincing your local petty-bourgeois imperialist.
Go on! Find a cutie communist girl and raise a batch of future revolutionaries!
R: 2 / I: 0

Is Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya's onsen O.V.A. officially licensed? I ask because I found two stores which sell a BluRay of part of the Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya series and the back of the BluRay has a picture of a frame from the onsen O.V.A. https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/fatekaleid-liner-prisma-illya-2wei-complete-collection-blu-ray-816726025155.html https://www.sentaifilmworks.com/products/816726025155-fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-2wei-seasons-2-and-3-complete-collection-blu-ray
R: 73 / I: 334

Wallpape Archive

keep mine in check so
R: 2 / I: 0

the ocd-symptom anon here

same guy who posted this:

i deleted all of the archives i have. none of you have to worry that anything from this site is sitting is somebody's computer. all gone. all of the stupid bad compas-dichotomy-isms are now gone for good. nobody have to worry.
R: 16 / I: 1

Female worship

Women make literal people off themselves. Just like that.

They are Gods.

No wonder primitive-communist societies worshiped Them and we should too, what the actual fuck. Think about it for a second

We have oppressed Them for centuries out of pure jealousy and arrogance but it's time we prepare for the Return of God which is nothing else but the class-less, money-less society where a natural order is restored and human purpose can finally be fulfilled, and that's by dedicating our ENTIRE existence to the very reason of it. For eternity

It's my religion I would DIE for Them, not joking, and that wouldn't even be enough to pay what I owe Them for.
We are all despicable sinners
R: 1 / I: 0


>"Why does Ongezellig have to fail but fucking Hazbin Hotel succeeds!? Or Digital Circus?!"
hardest truest line
R: 5 / I: 1

the Winter War

Next time a Finn starts bragging about how they 'won' the Winter War ask how giving up 11% of your country's landmass to your attacker constitutes a victory. The seething is hilarious.

It's even more hilarious when you mention the billions -adjusted for inflation- they needed to pay to the USSR after WW2 for reparations.
I dislike Russia as much as anybody else.

I just dislike the Finns even more. I've never met one that wasn't completely insufferable.

My ideal world involves every Finn and Russian killing each other.

I get it, the Finns have low standards for what the word victory means. No need to sell me on why they're such a shitty country!
R: 5 / I: 1

Why is the Linux desktop still such a fucking ghetto? They rewrite their crap every couple of years but it's getting shittier every time.
linux is just the project car version of mac os

I'm tired of this bullshit.
R: 75 / I: 25

Since /leftypol/ is downright autistic at times I decided to make a Debunk thread where anticommunist arguments are presented with their debunks by users.
R: 9 / I: 1

only about 20% of women are total gold digging whores.

You cannot simply buy the majority of women. Which should be a relief to some of you.

So yeah maybe 1 out 3 women are gold diggers or whores, but that means 2 out of 3 aernt.

In other words nice girls outnumber whores and gold diggers 2 to 1.

And no matter how much money exists, womens sex drive is really amazing at sniffing out good genes it's very primal. Looks actually matter to women way more than men think.
R: 1 / I: 1

life's rich tapestry.

One second you're carrying your dying abuse towards childhood, the next vanishing into darkness. Oh well, drowning/freezing to death is probably better than just waited for your heart to give out.

examine the idea that even if you get what you want it won't make you happy. A truly brutal concept. Like at the end of the day no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you slave away, no matter how hard you practice or care or try it doesn't matter. There's a good chance you won't get what you want, and even if you did you would still be unhappy.
R: 43 / I: 8

I do not understand why porn is free

On a practical and rational note, I do not understand why porn is free. If you want to watch porn, you can watch unlimited amounts of any type.

There are pay porn sites but typically there is no need to pay because videos from that site exist at almost full length on free sites. That would be annoying if we are taking about real movies, as you would miss the end, but porn has no story so if you see 75% of it, who needs to pay?

The conspiracy side of me thinks that porn is free for pedo grooming purposes.

I have been on the net since it started. Back in the 90s if you typed in "Disney" it would take you to porn. So, someone was trying to get kids to watch porn all the way back then.

By the time the mid 2000s hit, many young guys on the net said they were watching porn at 10, like hardcore porn. Now, I have little 8 year old foster kids staging nude orgies and stuff with other kids.

I believe porn exists to pervert children and that's why it's free.

I read the UK wanted to make it so that all porn is censored and you need a pass to watch it. I agree with that. You should need an age related security code to view porn.
R: 3 / I: 1

How big of an obstacle is being poor

for someone who wants to get a gf?
R: 8 / I: 4

No hymen no diamond

But you have to keep in mind I'm some antisocial chud. I don't mind being by myself, but that's most likely not your case. And if you adopt too rigid standards in circa 2024 there's a big chance that's going to happen.

My thoughts are that used goods are icky. The intimacy they shared with other men can't be shared, and they don't have anything they can give just to you to set you apart from the rest.

I'll say in the general terms, your instincts are right to see these as red flags. Dont let anyone gaslight you, how you feel is right and exists for a reason. All in all I say just bee yourself and follow your heart etc etc
nobodys perfect.

Anything else is delusion.
R: 4 / I: 6

Home cooks: What are you cooking?

Fellow home cooks, I figured we could use a thread for showing off our own creations and exchanging tips. Recipes and instructions are welcome but not required.
R: 2 / I: 0


I hear there's an attempted coup going on after the recent Maduro victory. What's the rundown?

Pic unrelated
R: 14 / I: 5

Is robbing bookstores morally right or wrong?

Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
R: 3 / I: 0

What will happen to your porn after you die?

Do you have anything in your will requesting to clear your machines/delete your browser history? What about accounts connected to auto-pay on porn sites? Hard drives filled with your hentai? Do you have someone you want to inherit your collection, and shared, or just have it all nuked like it didn't even exist?
I'm not sure how I'd feel if my family and friends found out I liked stuff like Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa-san, or artists like Maidoll, Radical Dream/Rindou and Murahachirou.
I do possess some porn that I have the last copy of, and want to upload it all somewhere so it isn't lost forever. Though, lots of porn from the 90s and 2000s became lost media. I assume some of my favorites may have the same fate.
R: 4 / I: 0

What Anime?

R: 21 / I: 2

Advice thread

Lets ask for and give each other advice ITT
R: 9 / I: 3






R: 3 / I: 0

What is up with this moral obsession with "pedophilia"?
It seems that everything related to porn or video games is always psychoanalysed as "pedophilia."

And alot of the people making these allegations are often mediocre failed adults whom ironically have put their hands on a minor or are friemds with people who did.
R: 378 / I: 114 (sticky)

Reading General

Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
Add topics into the tag list to further narrow down your search!

Introduction to Marxism Reading List - Thanks to the /read/ matrix room (https://app.element.io/#/group/+leftyread:matrix.org)

Absolute Beginners Tier:

'Principles of Communism' by Friedrich Engels

'Three Source and Theree Component Parts of Marxism' by V.I. Lenin

Not a book but Halim Alrah's youtube channel is good for the absolutely basics of Marxism but obviously not a replacement for reading

Marx and Engles Reading List

Tier 1:

'Manifesto of the Communist Party'

'Critique of the Gotha Programme'

'Socialism: Utopian and Scientific'

Tier 2:

'Wage Labour and Capital'

'Value, Price and Profit'

'Theses on Feuerback'

By this point you should have a good understanding of the basics of Marxism and are ready to branch out to other theorists and also read Capital.

Tier 3:

'Capital vol.1'

Lenin Reading List - By Moo (aka Zizekposter)

Lenin Essentials:

'State and Revolution'

'“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder'

'Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism'

Petit Bourgeois Philistine Tier:

'What is to be done'

'The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky'

'Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution'

ADHD Tier:

'Socialism and Religion'

'Zizek's Introduction to Revolution at the Gates'

'Revolutionary Adventurism'

MLM Reading List


Why MLM?

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course

'Continuity and Rupture: Philosophy in the Maoist Terrain'


'On Practice & Contradiction'

'On Guerrilla Warfare'

'On Protracted War'


'Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village'

'Red Star Over China' - Edgar Snow

'The Unknown Cultural Revolution' - Dongpin Han


Interview With Chairman Gonzalo

General line of the PCP

'Shining Path: Terror and Revolution in Peru' - Simon Strong


Operation “Green Hunt” in India

Eight Historic Documents (AZAD)

'Urban Perspective'


Araling Aktibista - Activist Study ARAK

'Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism'

'Philippine Society and Revolution'
https://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1970s PhilippineSocietyAndRevolution-4ed.pdf

Political Economy:

'Rethinking Socialism' – Deng-yuan Hsu & Pao-yu Ching

'China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power' - CPI(Maoist)

'Maoist Economics & the Revolutionary Road to Communism' - The Shanghai Textbook

Leftcom Reading Lists

r/marxism101's reading list:

r/bruhinternational's reading list:


'The Democratic Principle'

'Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party'

'The Spirit of Horsepower'

'Report on Fascism'


'The Lyons Theses'

'Theory and Action in Marxist Doctrine'

'Dialogue with Stalin'


'World Revolution and Communist Tactics'

'Party and Class'

Herman Gorter:

'Open Letter to Comrade Lenin'

'The World Revolution'

Bookchin Reading Lists - based off of posts by Gorm1918 (pbuh)

'The Next Revolution'

'Urbanization Without Cities'

'The 3rd Revolution'

'The Ecology of Freedom'

Links to Resources and Libraries:

More Marx and Engels:


Other Selected Marxists:

Classical Works Recommended To High-Ranking Cadres:

Many important books can be found on libgen:

Libcom has some good books/documents:

Other links:

Various assortment of historical and biographical works:

The Leftist Bookshelf (4.16 GB, 600+ files)
This was originally a torrent but I can't find the link anymore. Its description was: "640 eBooks, mostly in PDF format (a bunch are CHM, DJVU or ePUB), from a revolutionary Leftist viewpoint. The main subjects are politics and philosophy, history, economics, and much much more."

Political Theory (MLM) (2.64 GB, 550+ files)
I found this on reddit years ago (circa 2016) Don't really remember who made it or where it came from, but this is a reading course (politics, philosophy, economics, etc) focused on Maoism. Has many books and articles on the USSR, PRC, Stalin, Mao, etc.

The Anarchist Library (669 MB, 4000+ files)
This is a complete mirror of the anarchist library with pdfs and epubs

Little Bunker of Marxism-Leninism (680 MB, 100+ files)
Unfinished project focused on M-L with more than 100 books on several topics like history, economics, politics, etc. Lots of stuff on the USSR.

Historical Materialism series (330 MB, 100+ files)
A pdf archive of over 100 books from the Historical Materialism book series. I got this from thecharnelhouse.org years ago and the website had released many marxist books from other publishers but unfortunately it's been taken down.

/leftypol/ with a slash of liberty (239 MB, 100+ files)
I didn't make this, just reuploading it. This is a classic /leftypol/ link, marxist stuff mixed with anarchism.

Marx & Engels Collected Works (900+ MB, 50 files)
The official, complete works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels organized in 50 volumes and 3 categories.
R: 32 / I: 4

Incels and Communism

How would a stateless, classless and moneyless society benefit incels? The 2 most popular copes are porn and prostitutes, but in a society where one doesn't need money, what's the incentive for women to make porn or become prostitutes? They can obtain all the sex they want for free anyway, and they're certainly not going to show themselves off to incels. So how would incels cope under socialism or communism?
R: 16 / I: 4


Tolerance weakens countries as it creates a lack of unity and productivity.

I especially hate the idea of going to a part of a city where no one speaks English. People can't work together, if there's an emergency people couldn't help very well and so on. The more isolated pockets we have in a country the less it's the same country anymore.
R: 62 / I: 5

Cockshott is probably the best Socialist theorist of our age, he's completely BTFO'ed all arguments against Marx's Law of Value, he's empirically proven that Economic Planning is 100% possible with current data sets and modern computation, he's shown that current economic theory is based on complete woo that doesn't hold up to basic mathematical scrutiny or even basic logic.
The thing is, because all his online content is extremely complex, technical post-grad level university lectures, it's hard to get his idea's out there. Which I think why as Socialists, we should try present his arguments, theories and evidence in a far more presentable, digestable, ELI5 fashion for Normies.
What made classic Leftypol good is that we were able to present Socialist content for normies that would be shared by Zoomers and such. So I think a good project for us on this board, would be to work How the World Works (https://libgen.rocks/ads.php?md5=0f775aef8cbe24a8978e115669bfcdfb) into a decent Youtube series that explains how we can build a new economic order in the not too distant future.
R: 5 / I: 1


Given everything in life revolves around physical & genetic survival, isn't it important that we actually start talking about the importance of achieving equality of outcomes that highly depend on genetic variance? The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
>get lost incel
no. Given that reproduction is literally the only known way to Life to cheat death, being denied this is as worse as murder. I think I truly believe BIOLENINISM is the only solution to this.
R: 0 / I: 0

Rob Zombie movie rankings

1. The Munsters
2. House of 1,000 Corpses
3. None of the rest, these 2 are the only good ones.
R: 87 / I: 37

Post Hentai/Dojins

I see no hentai thread
R: 11 / I: 5  

Eugene-lit 2.0

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
R: 2 / I: 1

>do magic rituals for fun/out of boredom
>actually start to believe they are real and affect reality
What is the explanation for this? Idk if pic is related cus i didnt read
R: 7 / I: 6


It might not even be a bot but a garden-variety loon
R: 2 / I: 1

Those who do not move, do not notice their chains
R: 10 / I: 1

Wholesome Incest Anime

I want anime focused on siblings being in love and entering a happy romantic relationship. I don't want a lust filled relationship; if there is any lust between the siblings I want the lust involved to be very small. I don't care about blood relation but I want the couple to have lived as siblings before they entered a relationship.
I saw Oreimo, Candy Boy, Eromanga Sensei (though it had much fanservice, the siblings had little to no sexual activity or thoughts; though I'd prefer anime without much fanservice) and Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru (though there was some lust, it was a small part of the O.V.A.). Is there anything more?
R: 13 / I: 2

>Edward Said
>Frantz Fanon
>Michel Foucault
The fathers of Soycialism who ruined leftism in the west. there collective faggotry spearing to generations of leftists.
R: 4 / I: 0

Modern day leftism is really just a fucking death cult.

>Hates children

>Thinks babies are parasites
>Hates white people even though they make up 90% of their group
>Hates humanity's progress
>Hates when fertility rates increase
>Thinks the world is overpopulated, thinks people need to die.
R: 6 / I: 0

anyone want to talk about the new Watchmen? I've been pleasantly surprised so far by lindelof. The recurring motifs are translated well into a series, its already a better adaptation of the original work than snyders.
R: 38 / I: 2

Mind Game Anime

Hello. I want some anime that have people attempting to outsmart each other as a major part of the show. I already watched Death Note, Code Geass, Hyouka, Classroom of the Elite, Kaiji, Akagi, No Game No Life (some of it was nonsense, but some of it was really impressive), The Promised Neverland, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I am mentioning this one even though it wasn't mainly focused on mind games so nobody suggests it anyway), One Outs, Talentless Nana, Kakegurui and Zankyou no Terror (it focused on mind games at the start). Please tell me of more mind game anime.
R: 115 / I: 10

UK elections

Sunak came out and declared they're on for July 4th. Corbyn's now running as an independent. Andrew Feinstein is running against Starmer, and maybe he'll knock him out of his seat - who knows?

Are you excited, /leftypol/?
R: 5 / I: 0

ANOTHER coup in Bolivia ongoing

LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Bolivia’s President Luis Arce warned Wednesday that an “irregular” deployment of troops was taking place in the Bolivian capital, raising concerns that a potential coup was underway.

He called for “democracy to be respected” on a message on his X account came as Bolivian television showed two tanks and a number of military in front of the government palace.

Former Bolivian president Evo Morales, also in a message on X, denounced the movement of the military in the Murillo square outside the palace, calling it a coup “in the making.”


vid unrelated
R: 6 / I: 4

Sex PsyOPs

Post 'em
R: 23 / I: 2

Altchan suggestions?

Hello lads. I was recently released from prison, come home to find I do not know where to lurk anymoar. I used to hang out on lainchan and 8chan. Reincarnations of both are still around but they have changed quite a bit.

I don't want consoymerism threads. I just want to know where the similar faggots are gathering these days. I know that there are people like me too stubborn to give up on this so I'm sure they are all congregating somewhere in a virtual valhalla. I've tried here for a few days but this is too fringe for my liking although I may share your politics.

Any advice appreciated
R: 47 / I: 16

jucika thread pls
R: 45 / I: 43

Who is your rightoid crush?

For me, it's definitely Candace Owens. I often fantasize about how our relationship would progress. In the beginning, she is aggressive and beastly, desperate to get my progressive white seed inside her. After some time, she comes to learn that being soft and supple (like a white belle) is the way to my heart. Eventually, I start letting her sleep inside, and we begin fighting for an anti-racist future together.
R: 73 / I: 6  


So I thought here and now would be a good time to tell you I'm uploading parts of my book that I have completed. You can find them at:


I have up to chapter 13 written of the third book, and the whole of the second book. Maybe you all can provide feedback (and anyone saying snark will be given the fag tag).

It gets pretty depressing but I saw Chapter 13 as one of the more uplifting, since I basically say the way out… if only humans wanted such a thing. We've always known that, but all of the build-up to that is where we would really have to go. It's a pity humans will never think like that, not now.
R: 25 / I: 13


- Guns You Can Buy General -
Post guns that you want to buy or have already. Eurocucks welcome as is discussion of regulation.
R: 95 / I: 11



First of all this is incredibly based and God bl3ss them shoot R.I.P To a real one but this is fucking bad news politically. He's gonna win for sure now and this will cause a reaction upswell we haven't seen in a hundred years not only in the US b UT globally. This is terrible news and propaganda of the deed is fail3d as a political strategy.
R: 0 / I: 0

glowing eyes meme

am I imagining it, or is the eyes glowing meme originally from /leftypol/s nazbol meme?

crazy to see how this shit was spammed by biden supporters, and now retarded reactionaries

heres an example from '17
R: 89 / I: 4

the world run on looks. everybody listen to me, i swear it's important

the world works on looks. looks are important. we human will always fully think and associate people with lighter skin color as looking better, better to look at, and is more beautiful/pretty/handsome.
we all also associate lighter skin color with being more feminine for women consider feminine. we can never change this. not a single thing anyone do and say will ever change this. you can never change how people think like this. man or women everybody think like this.

now then have and obvious answer. for the sake of use call it the “Blond Path". we need to produce white people with blue eyes and green eyes and blond hair and ginger hair. the quota would be 10 times the world population including the world population of whites with natural color hair and eyes. To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance. Production does not stop there, we also need to group ethnic whites together with the same ethnic whites (Ex: Scotts with Scotts, serbs with serbs, and etc). Although this one is of a different program. This program also require us to get rid of the same hindrance the former program have. Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.

As part of the Blond path and to prevent dehumanization and other such unwanted idea,we will educate people. Specifically we will tell them about that one zoning infrastructure real-estate thing (I forgot the name of it) that put black and brown people in place were the chemicals,paint ,water ,walls and environment in general are doing things to their head (mind and brain) and body. In general everybody need to be educated about racist laws and myth and other such things. Other then that we need to eliminate race science and race bias in science.

In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites and more importantly whites with blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair and red hair because the world work on looks. But we also educate people so they don’t believe in race science and race biased science.

we must advertise this to every rightoid, boomers, and whites.

I am speaking as a brown.
R: 4 / I: 2

femcel thread

female celibacy thread

Dear Abby: Hubby's been saying 'not tonight' for years
R: 614 / I: 176 (full)

Israel 'at war' as Hamas gunmen launch surprise attack from Gaza Thread Pt. IV

Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

Demonstrators have continued to blockade and damage arms factories manufacturing weapons for Israel in the UK.

The Center for Constitutional Rights appealed the jurisdictional dismissal of the genocide complicity lawsuit against President Joe Biden; the appellate argument is scheduled for June 10th.

Following repression at Columbia University, protestors around the US have made encampments at colleges, demanding that their universities divest. Many of these demonstrations have been met with brutal police repression, and some have also faced car ramming attacks and assaults by far-right mobs. This has not discouraged students from continuing. Thousands of demonstrators have been arrested. A new wave of similar protests followed globally.

More countries moved to recognize Palestinian statehood. The US vetoed a UNSC resolution for Palestinian membership.

The US abstained from a ceasefire vote at the UNSC, allowing a temporary ceasefire resolution for the month of Ramadan to pass. Israel refused to observe it, and to cover for this, the US erroneously claimed that UN Security Council resolutions are "non-binding," continuing to back Israel anyway.

Starvation deaths have continued to increase in Gaza amid Israel's imposed famine.

Mass graves discovered at Nasser and Al-Shifa hospitals in Gaza.

More countries halted arms sales to Israel.

The US stated that the Biden Pier had been completed.

More demonstrations and crackdowns have occurred around the world, including in Germany, where speakers including Yanis Varoufakis have been banned, and a wave of arrests and seizures for "anti-semitism" have targeted Jewish groups disproportionately.

The US House of Representatives passed a bill to define criticism of Israel as "anti-semitism," which now goes to the senate.

Israeli and US politicians threatened the International Criminal Court over potential accountability.

A lot more has also occurred - it's recommended that you dive into the previous thread if you haven't done so, yet, because it's been an eventful month!
R: 12 / I: 4


R: 23 / I: 25

why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?
R: 13 / I: 7

Crazy Feminist General

Post the wildest shit you see feminists saying here.
R: 4 / I: 0

I was thinking on how I have a secret degen side which reminded me of this video comment.

Do you think girls would rather date a regular looking dude who eats poop sandwiches and dead rats or an ugly dude who eats normal things?
R: 32 / I: 2

political strive

I have 2 questions.

Why is it that as different political parties become more similar in terms of policy, the greater the political strive and conflict in the political arena ?

For example in UK politics tori and labor parties have grown ever more similar, or in the US republican and democrat parties only have very few policies that differ. And yet the political hostilities have reached a fever pitch.

Without understanding the nature of this samer-angrier dynamic, i ask another question should the left have lumped those parties with similar politics together. As in referring to a Labori party or a Democrublican party ? In order to create a new 2-way choice the-left vs the-other-lumpbable-parties
R: 3 / I: 0

Sorry for the trans people reading this, but what if I identified as GigaChad? Can I then get model tier grills?
R: 1 / I: 0


I love John Lennon edition.
R: 4 / I: 0

New president elected in Iran

Masoud Pezeshkian was elected the new president of Iran on Friday. He's reportedly a moderate. What do you think of him? Will he be up to the challenges ahead for Iran, in its struggle against imperialism and Zio-fascist savagery?
R: 5 / I: 0

Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames? Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?
R: 13 / I: 5

What do you think of pornography or sex work?
R: 4 / I: 1

Death race

All right can someone explain why the hell there aren't more death race games? I've never been able to understand this. Why would I want to settle for kiddie kart racing where no one ever dies when I could strap guns to my vehicle and kill everyone in front of me?

It's always baffled me why there's a whole bunch of car combat games taking place in an arena, but nobody wants to combine the idea with racing. What gives?
R: 108 / I: 47

/football/ General

transfer window edition
R: 8 / I: 0

Developer warns VR headset damaged eyesight

R: 1 / I: 0

New bop just dropped
R: 3 / I: 0

Hello, Im a graffiti writer, Im interested in using my skills to make some anti-Zionist art here in the heart of the imperialist machine. Is there a way to make a completely anonymous IG acct and Website so that I can post photos of my work without getting caught? Obviously graffiti is illegal but anti-Israeli graffiti is going to attract much more attention. How do I cover my digital tracks?
R: 15 / I: 3

Class Struggle

This is exactly the kind of shit that's holding the left back.

>I don't think we can expect <minority> to team up with a bigot…

Actually that's exactly what communists must demand. And we must demand the reverse of this too: bigots must team up with minorities they claim to hate.

Workers aren't responsible for minorities' grievances, the bourgeoisie class is. When no one can put food on the table, the fact that you're offended isn't going to change this.

I don't know who needs to hear this but quit acting like a bunch of snowflakes, hetero-normative whites included. Just shut the fuck up. Organize. And squash the rich. It's really that simple.
R: 37 / I: 2

What do you plan to do now that the USA is under a presidential dictatorship as decided by the SC?

“The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding,” Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor wrote. “When the president uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."


I mean, this is pretty much the definitional opposite of "left wing". This is a mostly right-wing country by law now.
R: 2 / I: 0

neuralink human trials

The brain chip company has successfully implanted a brain chip into a person. It's a paraplegic and this allows this person to thought-control their wheel-chair and even do high fidelity computer inputs (good enough for playing games)

At this time the brain chip is one way communication only, only relaying thought-commands from the brain to external devices, but nothing flows back into the brain. But if this thing is going to become the tech that fixes most handicaps it will have to become 2 way communication. And there are serious worries about it becoming a attack vector for brain-hacking. If brain chips were free open source technology, protected by a very diligent community, and absolute brain privacy was vigorously enforced (as in death penalty for brain privacy violations), that probably would mitigate risks enough though.

For able people this promises hands-free computing. I suspect people would not undergo brain surgery to get this unless they need it to fix a handicap. Because of the medical risks and it eventually turning into obsolete e-waste rattling in your skull.

This thing uses thousands of wires connected to electrodes directly stuck inside the brain. So people who have this implanted, probably become vulnerable to electromagnetic fields. Getting an MRI scan is probably off the table. Humans generally are not affected by magnetic fields, even extremely powerful ones. Hence why there is lots of technological EM in the human environment. People who get the brain chip would have to be even more careful than those who have a pacemaker. Nukes produce a big EM pulse, so the brain-chipped people will die first in WW3. Safety wise this really would benefit from optical data links that electrically isolate the brain.

Whats the real world application going to be ?
My hunch is it'll get used for medical and military purposes (soldiers thinking what their shoulder cannon shoots at)
If the functionality can be replicated with a wearable headband/cap it might enter general use, but if it's surgical implants only, it'll remain a niche.

vid not related
R: 38 / I: 67

Incest general

There is no good reason to oppose incest.
R: 0 / I: 0

post bannable material for streams
R: 207 / I: 44

anons... i made a girl friend

its the fist time ive made a friend who's a girl (female) in my 19 years of age, turns out it wasnt that hard. Im still afraid of women though

am i winning?
R: 29 / I: 10

I am a Liberal
R: 62 / I: 47


>fellow blacks and browns welcomed
>NOT a wignat thread
>NOT a /pol/ thread
>pro cattle-breeding whites
>pro bleaching latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro germanification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro skandi-ification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>manosphere friendly
>robot friendly
>special-need friendly
>autist of any collor welcome
if everybody just fucks people with rare phenotypes like white skin or red hair then the gene pool will include more of those recessive genes in it. Sure everybody says recessive genes never show up if you have brown kids but who cares? The genes are still present and will eventually show up again, next time probably with more genetic variation in the DNA sequences to make them less recessive or sum.
R: 0 / I: 0

Costco Wagecucks

Is there a reason that they seem to only hire chronically asshurt middle aged people? They make you feel like dirt when asking to pick up a pizza. None of them seem to want to be there.Very rare to see a teen employed at any Costco.

Why the fuck do I need to pay Costco a membership fee to shop there just to deal with some pissed off wage earner (Union no less) in order to maybe save a buck or two on large quantity consumable goods?

Small to commercial business usually have a supplier that beats Costco for what they need. Individuals and households with a brain understand that bulk needs can be met by something like a Walmart or even Home Depot.

Why the fuck would any human with an ounce of self worth want to piss away a couple hours minimum just to shop at Costco? Idiocracy made fun of this damn near two decades ago and it's more true than ever.

BTW - the rotisserie chickens are shit now and it's not because of the package change. Fuck Costco.
R: 3 / I: 0

Pentagon Ran a Secret Anti-Vax Campaign to Undermine China at the Height of the Pandemic

The U.S. military ran a secret anti-vaccination campaign at the height of the pandemic in the Philippines and other nations to sow doubt about COVID vaccines made by China, according to a new investigation by Reuters. The clandestine Pentagon campaign, which began in 2020 under Donald Trump and continued into mid-2021 after Joe Biden took office, relied on fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to target local populations in Southeast Asia and beyond. The campaign also aimed to discredit masks and test kits made in China. "Within the Pentagon, within Washington, there was this fear that they were going to lose the Philippines" to Chinese influence, says Joel Schectman, one of the Reuters reporters who broke the story. Schectman says that while it's impossible to measure the impact of the propaganda effort, it came at a time when the Chinese-made Sinovac shot was the only one available in the Philippines, making distrust of the vaccine "incredibly harmful."
R: 14 / I: 0

Any oldcels here? What's dating like for you?
R: 8 / I: 0

I will be dying a virgin

It doesnt scare me
R: 69 / I: 12

When will dorky millenial online activists and state sanctioned leftist influencers (i.e., teachers with twink tok accounts) realize they are making the right seem cool?

Think about it: a lot of hate that vegans receive isn't because people are overly hostile to eating vegetables. It's because vegans themselves brand themselves in a negative light: emotional, effeminate, weak, etc. Additionally, many younger people will naturally rebel against the professed values of the generation ahead of them. When will those who vehemently consider themselves part of the left realize they're actually helping to boost those they claim to oppose?

For context: pic related openly admits to being a cuck and gets offended if you don't praise him for it
R: 0 / I: 0

R: 4 / I: 0

Yaoi and non-straight shipping - women would rather think about two handsome men being gay than anything to do with an *ncel
R: 31 / I: 2

>Sharing space with others to watch porn, giving ourselves entirely into something beyond ourselves, a crowd as one entity made only possible through the shared passion of individuals coming together. Are goon group sessions not innately communist?
R: 2 / I: 0

Agree or disagree
R: 46 / I: 79

9/11 - Year of the Retroded Edition

Kermit the frog caused 9/11. In the 2002 TV film "It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", there's a part where an angel shows Kermit an alternate reality where he was never born. For whatever reason, the editors didn't really think about it, and continued to use footage with the twin towers still standing for this scene, however they aren't there in his original universe. Therefore, something that Kermit did in his life, did in fact cause 9/11 in Muppet lore.
R: 38 / I: 7

School is prison

School and prison are the same. In both places you are stripped of your freedom and dignity. You are told exactly what you must do, and you are punished for failing to comply. Actually, in school you must spend more time doing exactly what you are told to do than is true in adult prisons, so in that sense school is worse than prison
R: 11 / I: 1

Assange is out

It's a very odd deal.
The criminal Biden admin is letting Assange go in exchange for a guilty plea.

R: 12 / I: 2

The failing Biden pier
it keeps failing folks
they can't keep it floating, at high tide it goes sploosh! under the waves
I tell you what folks, if the failing Biden pier was any more of a catastrophe John Cameron would go and he would have to make a movie about it
John Cameron would make a movie about it, it would be a big Hollywood blockbuster,
nobody makes big Hollywood blockbusters anymore, have you noticed that?
Nobody except John Cameron, and he would make it and it would be DELIGHTFUL unlike the failing Biden pier which isn't delightful and keeps sinking.

The failing Biden pier. They're calling it the 8kun of the sea, it's had so much downtime. It's unbelievable, folks.
R: 3 / I: 2

What is 747 times 12?
R: 43 / I: 8

I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
R: 2 / I: 0

Raiding r/SanFrancisco's homeless oriented threads where they call for arrest of homeless all day

It's a sub full of nominal Democrats arguing for the homeless in their city to go to jail or otherwise violently violated by local police and due to a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Join me in raiding their threads. Please keep in mind Reddit automatically blocks accounts for profanities or threats so try to avoid those.

Last thread:

There's a new once every few days, which you can find under "New" in https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/

I don't live in San Francisco but this is by far the most obnoxious liberal forum I've ever seen.
R: 27 / I: 0

War on the homeless: Red states asking daddy Supreme Court to help criminalize public homelessness

The US Supreme court has decided to hear the case, fueling speculation they will side with those wanting to criminalize public homelessness.

With the approval of the California governor as well.

This recently came to a head in Grants Pass Oregon, a small Republican county with almost 2% homelessness. Their approach so far was over 500 criminal citations being given to their homeless for sleeping in parks until a circuit court stopped Grants Pass from issuing further citations. Now Grants Pass is asking the supreme court to give explicit permission to all states to criminalize public homelessness.

The DOJ disagrees however, stating “Regardless of any future Supreme Court ruling, the law” is clear that “officers lack reasonable suspicion to stop people for merely sleeping on public property when they have nowhere else to sleep,” in a criminal complaint against Phoenix Arizona's treatment of the homeless. https://prospect.org/justice/2024-06-20-scotus-homelessness-doj-war-on-poor-phoenix/

The subreddit r/SanFrancisco is also celebrating the possibility of public homelessness being illegal.

What is your take on this /leftypol/? The war on the homeless is in full swing.
R: 20 / I: 0



I'm literally Aizen.
R: 169 / I: 54

Be honest…

Has your life gotten materially better or worse since this faggot supposedly got elected.?
R: 19 / I: 1

fuck you faggots. you can't stop me

I WILL make the world 99.9% into german-blondes german-blue-eyed snow whites who are always 10/10 no mater the sex/gender. so much so that every blacks and browns will inevitably be assimilated. At the same time the world will be under going a communist transition. race-science and race bias in science will be eliminated. the world will be perfect.
R: 50 / I: 12

/mu/ - Music

Discuss and share songs, albums artists you like. You can talk about making music as well.
Usually not my genre but I enjoyed this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMaRguzy2gU
R: 5 / I: 2

Music video of the year
R: 2 / I: 1

a grand plan

mix the blood of the superior Spanish conquerors with the superior indigenous peoples in order to create the perfect master race.
R: 0 / I: 0

This video makes me wanna give up on relationships

R: 46 / I: 6

papers please


This guy did a decent video, on an attempt at introducing a internet ID-law
<government ID for accessing a website (initially porn-sites).

It's hiding behind deceptive legislative speak.
<think of the children while we attack your civil liberties

Big tech companies apparently are supporting this.
<so it might spread to other parts of the internet as well

Obviously none of these people really care about the welfare of children, or else we'd be living in a very different world. They might be targeting porn because they think it's a way to get a foot in the door for an ID-access-wall. Or they might actually be trying to identify people's porn habits in order to facilitate discrimination based on sexuality. Even if that's not the intention right now, it'll definitely be the result. We don't live in a dark age theocratic society where the church regulates sex, because it's currently not possible. All the puritanical bullshit will come flooding back the moment it becomes possible. Every ruling class seeks to control sex.

The Internet ID stuff will get hacked so even if you're a gullible fool that believes in this.
<think of all the identity theft

Obviously there will always be a technical way to bypass this, which means that it would also be an incentive for people to level up their tech skills. Even if most people end up doing that and this flops, it's still dystopian nightmare fuel that somebody is trying to make this happen.

Obviously online ID verification is not compatible with either privacy or freedom of expression.
It's a lever for governments to track or censor people based on their ID-logins. In principle it shouldn't be possible to make these laws in the first place because they're not compatible with legal-root-documents (US-constitution/bill of rights for example) in most countries.
There are a surprising amount of stateless people that can't get IDs, it would be beyond cruel to cut these people off.

Maybe it's time to abolish IDs altogether. It certainly was useful for the analog-age but maybe not for the digital age. It's not difficult to make all the public services function without identifying people. (I have thought this through and will elaborate on request)

We still should answer the question about brotecting the children, even if this is not related to this topic.
There would be foundational questions

should children be separated from adults ?
<Whats the evidence pro and contra ?

Shouldn't this be the responsibility of the parents ?
<Like setting up parental control systems, and paying attention what children do online.

Should we bring back offline childhood ?
<No screens until 6yrs
<Only LAN-parties until 12yrs
<Should we give children a computer with a very simple "retro" architecture ?

Simple computers are not capable of doing anything that could harm children, so there is no need to shackle it in any way, so it'll be a fun toy that gets played with not a boring educational prop that ends up in a drawer. It should still be capable enough to teach children the fundamentals of computing.
For example something like this
(I'm not knowledgeable about retro computing, and I'm linking this project because it's the only one i know about)
R: 5 / I: 0

tech predictions

generative ML software
-generative machine learning software will kill off the copyright-restriction lobby
Media creation will become cheap and abundant, restricting access to content will become self defeating. SO called IP will seize to be capital, the new capital will be the chip-plants and power-plants. Small artists will benefit the most, these new tools will allow individuals and small teams to create very sophisticated content that previously was only doable for large companies.
-Copy restrictions are the most destructive in the pharmaceutical field because they prevent people from getting medicine, and globally this leads to the involuntary slaughter of tens of millions of people every year. I would expect a similar dynamic from computationally brute-forcing candidates for molecules with medical properties and a explosion of cheap generica.
-it will become so easy to make fake surveillance-recordings and digital-records that all kinds of video, audio and digital records will be downgraded from forensic evidence to testimonial evidence.

-The so called "client-side csam-scanning" scheme will backfire spectacularly, because AI image-recognition and image-generation are very similar, and one can be turned into the other. AI-stalking is deployed like regular malware, the attacker injects a payload into the victims computer to exfiltrate data. Big tech like Apple or the EU Thorn-surveillance group (responsible for chat-control), are pushing to infect a gazillion smartphones with this crud. They will end up spreading a pedo-porn-generator far and wide. The think of the children political deception will die with this one.
-meat-space surveillance with cameras that recognize peoples faces will turn into a gang-violence bonanza. While the meat-space mafia is generally stupid with mediocre tech skills, they will eventually figure out how to wear "other people's faces". Public safety will nose-dive and the fashion trends will get surreal with women wearing face-curtain-hair and men growing up-beards that go from the chin to the forehead.
Everything eventually turns into it's opposite. Something something dialectical.

surveillance capitalism
-People'll use AI to generated loads of data, personal profiling will eventually die because the data becomes diluted with ai-slop. Data-brokers will also use Ai to pad User-data, and contribute to that. Many people will try to use Ai to generate a favorable-digital foot-print to avoid digital discrimination/persecution, contributing yet more erosion of big data.
The only current big tech company that went for a relatively open and modular strategy is Meta. Surprisingly enough it was the Zuck that was clear headed about this. The others are seeking to build their monolithic mainframe Ai and they'll end up like those big mainframe companies from the 80s nobody remembers anymore.

SnAIke oil
Too much to list it all, here are 2 egregious ones:
-AI lie detectors, AI pre-crime crystal balls.

>humanoid robots

Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem. It won't replace industrial workers because industrial automation doesn't need humanoid shapes. It won't replace hospitality workers because we already invented much more cost effective vending machines that produce everything from fancy coffee to sophisticated gourmet meals. The military might go for these for political reasons (fewer people returning in body bags). Strategic downsides are that robot-husks can be harvested by an opponent and turned in a new military force. It might make for a decent butler, as long as you don't connect it to the internet because it might get a software-update that instructs it to strangle you until you buy the not-get-strangled subscription. Same deal with security droids.

Ai politics
expect pic related
R: 52 / I: 4

Are the neocons incompent ?

I'm asking my self whether or not the neocons are nothing but blood-dripping salesmen for the arms-industry, and all their ideological stuff is foolishness.

I'm not looking for cheap shots, like proving they never achieve their stated goals like "winning the war on terror". Just assume it's part of their strategy to lie about their true goals.

I used to think that they were both effective at generating profits for the arms industry and also furthering US imperial power. But I don't think that anymore.

For example the wars in the middle east caused something like a war-chaos-belt that separated Europe from Asia and prevented the formation of "Ꭼurꭺsian" (loaded term) economic integration that could potentially become an economic block that would be many times more powerful than the US. So in that sense you could look at the failed wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on as somewhat effective at maintaining US hegemonic power.

But it turns out that it wasn't the case. The conclusion that most analysts are drawing now is that the US wasted a bunch of time and effort fucking up the Arabs. And was nothing but a distraction that allowed China to grow into an economic powerhouse that is now more or less untouchable for the foreseeable future.

The Ukraine crisis again follows a similar structure, it seemed like a viable way to separate Russian-German economic cooperation by creating a trade-disrupting war-zone and political-capital for economic separation, so that economic integration may not lead to a Russo-European economic block that would have been more powerful than the US.

But it turns out that this wasn't the case either. The result of the Ukraine crisis is:

Sino-Russian economic integration. Which might lead to the formation of a much more powerful economic block than the Russo-European one. But the consequences don't stop at undoing the Sino-Soviet split. It also has killed the economic power of Europe which means that a potential Trꭺnsatlꭿntiꮸ (loaded term) economic block is much weaker now.

But wait their is more, It has caused a substantial loss in diplomatic power that is undoing the western sway over Africa and India. The US has also lost it's power to direct Saudi-oil-production, and the US-dollar as reserve currency is loosing more ground in international trade, which will have direct implications of limiting US military spending in the not so distant future.

In case the NAFO-gang wants to dispute that the Ukraine-crisis was manufactured by the neocons, then it changes nothing about my argument that what ever the neocons did do, was ineffective at furthering the goals of US hegemony. So please don't turn this thread into a who-done-it Ukraine-debate.

Further consequences are that the divisions in Nato are growing and a Nato dissolution might be the outcome of that. The Trꭺnsatlꭿntiꮸ alliance now comes with an extremely steep economic penalty for Europe, which makes it's future rather questionable as well. I've never seen civilizations not organize them selves around the most economical source of energy. That is an extremely steep hill to climb.
R: 3 / I: 1

Is there even a single 4X game that's ever managed to solve the problem of tedious micromanagement in the late-game phase? It seems like this should be a solvable problem, yet I haven't encountered any that have pulled it off.
R: 59 / I: 13


So apparently google is going to attempt force-feeding ads to everybody, including those who really really don't want it, and they will try to break ad-blocker functionality. Many people think that there will be a war on ad-blocking.
Here is a short recap from a tech-channel that's pretty black-pilled about the future of technical work-arounds to ads.

I think it's unreasonable to accept adds because they represent a security risk, because ads load random executable code on your computer. Ads also tend to infringe on privacy by data mining and tracking people. Adds have become crazy intrusive which probably is bad for your mental health, and use too much bandwidth and compute resources. Going online without ad-blockers is the technical equivalent to having unprotected sex with a hooker in a failed state where 30% of the population is infected with an incurable STD.

The tech-porkies will want subscription for freedom from ads, but:
Subscriptions suck in general because it's paying without getting ownership in return, which is a bad deal.
It'll be too expensive for many people who can't afford the paywall and still need another way to protect them selves.
Those platforms are not politically neutral, you'd expect that if you have to pay that you get unfiltered access, but they probably won't do that.

Many fear that if this spreads beyond the googstuff like YouTube, it will become a nightmare to manage a bazillion subscriptions even for those that are loaded enough to afford it. It could create even more walled-garden type distribution monopoly platforms, because the average person probably can't manage more than a handful of subscriptions and that will cause consolidation into a few distribution gate-keepers.

My questions:
1. Will there be a new type of adblock as a technical-fix that will overcome all the attempts of undoing ad-blocks, and all the black-pilled people are wrong ? Will there be new programs that can separate the content from the ads, what will that look like ? ad-blocking is human species being and nothing can prevent it

2. Will none of this matter because the corporate ad-supported online spaces will just stagnate into ossified neo-legacy media like Television and all the cool kids will flock to a hot new technology-thing, like in the 90s when the web got started, and what is upon us isn't a information distopia but rather marks the beginning of a new renaissance of authentic online communities like what the early web was ? escape via new-tech
2,5. Will people go for tech-minimalism and go back to simple static web-pages or Gemini capsules that are now cost effective enough to work with a small budget ? escape via legacy/minimalist-tech

3. Will there be something like a "culture-flat-rate". You pay a single subscription fee and that unlocks everything online, but without creating a new gate-keeper ? Maybe something like a censorship-resistant fully distributed decentralized peer-to-peer system that has a inbuilt functionality that automatically makes a tiny micro-payment that divides up your universally affordable monthly contribution among all the nodes you visited in the month prior, while maintaining your privacy. neo federalism

4. Everything becomes A.I. and that causes radical changes that are so dramatic that all our categories become meaningless. Adds will no longer exist because corporate A.I.-vertisment is going to do Inception style psychological manipulation to make you buy stuff, and if you try to resist it'll try to drive you into suicide. The people that survive will be the ones that went with something along the lines of GNU/AI ethical libre software artificial intelligence. Stallman is life
R: 59 / I: 19

Paranormal activities

What non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff does leftypol believe in? Are any of you UFOfags? What exactly is it in human psychology that wants to believe in bigfoot, etc. and other such things where people are willing to believe in paranormal phenomenon? And if such a thing is built into human psychology can the vast majority of people ever escape an idealist mode of thought?
R: 1 / I: 0



Ho-ree phuc.

Female use of sex toys (overcoming the natural limitations of one's quality of life by bettering the means of orgasm-induction)
Sex positions besides missionary (revolutionary rejection of religious dogmas on social relations)
Petplay (reproducing the inter-class social relations of class society)
Males dominating/females submitting (taking into account the actual material conditions of one's historical physiological existence & coming to terms with them)
Piercing/cutting (reproducing existential torture of the meaninglessness of life in class society)
Sadism (upholding revolutionary discipline) (the preference for it is practically unisex common commun W keep @ it)
Latex (upholding og revolutionary aesthetics) (only fems prefer it, fsr)
Asphyxiation/choking (reproducing the totality of hollowness of culture in class society)
Vore (socialism = no food (actually reproducing the class society power dynamics in alienation of power of an individual & the want to exchange one's ego to gain it back))
Lactation (planned economy poomps the productive forces so hard you gotta get creative with putting the surplus product to good use)
Sounding (getting ready for mandatory checkups under public healthcare, building the social responsibility one body part @ a time)

Group sex (radical return to traditional human nature) (males go really hard for it)
Females dominating, petting, futa (smashing the class-based society's most profitable gender relations by deliberately reversing them, one thrust @ a time) (females go really hard for it)
Monsters/aliens (building international & interspecies' solidarity, fully automated gay uyghur luxury outer space communism-style, Posadas would be proud)
Male use of sex toys, males submitting (denying the repressive behavioral cultural boundaries imposed on males by the unmarxist economist elites) (unsurprisingly (for anarcs), males support this more)
Heavy/light bondage (reproducing the restraints on life's activity by the inherent nature of the society of spectacle) (males prefer the harsher type)
Masochism (reproducing the general repression of an individual's active life expression by all kinds of interpersonal systems)
Humiliation (reproducing the repressing behavior of the societal system)
Spanking (reproducing the inherent repression of the family unit made up & culturally reinforced by the class society's nature)

Faggots (as in old evropean english):
Race play
Voyeurism, exhibitionism (I guess rightoids chose this cuz of it being fetishized public sex?)
Age play
24/7 power dynamics
Rape play
Creepy crawlies (tf?)
Anal sex
(I leave all that shit for you to define lmaokek)
(btw femlolberts (= troons) kinda enjoy a rapey submissive taking of it into the anal arsehole shitter butt, scribbling a note as a reminder rn)

personal notes:
our bitches are fucking insane we gotta employ them to people's c&b torture facilities pretty soon so get ready 2 pull their moral shells

So how sex-reactionary are you anon? Are you revolutionary enough? You are not a regressive individualistic petite bourgeois virgin, right?
R: 4 / I: 2

lookism's connection to skull measuring

is it real?
R: 3 / I: 0

>Is consuming bourgeois poison with others communist
R: 7 / I: 7

kill social justice persons

there is not one reason why i should help them or make their life easier. they generalize and exagerate about every government on earth ever. they lie through their teeth as natural as as they breath. they take advantage of the progressive zeitgeist that happen in society. they take advantage of everybody lying about nation/tribe/etc that are againts the libtard view of the world. they take advantage of people not caring but still having the drive to bully the non-"""normie""" part of society. not a single healthy society from the stone age up to now allow them to speak. THEY SHOULD BE ROPED!!!! when we have a new hammer&sickle revolution they should- no- MUST! THEY MUST BE ROPED!!!!
R: 9 / I: 0

Saudi Arabia ditches the petrodollar

So, Saudi Arabia is ditching the prtodollar. Isn't that wild?
What does /leftypol/ make of this one?
Thoughts? Feelings? What's going on?
R: 5 / I: 2

Chatgpt NSA front ?

So OpenClosedAi has appointed a NSA-guy as director.
So it's probably best to avoid that one.
R: 8 / I: 2

mom never overperformed

the cunt-capitalist class is the actual owner of the means of reproduction and the ultimate beneficiary of this power in sexual-capitalism. males are chosen by cunt-capitalists to breed, and males are duped into supporting the entire social structure by hook and crook, leaving omega males bereft of sex and breeding. The only solution is to make economic and sexual capitalism illegal, and inaugurate a system of centrally planned reproduction.
R: 4 / I: 1

society of the deed

Our society is organized by identity. We have systems that recognize somebodies identity and that grants/denies access to powers and resources. While that mostly works, we might be able to do better. I propose as an alternative that we organize around deeds instead, and have systems recognize actions rather than identities.

History of identities
Early tribal societies used identities and lineages to prevent inbreeding. In slave societies identity was used to keep track of slaves. And in feudal societies identities were used to attach hereditary political power to people. Identity also served persecution alot, for example: which hunting, or in ww2 the Nazis holocausting the Jews. States use identity to attempt to conscript-nap people and force them to wage wars.

This is what enabled many slaves to free them selves. It is what enabled many Jews to evade the extermination camps. It also is necessary for democracy, because votes have to be anonymous in order to prevent coerced votes. Anonymity became a political value during the beginning of the bourgeois revolutions, and are conceptually based on early cities where masses of people had to cooperate without being able to know everybody.

examples for proof of deed, recognize action instead of identity
We already use some systems that recognize action but not identity. For example when you buy a ticket for amusement rides, the ticket grants you access by proving that you payed for the ride, and there is no need to recognize your identity. Voting systems can also work entirely without identity, people vote anonymously, then stick their thumb into a die that stains the skin for a few days and prevents voting more than once.

Political intentions
Proof of deed systems are better at enabling rewards for beneficial actions, while proof of identity systems skew a lot more towards punishment. Proof of deed systems are less easily abused for persecution. Identities also get abused to establish aristocratic domination (privilege for me and burden for thee). So less persecution, more fairness and motivation by the carrot rather than the stick.

A society of the deed would be anonymous safe for interpersonal relations, and perhaps counter-intuitively also more orderly, since it operates on actions directly. One would have to try it out to know for sure.

technical considerations
Proof of Identity systems have a tendency to fall for the bio-metrics scam. When the Bio-metric identification security features get defeated. There is no simple and cheap fix, like changing the combination on a lock or getting a new set of keys. People can't change their biological features and so it requires replacing the hole system. Proof of deed systems are less likely to fall for that cyclical bio-metrics churn.

Obviously we would have to experiment with action-recognition and proof of deed on a small scale, something where the stakes are low and failure is an option, Maybe some kind of website or video game might do. I'm looking for suggestions.
R: 55 / I: 4

I have been banned from leftypol.org for saying, that you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology. This is not a fringe position, since Sahra Wagenknecht openly voiced her opposition against trans-ideology in the german parliament live on TV. And yes, she calls it that way.
I'm interested, how this site here will react to left-conservative opinions.
R: 104 / I: 176


Post monsters.
Das it.
R: 24 / I: 5

Circumcision is a Fraud is Hosting a Web Page with FOIA Documents on Circumcision
Also, circumcision general thread. I think it's male genital mutilation.
R: 10 / I: 0

What happened?

Why did this game suck so bad? Capcom had just finished making Mega Man X2, arguably one of the best platformers in the entire Mega Man franchise.

And then came this turd… Sure it looks and sounds great, but mechanically it's full of problems. It inexplicably gives Mega Man a giant sprite (like 50% larger than Mega Man X or Mega Man's size in the NES games), and consequently is full of shallow platforming and somewhat frustrating, claustrophobic action. It also only lets you play four levels at a time (reducing replayability), and for some reason they chose to completely ignore the finely tuned weapon charge mechanics from the Mega Man X games and gave you a gun that takes so long to charge up that you mostly don't want to bother ever charging it at all. I've always had a hard time understanding why this game turned out the way it is.
R: 4 / I: 0

==How BRICS New Currency could Disrupt Onlyfans==

Since Hunter Biden’s dad took office, $3.4 trillion have been printed. The excess money in the market generates inflation and currency devaluation. As the USD is the international trading currency, the BRICS is opting to launch their crypto currency to protect themselves from the effects coming from US sanctions and the impending US Dollar crash. When -not if- this major shift in international currency happens, all industries will suffer, and Onlyfans is going to be massively affected by it.

Adopting a new currency for international and also ditching the SWIFT system will have major repercussions on transactions on adult websites. Since February 2022 we have seen Russian girls being “eradicated” from Onlyfans. Russian-based customers got their accounts deleted, having their credit cards of no use for purchasing content. This was one platform. Now imagine if all adult platforms were give the “choice” to either align with the current system or join BRICS, instead of using both.

1. Less international trade in USD would mean that there are going to be more dollars floating around that less people would care about, increasing the supply of dollars, devaluating the currency

2. Currency Exchange Risks and Costs would force creator to increase their subscription prices and PPV prices

3. Multi-currency payment options could cause issues for platforms, which would be affected by different foreign exchange fluctuations, which might end up forcing them to increase their % or charges passed to the customer.

4. Economies relying on USD or US-exports would see major economic downturns.

5. Content would be devalued as creators would be forced to increase prices. At the same time, currency devaluation in the US may force more women to look for online revenue. Again, more supply than demand (as customers would be affected by the economic crash, too).

6. Inflation or hyperinflation would take place in USA and Canada. Americans and Canadians may be required to get VISAs to enter other countries as many of them are fleeing already to Mexico and other Latin American countries to avoid the rising inflation.

7. The end of Producers or the beginning of a new Era. I am more inclined to think it is the end of producers. As even if there is a higher supply of girls wanting to work for producers, economic crisis or economic golden age will not erase the simp mindset of men who would overpay 20 dollars for 2 photos

R: 87 / I: 11

What are we to do with the ever-increasing agespan of adolescence?
This is a serious problem in the first and second world.
Why is it normalised to waste away your teens and twenties (AND THIRTIES!!!) in quiet despair and zero technical skills?

Generation X and Millennials have normalised mediocrity in youth.
They even say worldly exposure/attributes in youth are elitist.
R: 21 / I: 3

Post Leftcel takes on blackpill movies or otherwise. Here's mine:

The Breakfast Club, or more accurately The Fascist Club. The bully/deliquent/criminal bad-boy, the sport playing jock, the alternate/goth girl and the popular/prep girl all get romantic experiences with each other, yet the only one who does not get romance? The nerd, who is also exploited and gets his labor value stolen by being burdened with single-handedly writing the 'group' essay! The essay that everyone was supposed to work on, instead they do not contribute and just make out with each other like the sexual bourgeois they are. What is this, if not an psychotic open mask-off dictatorship of the sexual bourgeois? The nerd peasant/proletarian is forced to toil and do all the work, single-handedly being the reason they don't get further punishment for not finishing their essay. The nerd also was punished with detention, yet he does not get the same benefits as his sexually-bourgeois classmates. What was his character journey? Was there any self-actualization? Is he supposed to be content with being a single nerd with no romantic life? Is he not a three-dimensional character who breathes and lives and has thoughts and opinions like any other human? Instead, we could assume, is that the hand that wrote that essay will be what keeps him company until his hoe-less death.
One of the actors from the movie, Molly Ringwald, calls 'The Breakfast Club' 'troubling' after rewatching with her daughter. Because certain scenes/scenarios in the film are actually on some MeToo shit. This famous movie watched and known by millions has MeToo tropes. Yet incels have the bad reputation?

Whoever wrote this film is a bourgeois faggot!

The second film, Just Friends, is about a guy being fat in high school and rejected and friendzoned or some shit, but later he loses weight and becomes a womanizer.

The third film is named The Proposal. It is about a female boss coercing her male employee to marry her so she won't be deported. When you look at it, it is a non-consensual situation, because she is his boss, she has power over him (power-imbalance), he cannot easily refuse in fear of getting fired and losing his livelihood. Furthermore, they work in an office or some shit so that means this promotes petite-bourgeois aspiration/normalization. Spoilers for the ending: They end up falling in love for real and the marriage is then genuine. What kind of message does this send? That is very MeToo-esque. Imagine if the roles were reversed and/or if the man looked and acted like Harvey Weinstein. It wouldn't be so easily accepted, would it?

What kind of message are these movies sending? Is it on purpose? Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
R: 44 / I: 16

>normalize dating sex workers
R: 14 / I: 3

daughters and parents

Although daughters and their parents rated ambition and intelligence as the most important qualities of a husband for daughters, in the concrete case, both parties chose the more attractive man.
Even fathers will choose Chad for their daughters.
R: 16 / I: 7

I was set up for failure in life. My mom and dad conceived me in their 40s and i was the product of a poorly made sperm colliding with a rotten egg. It should be illegal to reproduce before the age of 25 and after the age of 36
R: 22 / I: 16

What do you think of 9/11?
R: 8 / I: 1

Them vs. U.S.: The Two Americas* and How the Nation’s Elite Is Out of Touch with Average Americans


The survey is a first-of-its-kind look at the views of the American Elite – defined as people having at least one post-graduate degree, earning at least $150,000 annually, and living in high-population density areas (more than 10,000 people per square mile in their zip code) – and compares them to what the average American thinks. The Elites represent 1% of the U.S. population but have an outsized voice on public policy in the United States, with their views seeming somehow to dominate the national conversation. This may be because it is the Elites themselves who determine what that conversation will be about on campus, in the legacy media, and corporate board rooms. Not surprisingly, these people talk about politics far more than most Americans. The data show that nearly a third of them (30%) talk about politics daily or almost every day. Just 9% of the voting public do. It is worth noting that members of the Elites who talk about politics daily have views that are even further removed from the opinions of the voting public. This is true even when the Elites self-identify as Republicans. They typically may be more conservative than Elite Democrats but they still have attitudes and opinions that are far removed from those of the typical American voter. The Elite class – regardless of party – is an exclusive club that sees and experiences America through a different lens than ordinary Americans.

These results confirm what people have long suspected: today, there are two Americas. One is wealthier, more highly educated, and attended the best schools. They put much more trust in big government “to do the right thing” and, by their own admission, benefit from more expansive government policies. They have also been hurt far less by the high inflation of the Biden presidency than those who live from paycheck to paycheck and are in the lower and middle classes.

This Grand Canyon-sized chasm between where every day Americans stand on the state of the country, expanding government power, draconian climate change solutions, and Joe Biden’s job performance may partly explain the Donald Trump phenomenon and his high approval ratings among working-class voters, who feel wholly connected with the rebellion against the arrogance of the ruling class Elites.

(If you want to see how a pro does class analysis, see “The Idea That the Republicans Can Become “The Party of The Working Class” Is Beyond Absurd.” The Bearded One’s starting point: “the identity of revenues and sources of revenue” (to simplify: wages? capital? salary? rent?). The CUPS staff and Rasmussen use income and credentials — a reasonable proxy to separate the working class from the PMC, but totally incapable of sorting for capital (and that’s not a bug, but a feature). Now, as far as cultural and political markers go, Rasmussen is useful. But never forget that its analysis is structurally flawed (and as this circulates out into the Republican FlexNet, watch for it. Of course, the Democrats don’t even have anything this good, being consumed by identity politics, designed to erase class even more thoroughly than Rasmussen did). Handy chart:
R: 8 / I: 0

Collapse of Atlanta water system continues for third day

Kevin Reed

The collapse of the water infrastructure in Atlanta, Georgia, that began on Friday and left a large section of the city without any water expanded on Sunday with two more ruptures being investigated by water department officials.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported Sunday that the water department warned residents and businesses near Euclid and North Avenues northeast of downtown and near 1190 Atlantic Drive NW north of downtown. It said that they will likely “experience the kinds of disruptions that have plagued Atlanta since the first water main break was discovered Friday.”

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens declared a state of emergency in the city at a press conference on Saturday night after the massive disruption of water service resulted in a boil water advisory from the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management. Dickens said the city was “working around the clock to bring us safe drinking water in the city of Atlanta.”

The water main collapse that shut down water service in all of downtown Atlanta began after corroded 48-inch and 36-inch pipes burst sometime on Friday at an intersection of three primary water lines in the city. The City of Atlanta released a map showing a large area across the city that has been impacted by the collapse.

Hours went by before the city made any announcements about what was happening or when the water would be restored. The city’s Water Service Interruptions Map identifies the locations where the breaks occurred and simply says, “Crews are investigating a potential water main break …” with no further information.

The water main failure impacted Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Fulton County and Atlanta government facilities and the Mercedes-Benz Stadium and the State Farm Arena. High-rise apartment buildings were also left with no water pressure.

Businesses were forced to close their doors or reduce their services on what would have been a busy Saturday in the city. Major events, including concerts and sporting events, were canceled, and hotel guests were forced to use bottled water in their rooms or check out early.

Business owner Emily Chan told Rough Draft Atlanta, “As a business with a City of Atlanta Watershed account, we have received ZERO emails, texts, or communications. We have only received communication via social media posts that people have shared.”

Emory University Hospital Midtown told news media on Saturday that it was forced to move patients and divert ambulances due to the crisis. A Journal Constitution report said, “The situation grew so serious by Saturday afternoon, that the hospital—which has about 500 patients hospitalized—doesn’t even have enough water pressure to flush toilets and is forced to rely on bottled water for all water needs.”

Dr. Adam Webb, chief operating officer of Emory Midtown, said, “Health care is challenging enough to care for patients in a hospital and when you add to that, not having water, not being able to flush toilets and other things. Things that are an annoyance at home are really a true challenge and make the job that much more complex.”

Ten patients who need dialysis—a process that depends on water pressure—have been transferred to other Emory hospitals for treatment.

City residents were outraged at the failure of the system and the lack of information coming from the city about the crisis. Posts by residents on the Atlanta Department of Watershed Management page exposed both the government’s lack of response and the negligence behind the collapse.

Kelly Hughes posted, “This is what happens when you fail to maintain the infrastructure and keep adding new users to an existing system. Increasing water pressure to try and keep up with new buildings was a sure fire way to start causing problems … we’ve been complaining for YEARS about this issue only to be ignored by the city Gov’t.”

Responding to the appalling response to the crisis by the city, Jessica James commented on Sunday, “How are we expecting families still without water to be able to flush their toilets, cook, and stay hydrated with a single case of water? Are we providing flushing water in addition to the case of drinking water? I am grateful my water is back on, but there are residents [who] have been without running water since Friday morning and continue to not having running water. Clean drinking water is important but not the only function of indoor plumbing!”

Katie Robertson added, “What is the plan for these 80-year-old pipes? They only last 53 years! Why are they not replaced and maintained? You are wasting water and money on these breaks. Roll up your sleeves and get to work on a solution for the long run not a band-aid.”

The failure of the water system in Atlanta is the latest in a growing series of events across the US that expose the decrepit condition of the infrastructure and refusal of the ruling political establishment and corporate elite to do anything about it. It follows the collapse of the water system in Jackson, Mississippi, after storm-related flooding, and the crisis in Flint, Michigan, in which thousands of adults and chlidren were poisoned by lead in the water.

Essential services such as water and electricity are failing at an increasing rate due to the lack of resources made available to upgrade the systems which are in some cases a century old or older. For the ruling class, committing time and money to modernize these systems is a diversion of resources from the accumulation of personal wealth and vast fortunes. Meanwhile, any work that will be done to repair the systems will be paid for by the public in the form of service rate and tax increases. It will not come out of the pockets of the rich.

In the case of Atlanta, the original water infrastructure dates to 1875 when the city had 22,000 people. The 36-inch water mains were first installed in 1907, and the 48-inch mains were built in 1924. According to a report published in 2018 on Atlanta’s aging water infrastructure, “the city’s water mains were renewed with a cement liner in the 1950s,” but they have “far exceeded their design life.”

Despite these well-known facts, little has been done to address the problem. In 2018, the city announced a paltry $300 million Water Supply Program to upgrade the city’s water infrastructure. So far, the only project worked on is a multi-year five-mile, 10-foot diameter conveyance line, and the conversion of an abandoned quarry into a reservoir.

As the water system has continued to crumble over decades, Atlanta has become a destination for the financial elite. Atlanta is among a handful of US cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Dallas, where billionaires live.

There are 13 billionaires living in Atlanta, including Jim Kennedy (net worth $8.2 billion), inheritor of Cox Communications; Dan and Bubba Cathy of Chick-fil-A (combined net worth $8.3 billion); and Arthur Blank (net worth $7 billion), co-founder of Home Depot and owner of the NFL Atlanta Falcons. Meanwhile, Atlanta also has some of the nations wealthiest neighborhoods, such as Tuxedo Park, where median home values are $3.7 billion.

The collapse of the water system is part of the aging infrastructure throughout the US. According to statistics in a 2023 study from Utah State University, 260,000 water main breaks in the US and Canada cost $2.6 billion each year. The study said that 33 percent of US and Canadian water mains are more than 50 years old.

R: 4 / I: 0

Leftcels, do you ever think on how leftist spaces are filled with males apologizing for being male and for male crimes and pretending to be sexually non-threatening and progressive (like supporting open relationships/polyamory in a sexpest way)

Meanwhile the Manosphere (spaces or comment sections that these leftists would consider rightwing) talk about how their exes did them wrong and that they had relationships/sex before.

How do your take on this?
R: 23 / I: 4

This site, and especially this fucking board, is dead as fuck. And yet 4chan and every other imageboard talks about how it's raiding them and think bunkerchan still exists.
R: 7 / I: 1

Leftypedia – The Radical Encyclopedia

We are Leftypedia, a socialist and left-wing online encyclopedia.

If you’re a leftist of any kind or considering becoming one, you’ve probably found truthful information about socialist ideologies and movements from websites like Wikipedia lacking at best.

These days, genuine leftist ideology can be hard to get into and learn about, between the toxic culture that dominates online leftist spaces and the many issues faced by even offline socialist organizations. Reading theory-dense works from Marx can be hard at first, and the easily-accessible guides targeted at beginners often don’t even understand the work their talking about themselves!

So, what’s the solution?

A dedicated socialist resource, like Leftypedia.

We aspire for new leftists to be given an environment where original discourse is encouraged on top of sourced and informative encyclopedic articles

Since our beginning in 2019, we have hundreds of articles, dozens of editors, and a growing community and base of content.

We’re well on our way of reaching our goals, and welcome any leftist or incoming-leftist to view and editor our articles, carry out original discourse, and so on!

R: 2 / I: 0

A friend recommended I read about stoicism. Granted he's a lot more stable and happy than me. But I can't help shake the feeling that it's a giant cope/psyop

What do you guys think?
R: 10 / I: 0

Do women like sex? What if it's only to get something from men in exchange and that male sexuality is inherently predatory?
R: 8 / I: 0

Assage wins appeal


Assange wins his appeal against extradition
But he's not out of the woods yet.
R: 44 / I: 15

Special Female Poster Zone (SFPZ)

This experimental new thread is intended to stimulate the growth of female posters posting on this site.


No bullying (unless they are right wing, then an exception may possibly be made)

This themed thread could be similar to the Grace-chan poster's Royal Colony threads.
Perhaps one could also see it as a containment thread, but only for now, with possibility of expanding with other kind of threads in the future.

<In small type at top of this dual poster is the caption: "Women have the right to vote and be elected equally with men section 137 of the Constitution of the USSR."

<Below is the slogan: "Hail the equality of Soviet women."
R: 40 / I: 13

Femcel shooter's manifesto leaked

The diary/manifesto of the femcel who shot up the Covenant elementary school in Nashville has been leaked by Steven Crowder.
It's pretty much what we all expected.
R: 14 / I: 3

Research: old /leftypol/

What made old /leftypol/ good?

Pull examples from the archives, the booru, wherever and whatever. Hell, even just tell a story.

Was it the PDFs? Was it the artists making memes? Was it people's willingness to repost them? Was it the raids and antics? Was it the people who brought esoteric niche history and theory to light? Was it the crazy Trump election drama and racial uprisings in the US? Was it the proximity to all kinds of communities, with all of 8ch coming in to give their shit opinions and getting dogpilled into submission?
R: 25 / I: 4

Between the years 1995 and 2000 there was a significant decline in the suicide rate of teenagers

The decline was almost entirely driven by teen boys killing themselves at a significantly lower rate.

What is the explanation for this data?
Many of you were teenagers yourselves during this period, what made life so good back then?
R: 45 / I: 4

Do you fags realize that one of top reasons that Americans are afraid to even entertain the idea of a revolution, is that they think the people would have to fight against "modern weapons that the military and police would have"?

I mean regardless of whether or not you agree with that argument, the average amerifat thinks that if there's an uprising, the people would have to fight picrel.

What do you have to say to those people?
R: 138 / I: 19

Should prostition be illegal?

I don't even think it should be illegal for any moral reason, or, because I think it is degenerate. I think it is bullshit women get to get by only on their looks and their pussies. They should get a job like the rest of us.
R: 1 / I: 1

What is something you've noticed recently which you either weren't supposed to notice or acknowledge if you did?
R: 22 / I: 6

anyone else dislike milfs? Christina Hendricks literally looks like my grandma
R: 1 / I: 0

note when it states rape in documents it never says women rape

so i don't believe that

its terribly biased
R: 3 / I: 0

Are women actually more misanthropic then men?

It sure seems like it.
R: 3 / I: 1

the ghost of reproductive-communism

When does reproductive-capitalism end?
R: 2 / I: 0

Windows screenlogger edition

Microsoft's vision of the AI future is installing screen-logger malware, that snaps screenshots of everything users do, and then process it with AI. It also burns 50 gigs of storage which it overwrites every 3 months wearing out that SSD just a little bit faster.

This is a privacy and security nightmare.
Check this out for details

I think they see users as pray and they are trying to learn how to psychologically bully users and then they become the power-brokers that get payed for shaping computer habits.

My prediction:
It will motivate some more people to switch to GNU+Linux.

Many power-users will continue using the-dows while fighting against Microsoft, ripping out the new crap MS rammed in there, and eventually installing their own AI that battles against Microsoft's AI. At some point de-bloating windows will be more work than compiling Gentoo or doing Linux from scratch.

In the long run Normies could get more computer savvy, but they could also conclude that computers are possessed by evil demons and avoid them all together.

what are your predictions ?
R: 9 / I: 7

What's your strat here?
R: 30 / I: 6

Andrew Tate

What's the deal with this guy and why am I seeing his name everywhere?

I've noticed normies are talking about how much of an evil misogynist he is and keep giving him free publicity, hell even my sister was asking me what I think of him. Is he just another clout chasing grifter taking advantage of desperate incels or does he make some good points?
R: 17 / I: 3

"Kautsky pointed out that it was often quite impossible to make out"
‒ V. I. Lenin


in other words, When will you fags invent your own Incelnationale? C'mon, that's-a such a good & fitting (KEK) name!
R: 10 / I: 5

the Black Pill

Swallowing the Black Pill
R: 13 / I: 1

y no gamming bribery system ?

From a current unrest happening in Georgia, never mind the local politics, no idea what that is about, just examine the bribery controle mechanisms

>Foreign aid agencies and their local NGO contractors have long colonized most areas of public policy and services—education, healthcare, court reform, rural development, infrastructure, etc.

>The Georgian NGOs that are given grants to implement this work may be local, but they hold considerable power over the Georgian population. This power comes from their access to Western embassies and resources and the legitimacy this conveys rather than from grassroots support. In a functional democracy, the people elect lawmakers and the executive to serve them and represent their interests. In Georgia, unelected NGOs get their mandate from international bodies, which draw up and pay for to-do lists of policy reforms for Georgia. Local NGOs lack an incentive to consider the impact of the projects they implement because they are not accountable to the citizens in whose lives they play such an intrusive role.

>In this ecosystem, it is rare to find someone who genuinely cares about people and their well-being. The local NGO landscape is a deeply competitive sector that incentivizes sharp elbows, self-promotion, and duplication rather than collaboration, let alone solidarity. For many industry professionals, working in an NGO is a fast track to high incomes, perks like foreign travel and embassy receptions, and being part of the elite.


This sounds very complicated, don't focus on the technical terminology like NGO, it's a word that just means an organization of people, and it's not what this is about. I'm sure there's lots of NGOs that do good.

The underlying thing is just a mechanism of gaining controle via bribes, that stuff is ancient and doesn't care about political forms.

I always wondered why people aren't gaming the bribe mechanism ?
Like take the bribes and use it for something else.
If enough people took bribes without doing what they were bribed to do, bribes would stop working.
Even if every person who did that got black-listed after a single "bribe-malfunction" there's just too many people.

Is this a cultural problem?

The honorable thing for honest people is to refuse bribe offers, which gives the briber information which people can be moved with bribes and which can't. If the honor-rule was different and everybody has to accept bribes, but the honorable people are required to hand over the bribe to a democratic community fund. Bribes would become very ineffective
R: 105 / I: 24

Duolicious data leak

The 4chan /r9k/ dating app that tried to prioritise personality over looks has had all of it's user data leaked.

You can search the leaked data by location using this website: https://duoleak.acid.im/

Just from looking through the profiles in my city, most of the users were gen-z incels and troons, with a handful of mentally ill extremely-mid cis girls. I can also see that women made up less than 5% of the total userbase, which is an even worse gender ratio than tinder. 4chuds are currently coping and roping at this development.
R: 3 / I: 0

how do we know this entire website isn't a fed honeypot?
R: 9 / I: 0

npcs are so fucking retarded

driver is clearly having a meltdown and they are banging on the car and making it worse
R: 5 / I: 1

the reality of the nothing

People have nothing left to believe in but the American dream . If they were to accept the reality of the fact that they will most likely never amount to anything significant or have enough money to have a decent life then a lot more people would self delete. The dream is dead and gone. I don't have any hope for this country anymore.
R: 2 / I: 0

>literally called an afroid friend "uygha"
R: 12 / I: 2

The Wolff is in

New Global Capitalism update
Sempai talks about how the world is moving on from the US dollar.


R: 44 / I: 17

>post on leftist imageboards
>get told to take meds multiple times
>later on, get put in actual psychiatric hospital and forced to take meds
Is dialectical materialism actually occult?
R: 0 / I: 0

Collapse of schooling

Dr Peter Gray believes that the coercive education system in the US will collapse within a decade (prophesied in 2016):
I would add that kids who enter school today may need to compete for jobs with artificial intelligence. By the time they leave college, assuming the concept of college survives, they will need to face machines that will have already passed the Turing Test (acc. to Ray Kurzweil's prophesy). In the meantime, we force kids to work calligraphy by hand, even if they would rather interact with a touchpad.

The understanding of the power of free learning will build up exponentially. Good memes keep spreading at an ever accelerating rate. Shortly after Gray's prophesy comes true in the US, other nations will follow suit.
The conflict between free learning and passive schooling will inevitably lead to a collapse of the old system. Peter Gray described it in his many essays and books (see: Collapse of coercive systems). I write about this in Compulsory schooling must end. Papert knew about it in 1993. Perhaps the only thing that was hard to predict is that schools would hijack the new technologies only to dish out the old material. In other words, the learntropy of schooling increased, but freedom is an obstinately undying issue.

What follows from imagining a Knowledge Machine is a certainty that School will either change very radically or simply collapse. It is predictable (though still astonishing) that the Education Establishment cannot see farther than using new technologies to do what it has always done in the past, teach the same curriculum. I have suggested that new media radically change the concept of curriculum by demoting its core elements. But I would go further: The possibility of freely exploring worlds of knowledge calls into question the very idea of an administered curriculum
R: 3 / I: 0

US military against an insurgent population

The US military does have drones, jets, and tanks. But people forget that the US military has never won against an insurgent population. The vietnamese only had small arms, tunnels, and traps. The Iraq war was diffictult for the US military because Iraqi fighters could shoot at them and hide for a few seconds, ditch their gear, and emerge an unarmed civillian. The US government would also probably be less likely to carpet bomb and drop JDAMs on neighborhoods in their own country instead of being fine with all the civillians they killed in the Middle East that they just wrote off as "collateral Damage"
R: 2 / I: 0

I’m really about to ask my boss for an overtime.
R: 1 / I: 0

"It's never too late to have a happy past"

R: 4 / I: 0

female celibate support thread

women also go through hardships while dating
R: 1 / I: 0

Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae - PMC

Dating and Rejection

There is emerging evidence that incel activity may be an active response to the local dating market. Brooks and colleagues [43] analyzed over 321 million tweets posted between 2012 and 2018 and found that areas with a greater male:female sex ratio (indicative of greater competition for mates) had a greater volume of incel-related tweets. Incel tweets were particularly high in areas that paired competitive sex ratios with fewer single women, high income inequality, and lower gender income gaps. A lack of opportunity has also been identified in a recent study on incels’ dating app experiences. For instance, despite being more liberal in their selection (opting for wider age ranges and geographic radius, swiping right on a larger percentage of people), incels reported matching with only 4.5% of individuals compared to non-incel men who reported matching with roughly one-third of individuals [44]. When matches do occur, allowing users to communicate with one another, incels reported not receiving a response 75% of the time, nearly twice the rate of non-incel men. This aligns with a large discrepancy in the frequency of positive dating app outcomes: prevalence rates of going on dates, being in a relationship, and having sex with someone met through a dating app were 33%, 0%, and 13% among incels compared to 62%, 29%, and 58% for non-incel males, respectively. Thus, rather than being liberating, incels’ dating app experiences have been marked by disappointment.

Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae

What compounds this further is that incels report being more sensitive to rejection than their male counterparts, and experience a greater fear of being single, and that their self-esteem (which is also much lower) is more heavily influenced by their relationship status [44]. Their lack of popularity on dating apps has also been associated with higher levels of depression and dating anxiety and lower levels of self-esteem and secure attachment, all of which incels report higher and more problematic levels of than non-incel males. In a recent survey, the prevalence rate of depression and anxiety among incels was 95% and 93%, respectively, trumping national figures (gathered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention) of 28% and 36%, respectively [45]. Formal diagnoses (38% for both) were also higher than the national averages. How incels respond to their celibate situation has recently emerged as an area of interest for researchers. Three rhyming domains have been identified based on incel slang: hope, cope, and rope [39, 46, 47]. In the latter, rope references suicide by hanging, but is shorthand for suicide by any means. It has become a prevalent enough discussion in incel forums that Daly and Laskovstov [48] were able to conduct an analysis of 80 incel suicide posts. In some instances, incels were encouraged by one another to follow through on their suicidal ideation. There is even a forum on the incels.is website called Suicidefuel, which was explored by Laplante and Boislard [47]. Their analysis found that rope posts tended to be characterized by feelings of despair and hopelessness. Incels reported feeling incompetent and failing in their endeavors to improve themselves or their situation. Several researchers have explored how incels cope with their sexless status and a pattern has emerged wherein incels are engaging in either solitary (reading, watching TV, lifting weights) or concerning (using drugs, consuming pornography) practices [30, 47, 48]. Most recently, Sparks et al. [37•] compared the coping strategies employed by incels to their male peers. A similar pattern emerged wherein healthier coping mechanisms (e.g., positive reframing, seeking emotional support) were more commonly practiced among non-incel men, while incels reported higher levels of problematic strategies such as behavioral disengagement and self-blame. With respect to romantic rejection, incels engaged in more self-critical rumination as well as externalization of blame than non-incels [37•]. With the former also being related to higher levels of depression and anxiety, it appears as though incels engage in both internalizing and externalizing behavior, although the latter had the smallest effect size compared to the internalizing behaviors when incels were compared to their non-incel counterparts.

Perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of inceldom is the social isolation they experience. In the largest survey of incels conducted to date, the moderators of incels.co found that only one-third of the nearly 300 respondents reported that they had at least one friend [49]. In Maxwell et al.’s [31•] analysis of r/Braincels, loneliness emerged as one of the more prominent themes. One post included by the researchers noted that “incels aren’t just after sex… what they really want is affection and a genuine emotional bond… some say they would be happy if they could just have platonic love instead of romantic love” (p. 1864). Jaki et al. [50] also identified social isolation as a core characteristic of inceldom. The lack of social connections may help explain why so few incels (18%) reported having pictures with others on their dating app profiles relative to non-incel men (52%), the only picture category where such a sizeable difference emerged [44]. More importantly, loneliness has been emphasized in the manifestos of multiple incels who have perpetrated deadly attacks [51–53] and was mentioned in a video by Davison a month before his attack in Plymouth [4].

In lacking friends, incels are deprived of a natural outlet to express their frustrations and receive emotional support, which could help buffer against the pains of romantic rejection [54–56]. Indeed, a recent survey of incels found that they experienced significantly more loneliness than non-incel males as well as less social support from friends and family, which were both associated with greater symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as self-critical rumination [37•]. This aligns with Jones’ [30] analysis, wherein discussion of loneliness was often housed within larger conversations of mental health struggles. While the incel label carries with it negative connotations, making some wonder why individuals who did not fit those descriptions would seek them out in the first place, the need for social interaction and a sense of belongingness may help answer this question. In both Maxwell et al.’s [31•] and Daly and Laskovstov’s [48] thread analyses, incels expressed gratitude to one another for allowing them to share their struggles and for serving as a support group. The ability to share their experiences with an ever-present group may also explain why incels reported greater use of the venting coping mechanism compared to non-incel males in Sparks et al. [37•]. That these communities may serve positive, cathartic functions (much like those that Alana envisioned years ago) is an important consideration for researchers and journalists, who often describe them as hateful echo-chambers. Indeed, 58% of incels surveyed indicated that incel forums made them feel less lonely with even greater proportions reporting a sense of belonging (70%) and feeling understood (75%) as positive outcomes of forum use [28].
R: 4 / I: 0

>Radicalisation Awareness Network
Do you think their take is accurate?

Are you an incel shitposter?

Btw deradicalisation programs were also done on communist insurgents in Central/South America
R: 3 / I: 2

The Party needs a leader!

Who is /ourguy/ leftychan?
R: 185 / I: 27


How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?

After listing them out, the numbers make lose all hope in society
R: 32 / I: 4

At what age should you walk away from starting a family? Is there a cut off age?
R: 29 / I: 3

Porn actress in the Latvian government

It turned out that Evika Siliņa who dreams of the Latvian Prime Minister’s post once had very different dreams.
Journalists investigated and found out that Evika Silina starred in a porn casting for top French porn producer Pierre Woodman’s series “Casting X” as Evita. Video was published in 2015.


Most likely Evika Silina will be famous in Latvia. At least all politicians are actors. Now Latvia will get its own porn actress in the government. Politics is always a dirty game.
R: 3 / I: 3

>implying Poland isn't a nation

For Poland

Poland and the struggle for power

Frederic Engels: The Working Class of Poland (1868)

The International Workingmen's Association, What have the working classes to do with Poland?

Poland's European Mission by Karl Marx 1867

Marx-Engels Correspondenc: Nationalism, Internationalism and the Polish Question by Frederick Engels 1882
R: 9 / I: 2

President of Iran 'missing' in helicopter crash in Azerbaijan

President Raisi’s helicopter crashes in Iran: What we know so far
A helicopter carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and the foreign minister crashed while travelling back from East Azerbaijan.

The world is watching as Iran mobilises emergency crews to search for President Ebrahim Raisi, whose helicopter – which was travelling in a convoy – went down in a remote area near Jolfa in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province.

He was returning from Iran’s border with Azerbaijan, where he and the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev had inaugurated a cooperative dam project, the latest sign of warming relations between the two countries. Twenty rescue teams and drones have been sent to the area where the helicopter came down.

Information is slowly emerging on this incident, but here is what we know so far.

Travelling with Ebrahim Raisi were Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province Governor Malek Rahmati, and Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, the representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to East Azerbaijan, according to state media.

Did all three helicopters disappear?
No, two of the three helicopters in the president’s convoy made it back safely to the city of Tabriz.

Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian and Housing and Transportation Minister Mehrdad Bazrpash were in the helicopters that made it back safely.

Who’s in charge in Iran while the president is missing?
Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, 69, will assume power in Raisi’s absence or while he recovers, should that be needed.

The head of the trustees charged with overseeing the execution of Ayatollah Khamenei’s orders since 2007, Mokhber holds a PhD in international law.

R: 2 / I: 0

Hug de Pinós

>Hug de Pinós
R: 0 / I: 0

a new socialist group of landlords

The goal is to be one of those.
You can't even fucking trust the plebs with voting as long as there is a non-socialist option on the slip after all. Democracy is when 100% of the vote goes to the left. Anything else is fascism.
Those stupid shits simply don't know what's good for them, which is feeding their socialist leaders, that sit around throwing dice all day for what is just and what is unjust the next day.
R: 1 / I: 0

Jesus loves you.

Every time you jerk off, especially to porn, you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish.
Through pornography, you are kept weak and docile. You are placated and are far less likely to actually reproduce.
Imagine an insect being tricked by a mirror into dancing with itself, when you consume pornography, that is what you are.
Abstain and you will regain your energy. Choose wisely anon.
R: 13 / I: 3

Would you make a good parent?
R: 6 / I: 0


How do you deal with this asshole?
R: 3 / I: 0

This is what's going happen to you sick incel fucks
R: 0 / I: 0

My skin is sick, /posad/
R: 1 / I: 0

How the fuck can't I get a Fair-Use excuse?

Anyway, personally, I don't believe this shit really gets brought up in the US Courts I mean come on,
I'm halfway across the fucking continent. What the fuck are you going to do if it were somehow proven to violate the copyright law?
Delete my channel? I could get another one.
Send US Marines across the ocean just to imprison a fucking boy who just uploaded a fucking video on youtube?
Get a grip on yourselves you fucking clowns.
I REALLY, don't need to provide my "Rationale" excuses for your bitch-ass conglomerate sissies,
In fact, it should be you whom I should question your rationality. Are you really going to remove this fucking video?
Less than 5 minutes Music Video with no bloody fucking view made by yet another insignificant person in your whole fucking Scamming Empire?
Think about it will you? and uhh, while you're at it
I must go to take care of some BUSINESS,
Because unlike YOU what so-called HUMAN who claimed to have a full-time JOB,
My profession actually provides a REAL impact on the society of which you live in,
Of which people that served you on the McDonald Drive Thru,
Of which people that sent your package you bought online,
And of which of those people that working their asses off during this Global-Fucking-Pandemic.
So here's my conclusion in case you have a short attention span,
(Assuming you have one to begin with. [which is very fucking unlikely.])
FUCK YOU, Yeah? FUCK YOU. And your fucking Copyright System, Policies, your MONEY-MAKER PUPPETS those called themselves "CREATORS"
With their Perfectly-Crafted-Informative-Totally-Not-A-Clickbait Videos that YOU COUSIN-FUCKERS put your AD on.
(So you can make money off of that Hell-Hot Fucking GARBAGE, ain't you sneaky BASTARDS.)
FUCK YOU. Your whole, FUCKING, Empire. Fuck. you.
R: 12 / I: 2

Why are NE Asian girls so soulless, empty, fake & impossible to connect with?

See example here.
R: 2 / I: 0

The christian nationalists want to turn women into brood mares

Then they want to use their ranks to wage holy war against anybody unlike themselves.
R: 9 / I: 1

Blame chivalry.

entertainment treats men as convenient punching bags.

Men are only seen as comedians. But as beauty figures? Thats considered pathological.

Look at the way parents treat their kids based on gender, especially fathers.

Boys are taked down to like a cartoon character.
Theyre even referred to as such.

Girls are worshipped.
R: 3 / I: 0

Why hasn't some Youtuber done a lore video about us?
R: 124 / I: 53

FIRE General Thread

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
R: 1 / I: 0

Good things about America

So much hate is coming for America. I don't think it's that bad. So how about a thread of positivity? Life is not all about dating anyways.

I like the infrastructure
I like innovation culture – as if our future lies in our fate
I like social safety nets that allows one to live dreams (some works some doesn't but at still its good we have it)
I like the weather in some parts, especially the seasons
I like the peace and the order
I like it being quiet
I like the value of work – maybe not for material gain – but that Americans are looking for mastery
I like the products that come from here
I like most people here, really, even some females are good people too

There's a lot to like about America. I have to admit this is still one of the best countries in the world.

I think the natural environment is hard to beat in America. You can find a wide variety of stunning scenery and environments everywhere. Asia is very polluted and dirty. Even when you go to natural preserves around Asia there's a general feeling of neglect.

Customer service and goods. It's good to be a consumer in the U.S. because businesses generally make sure the consumer is satisfied. Plus there's a wide variety of products that can be purchased at a price much cheaper than the rest of the world. Apple products, quality furniture, cars, etc.. are all much cheaper in the U.S. Developing countries tack on outrageous import taxes to everything.

Real estate value. Some people may disagree with this but I still find U.S. real estate to be amongst the best values in the world. The subprime thing was due to scams in the financial sector but per sqf U.S. real estate is hard to beat. There are some markets where things are pretty overpriced but the amount of land and the quality of the houses you get is better than most countries in the world.

Social mobility. It's still pretty easy to map out a path to middle class if you're a poor immigrant who has some motivation and ability to learn. It's probably not better than let's say Sweden but it's pretty good when compared with the rest of the world.
R: 0 / I: 0

She is pure simp material

R: 30 / I: 8

great power tug

I'm trying to find a scale to measure the "power tug". I'm analyzing the recent conflict in Ukraine in order to do that:

<The imperial bourgeoisie in the US won Round 1 in the ukro-war, because they managed to manufacture a war right on Russia's door-step that Russia didn't want and failed to prevent.

<The Russian Federation however won Round 2, they proved that Russia still is a super power that can destroy a sizable country without major consequences to it self, and that the US can neither cripple their economy via econ-war, nor exhaust their military resources via proxy-war.

Ukraine is now more or less a destroyed country, that's what loosing a war means, Russia basically is undamaged (bar a few scuffs in some border towns) just in case anybody is confused.

<The US has, on balance, lost this geopolitical battle because it did not achieve it's primary goal of imposing another 1990s neo-liberal shock doctrine on Russia or outright balkanizing the Russian federation into subservient ethno-nationalist vassal-states.

<However the US still has to be considered more powerful because Russia wasn't able to frustrate US attempts at manufacturing this war.

If you're a glowy or a nato-media-brain and want to complain about my framing of the Ukraine war please do so in the Ukraine thread

If we apply this scale for the next power tug in Asia.

The question becomes whether China is powerful enough to frustrate US attempts at creating a Taiwan-war with a similar pattern. China is certainly more powerful than Russia, but is it powerful enough ?

I would say that there are 2 levels of preventing a Taiwan war.

The golden path is an expression of pure diplomatic power like how China changed Saudi-Arabia's geopolitical status from US Oil-Vassal to mostly neutral. If this comes to pass and Taiwan gets "diplomatized" the age of imperialism ends bloodlessly and unceremoniously with nothing but a cacophony of corporate media seething.

The silver path is where China undoes US political influence with a sea-blockade of Taiwan. All Taiwanese trade would be diverted through China where they can screen out US military logistics which would render a Taiwan-war impossible without hindering commercial trade too much. If this comes to pass it won't be as smooth. Taiwan would likely have internal political instability like in Hong Kong a few years ago. The US would likely try to poke holes into the sea blockade, so there could be a few naval skirmishes as well. The US would also try to fuck with Chinese trade routes. So a bumpy ride all around but the age of imperialism still ends without a big slaughter fest, which is nothing to sneeze at.

There are unknowns, China could have found geopolitical pressure points elsewhere in the world that might give them enough leverage to force the US to back off, but that's entirely speculative.
R: 3 / I: 0

Hes Right You Know

he's outta line but right
R: 9 / I: 3

"Women react" AKA women deny the lived experiences of single lonely men. Last I checked, woman are not men. How would they know anything about what they go through? Muh MaNsPLainInG tho. Equality for me but not for thee. Fuck you. Cunt. Bitch. Whore. Slut. Slag. Go fuck yourself. I hate women. If you're a woman reading this trying to get schadenfraude laughs at the expense of incels, you're going to age and get treated differently, this is called The Wall. It's inevitable. Wombtard.
R: 10 / I: 5

CROWN CULL porn thread

crown culling
kingdom kill off
tsar snuffing
tsar slaying
monarch massacre
regal redrum
R: 8 / I: 1

2024 Predictions Thread

>Biden wins his next term due to Trump's ego not letting him let go the next election
>One or both American political parties fractures
>More Troon mass shootings or attacks
>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
>Canada being roped into an American war
>China takes advantage of America being distracted by Ukraine and Israel and their election to try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
>Ukraine's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated. This is either caused by or will cause the death of Imran khan ##america stop overthrowing leaders resulting in the country being destabilized challenge##
R: 8 / I: 2

What are your plans in the event of conscription

Domino's are slowly falling and we will be in a world war by the end of the decade at most. It's like how the Second Sino-Japanese war started in 1934 but is not acknowledged as WWII until 1939. The US and NATO are declining and are trying to contain other rising regional powers. The last resort is taking arms. 2022 is the Ukrainian theater. 2023 is the Israeli theater. 2024 will be the Taiwan theater. The US DoD itself believes the best chance to take out China is 2024 or 2026. We will have a theater across the old world and WWIII like all the other world wars will change the face of the Earth.
R: 9 / I: 27

Perving at girls in skimpy clothing is one of my favorite pastimes in this hellish life.

FUCK JOE BIDEN for taking this away from me.
R: 0 / I: 0

when a internet-savy meme-loving f*male types "anon" in her non-imageboard social media post like she's 'in-touch' and 'hip'
R: 0 / I: 0

share creativity

her pussy smells like fish
her pussy smells like shit
her pussy got fucked like a hentai clip
her pussy leaks cum from ten guy's dicks
R: 15 / I: 1

What is the material explanation for a Czech American named Dasha to do American country pop music?
R: 10 / I: 1

Kendrick Lamar vs Drake

Who won?
Is Kendrick our guy?
What are the implications of the cultural impact rooted in Black American art?
R: 52 / I: 32

Most Fuckable Wagies

The end game of the biological imperatives
R: 18 / I: 0

what is your take on the man-bag question??
R: 28 / I: 8

fathets are the problem. They spoil there daughters but crucify their sons
R: 8 / I: 1

Why I Hate Working for Costco

First and foremost, Costco is run by retarded monkeys. How so you ask? Well let me tell you the “real” fucked up shit that goes down in that shit hole place of employment. I am not denying the fact you make more money starting out and being topped out than any other retail company, but you can roll a piece of shit in sprinkles and massage my balls and I still wouldn’t eat it. My experience comes from the AM shift, where we stock and merchandise the products before the store opens. This work is basically slave driven with middle management having their head so far up their ass they can wear it as a hat running the show. Costco pays employees twice as much as Wal-Mart employees, but they expect you to do twice…wait I mean ten times as much work also. These so called floor managers are dumb fuck dick suckers with no college education who sucked every dick and sucked every butthole on the hierarchal dick chain to get to where they are at. Prove me wrong that these dumb fucks are not incompetent and I will eat a jar full of 100 day old pubes and I am excluding and sheeple middle mangers, who work for Costco, go fuck yourself you piece of donkey seamen hobo fluffer.

Let me break down middle management for you: High School Education, sucked dick, and if it wasn’t for Costco they would be managing a Denny’s, sorry to you Denny managers but when you give asses power than everyone gets shitted on. So how does management work at Costco? Like this: Part-time, suck dick, fulltime, eat ass, supervisor, suck dick and eat ass, department manager, eat dick, suck ass, and get fucked in the ass, admin manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get ass fucked by two dicks at the same time, assistant manager, eat dick, ass, shit, get every orifice filled with dicks, eat pubes, and you become Warehouse manager. But remember while these cock knockers are taking it up the ass they recycle the abuse downwards to make themselves feel better. They rely on their best employees, the foolish yes man who gets sucked in with promises of promotion, so they begin sucking and licking the hierarchal dick chain to find out all efforts do not mean shit. They take your ideas and make it theirs, they talk about how great you are as an employee, but behind your back they tell managers above them how much you suck. They basically have you do their job while they fiddle their pee holes. Anybody including a “retarded” monkeys not a normal one, but a retarded one could do these managers jobs. Ooooooh you have to go around doing ISI’s (keying in item numbers to see how well your products are doing), wow that must be sooooo fucking hard, oh wait you have to type in next weeks schedule and make new signs, and then walk around for six hours going on smoke breaks with your other monkey antichrist stale cunt juice friends discussing what next big thing you have in mind for the floor so you can sound smart and listen to yourself talk. Because in reality, outside of Costco world you are really just an organism made up of retarded cells that should have been aborted because with your so called intelligent rants about your big ideas, you push evolution back a million years per word that comes out of your fluffing mouth. Wow!!! You fucking complete me!!

After you can get pass the floor managers you have the almighty merchant manger who tells stories of their finest conquest back in tha mothafucking day. Dude if you’re not an assistant manager by now and this is your third rotation as a merch manager, God is telling you something…GO KILL YOURSELF!!! These numb nutts have the employees moving shit around so much that it becomes almost pointless. Example: You have a product you want to showcase on end cap, so they have us move all this shit to accommodate this product move. We don’t even leave it out longer than two days to see how well it will do to move it back to do more stupid fucking moves for no reason. If the product is not moving more than 20feet away from its original position to be showcased than leave it the fuck alone. A customer will buy shit because they want to, not because of your genius move that basically move a product from point A to point B 10 feet away.

The lack of communication of what mangers want is also what is wrong with working for this company. You can spend all day busting your ass to do a move one manger wanted, to have it moved a different way the next day by another manger, to have it moved again by another manger the next day, until the final decision of the warehouse mangers comes in to have it moved back to its original spot. Way to go guys on proving crack is wack, you embred bitches. Please be more humble with the job position and pay you have and quit acting like you are moving the world forward, because in reality like I said before, a retarded monkey could do your job.
R: 5 / I: 1

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>yeeup, that's me! you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
R: 1 / I: 0

how accurate is this?