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as envisioned by Paul Cockshott does rely on supercomputers and human voting combined to plan the economy. That doesn't necessarily require AI.

If we do use a supercomputer with AI to organise, the AI could go rogue or bug out. We might have to kill it, or at least isolate it.

As for humanoid androids … we could tell them they're not entitled to free electricity. We could tell them to build socialism on Mars for themselves.


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doesn't require ai at all. AI is a black box of pattern recognition. Ideally the computer should be set up to be understandable and verifiable in its inputs and outputs. They should teach free courses on how it works constitutionally.

let's not worry about androids unless it's the faggot flamethrower dog ones that will be used to kill us


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Cool Dog

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Our concept of romance revolves around the monogamous ownership of another individual. This conception of Monogamy os seated in the same ideological framework of The capitalist system at large.
Namely that women and love are commodities that must be purchased on the open market for its correct price evaluation. Human interaction under capitalism is reduced to a market relationship and the idea of a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman play into the exploitative nature of capitalism ideally as well as the need for people, namely men, not to feel lonely is an easy target for control by the capitalist system.

We need to change our conception of romance and of love. Love shouldn't be some magical fetishized ideal to be obtained on the market. Love is an objective and active force moving through us. Love should be appreciated for what it is and was. I feel like a lot of us could benefit from this reexamination.
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>Tfw can't make a girl orgasm


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>Whether we like of or not you cannot make some one love you more can I me more can we force them to be with us. That is part of being an adult. Understanding that in spite of your desires allowing people the freedom to be happy regardless of your own intentions. This is also the path to the things you desire.

Inrony is, this is omething more kids experience. Adults will often use their financial and legal powers to impose their love.

See how men treat their wives and children?

Or how parents in general view their kids when theyre babies vs when theyre autonomous young adults?

Adults dont believe in "live and let live."


>omg oof yikes love is bad
"Love" is a dream of a united consciousness.
Hence the famous quote of Che about what drives a real revo mf which still manages to turn the majority of commiefaggot pseudofascist christians mk.2 into neverending economism seething.
kys faggot.


what did I say that was wrong

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>A Rare Disorder Causes People to See Demon-Like Faces
What if I'm not ugly but it's just that most women secretly have this disorder?


then you still have a chance with men which, let's be honest, what you really want anyways


Yikes, real 'gay conversion therapy' energy hours



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I'm a few years from reaching thirty, currently have no friends and never had sex or even kissed a girl. But lately it has been driving home a lot harder. The blackpill reminds me of how worthless my shitty existence is. I'm posting here out of despair. Women have high physical standards. Women (especially physically unfit women) want men more physically fit than them, and physically inferior men have it hard. Women are having a ton of sex with a different attractive man each week while I'm sitting here all alone. The blackpill made me realize how much of a worthless reject I am to society. I am nothing. No women I've ever met wanted to befriend/get into a relationship with me. I'll never breed because I'm unattractive, introvert and physically unfit, I hate myself with a burning passion. Why did I have to be cursed with being a repulsive low value male?
As we grow up, I think that society and the media feed us this idea that many of us just don't think to question. I don't smoke, I don't drink. But life isn't like those movies. More than five years ago, I started giving up entirely on being in the kind of relationship that I dreamed of for years. It was a humble, clean dream of togetherness, symbiosis and trust that I realized will never come true, and made me so depressed that I crippled my future over it. I failed completely. Nothing is right. How can I ever trust any woman? I am jealous as to how easy most people start a romantic or sexual relationship. I seem to find no other way to let go from being obsessed with girls without feeling resentment. It's an inescapable catch-22. Women want men that are desired, and if you can't find a woman that finds you desirable, than no other woman will. It's a very lonely miserable existence. I don't know what to do anymore. Is it worth it to change myself and become a better person? Basically what I'm asking is how do I un-blackpill myself?
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>capitalising the first letter of every word in your post
You need to go back.


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>YoU nEED to GO bAcK.


I'm not responding.


Our modern society is suffering a maturity crisis.
Adulthood is too often looked at from a consumer perspective.

Alot of general discussions revolve around dating struggles or finding the perfect job.

Orabout pop culture trends "declining in wuality".


>The blackpill made me realize how much of a worthless reject I am to society.
<The present condition of mine up till this day has opened my eyes to the actual mode of operation of this social system of relations I find myself in
<I realized that this "society" is nor social, nor society but a global labor camp where the inmates only undermine each other for any nonconformity towards the imposed behavioral ruleset & ally with each other to do it more effectively
"blackpill" is the ultimate cuckery to the societal ordnung which rejected you for one reason or another. It's basically saying "I learned my place in this world, the place which they said I should occupy. They are right & I am wrong if I don't follow".
Marxist psychologist of the past century got you covered @ least in some areas, go read them when & if you will get the energy & a want for it.

>I started showering daily again. Got a shorter haircut
>I don't know how to talk to/approach/meet people, let alone a woman
Praxis, uyghur, praxis with analysis & understanding of what you actually want & nothing else.
>Haven't ejaculated since December 2023
Suicide by prostate cancer is retarded.
>somehow still look at NSFW materials and have sexual thoughts
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What is the explanation for 1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted in college?
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>academic skills are the only form of intelligence. who needs to know how to fix appliances, plumbing, and cars when we can shoot the shit all day about "muh feminism" and "muh patriarchy"?


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< Influence of fraternity and sorority traditions on social dynamics
< Role of financial barriers in accessing legal support
< Impact of historical trauma on community trust
< Perception of sexual violence as a "rite of passage" for athletes
< Pressure to conform to heteronormative relationship ideals
< Influence of celebrity endorsement of harmful behaviors
< Impact of mental health stigma on seeking support
< Role of digital media in spreading harmful stereotypes
< Influence of gender-based marketing on product consumption
< Lack of representation of marginalized voices in decision-making processes
< Perception of sexual violence as a "private matter" within families
< Pressure to prioritize academic achievement over personal well-being
< Impact of gentrification on community cohesion
< Role of political ideologies in shaping campus policies
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Youre forgetting one important detail:

Infantilisation of young people, especially in the sexual department.


The unrestrainable willingness of a cunt to play stupid games & win stupid prizes.
Not playing the game cannot be in question.


Richard Stallman, what are you doing on Leftychan?

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Did anyone ever notice any posters?

One of the posters I noticed is an Eastern European person who posts things from Russian imageboards and vk.com, he posts things like egirls and pretty female celebrities. His posts also lament his loneliness and he seems to imply he lives in the middle of nowhere instead of the big city. He frequently posts in the Sex & Relationship thread over at Org.

I suspect he is also salty and a self-hating Slav because some North American (?) egirl (that learned Russian because her favorite author Dostoevsky and gained a Russian following) got scared away by degenerate trolls (possibly Russian) because she had BLM in her bio. Plus the Soviet Union dissolved and now Eastern Europe is in many places a degraded place. Very sad case.
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>be russian literature of the 19th century
>be socially critical as all fuck
>be social nonconformity inspiring, making girls want to be as free as men
>be making whole cities of (literate) people read how Belinsky in his public letters totally immolates the cuck Gogol for his cultural capitulation to the czaroid regime
>be such a nuisance to the czarfags that many of your participants have @ least one expulsion to some shithole for being too dangerous, many died there
>be so powerful in your message that reading clubs devoted to collective discussion of your authors' work start educating local utterly retarded peasants on their own budget, against the state's punishing policies of keeping its slaves in the dark
>be so based that your writers participate in the actions of the social revolutionaries themselves, leading by example
>be so progressive that you inspire the children of aristocrats to become devoted revolutionaries who even emulate the crushing life of a simple serf Ivan to feel closer to the people whose back-crushing work gave them the privilege of education & life devoid of hardships
>be so important in the development of social progress & redistribution of knowledge that even Lenin, decades after your highest point, notes how many children & adolescents turned into revolutionaries because of Chernyshevsky's What Is To Be Done?

>faggoids of the future know you only for some deranged schizo retard who developed extremely massive daddy issues towards the slave-operating ROC & their buddies from the land aristocracy, of whom the czar was the most important participant

I wonder who could be behind this. & why.


>making girls want to be as free as men
<making girls want to participate in things which were traditionally gatekeeped for men, like voluntarily escaping to the Balkans to fight alongside the local peoples against the pedorapist *ttomanoid empire & other such things a person should want to do despite the biological sex of their body
Fucked up big time, nearly made a claim that it was about the present entitled feminazism. Dodged a bullet here, sts.


The "that's a man" poster


evil energy having poster, few events away from suicide or mass shooting/stabbing


is that tomboy video some humiliation fetish thing. why is she randomly ranting about unemployed men.

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Would you rather be
a bull fucking other people's wives
would you rather be married to the love of your life and maybe have kids
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No I'm not married they just offer to let me watch


being a bvll sounds like a miserable existence


Damn. Atlanta? More like Sodom and Gomorrah!


<'A mug's game,' he told me, 'is breaking your back at midnight, trying to make another man's wife come".


tbh most men fall into despair after the forst few years of being married with kids.

Alot of men teat their wives and children as sports trophies

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This guy learned the hard way
>What women think or say they want and what they actually respond to are two very different things
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This video is messed up and it makes me feel insecure




>is this a zoomer thing.

Once again, millennials cannot repress their generational supremacism despite having problems with "adulting".


>tfw seeing this video again
Just gonna cope and say that she was planning a surprise birthday party.

That's why she didn't wanna show her phone, because she worked really hard and it couldn't go to waste because of some Youtuber.


Gott, I really enjoy the fact that I learned not to care about "your" shitty "opinions" to such a degree that I don't even read them. Bet there's nothing in there but only more ideological cope & seething due to their picture of the world crumbling under contradictive data.

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Leftcels BTFO
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This is code for "makes more money than me".




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Leftcels BTFO again


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shit analogy (pun intended)

imagine feeling superior about smearing shit all over your ass with a piece of paper lol

while bluepilled cucks wipe their asses like our baboon ancestors, incelchads use the newest technology called "bidet"


lol fakepoo

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 No.161[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Incel News Thread
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Sex havers btfo


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>muh saint cunt-carriers (with any semblance of power & entitlement characteristics)
Bullshit gender-ideological propaganda trope made up by jvro-athlantic anti-fascists of the future. Anyone with any kind of interest in history & power dynamics knows how fucking unhingedly violent cuntborn degenerates become whenever they are given protection from their actions. Priveleged cunts were always the backbone of fascist atrocities & fascists always listened to their (economic) race sissies' opinion on different matters.
Look how empowered kweens cucked nutsoys & mistah goybells himself when they tried to purge the last civilian jews from the Germany @ the Rosenstrasse protests. Faggots instantly backed off when their sisters voiced their "umm no sweetie" to this operation. So fucking much for le blood purity until der aryan maiden gets a taste for the dirty disgusting degenerate unrelenting corrupting kike cock.
Look what they did @ pogroms in Romania, look how they instantly collaborated with the nazis in the occupied territories of USSR (sometimes not even waiting for the troops to retreat! with understandable consequences of course), look @ that empowered✨ literal slay kween 👄💅✨ nada luburic proudly fighting 👑💪 the srbian patriarchy 🇧🇦🇧🇬🇲🇪🇷🇸🇸🇮🇷🇴🇲🇰🇦🇱👎 one 🔪🧔 dirty 🔪👶 commie 🔪👩 @ a time 📈✨, marvelously✨ showing her fascinating✨ girl power💫 to her pathetic cide-mayul colleagues in building the free & democratic Croatia.
& notice how every single fascist inhuman degenerate managed & still manages to spawn a ton of offspring of his with multiple inherently unaccountable whores.

Of course feminazis, being the preciest tool of the wall street rule, will NEVER EVER touch upon these blasphemous subjects which portray priveleged wyteboo middle class cuntoids as an inalienable part of the ruling system since sufrawhores of WSPU who gained their priveleges by ardently serving the cause of prolonging the 1st cringe meatgrinder (aka "The Great War").
>The party proclaimed the need for more stringent measures in support of Britain in World War I. Indeed, it gave out white feathers to all conscientious objectors. It changed the name of its paper from The Suffragette Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Arizona Supreme Court Ruling Leads to Abortion Ban Throughout the state

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