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It sure seems like it.


Keep the incel posting in the containment thread, faggot


This is an incel board cock monger.


Its not a matter of gender.

But men tend to philsophise things more.

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What's your strat here?
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Yeah the 18 year old is the difficult one here, not so much for the sex as for not going insane from lack of social interaction. Although in ten years with just one person's company, you might go insane anyway? Does she stay with you, or does she solely show up for sex?

Tough call, but here's mine:

7 - access to the stock market (put it in an index fund and easily double your money when you get out)

6 - full kitchen

2 - skylight (for mental health)

4 - library (for leaving as a renaissance man)

3 - Hygiene products and a jacuzzi bathtub (maybe could get these from the kitchen but not worth the risk)

4 - Surround sound system with all recorded music - I have tinnitus so this is more of a necessity than a luxury for me for masking noise etc.
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I think I'm going to need sunlight and airflow most all so I guess skylight+ an aircon at least(even if that's not on the list for some reason) I'm going to die in the first week without an aircon during the summer in the basement.


The real question about the 18 year old is does she perpetually stay 18 or do I need to kill her when she hits the wall for a fresh one to respawn. In that case the gun could be useful.


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All needs sated, I don't need a gym to exercise and I can remain informed and intellectually engaged (brainlet as I am) through the regularly updated library. Worst comes to worse and the confinement becomes too mentally straining, I've cut out most vices (or gatekept them behind book-learning and gardening) and, misery shared is misery halved.


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Honestly, anyone who uses other people for their own reproductive purposes should have their toys taken away surgically.

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What's the deal with this guy and why am I seeing his name everywhere?

I've noticed normies are talking about how much of an evil misogynist he is and keep giving him free publicity, hell even my sister was asking me what I think of him. Is he just another clout chasing grifter taking advantage of desperate incels or does he make some good points?
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Anything on Reddit that talks about the yputh is to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Again, society pathologizes male youth.


Andrew Tate is another umpteenth grifter.

I wouldnt be surprised if was found out to be a mediocre junior educated rich kid whom failed at real work.


lumpenbourgeois grifter #9001
every single "influencer" and "thought leader" should be the first to the guillotines


reposting a self-described right-winger telling dateless men that everything is over cuz muh genes blah blah

burn this board, people here are politically illiterate

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"Kautsky pointed out that it was often quite impossible to make out"
‒ V. I. Lenin


in other words, When will you fags invent your own Incelnationale? C'mon, that's-a such a good & fitting (KEK) name!
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>Tha classic pathologising of boy bands as "homosexual".
Another nimrod that didn't comprehend my post. I didn't say boy bands were homosexual, I said they're asexual and or effeminate. And that's because that persona doesn't put any sexual demands on the female fans.
Most adult women the world over aren't bothered by a guy with a hairy chest because a real relationship and the ecstasy of getting railed make that kind of shit irrelevant.
This is what trans jans like you don't understand that cis women do since cis women actually regularly get genuinely interested suitors while all you get is false affirmations that you're " really " a woman.


You assume that masculinity is just hair and bulgy figure.

Theyre not asexual at all. They just do it in a way that appeals to certain women.


>No differemt from how boys lust after girl band figures.
4 instance? Never ever heard of this faggot ass behaviour, any dude in my hood who would ever imply being funny 4 some pop shit (doesn't m@ter if str8) would get bullied to the other side for being an absolute faggot, & rightfully so.


Maybe because theyre not open about it?
Ghettofan folks are the biggest poseurs after punk rockers.


OMG you pedantic pseud you clearly don't grasp what I said either. Just STFU and leave me alone.

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 No.6213[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The 4chan /r9k/ dating app that tried to prioritise personality over looks has had all of it's user data leaked.

You can search the leaked data by location using this website: https://duoleak.acid.im/

Just from looking through the profiles in my city, most of the users were gen-z incels and troons, with a handful of mentally ill extremely-mid cis girls. I can also see that women made up less than 5% of the total userbase, which is an even worse gender ratio than tinder. 4chuds are currently coping and roping at this development.
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Lmao how many 4chancels do you think have gooned to this video?


GORILLA P3NIS Hot damm your sexy. I'd eat you out like a a Chinese buffet.


>unironically posting 8 yo lame memes



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women also go through hardships while dating


ill support femcels ass with my dick lmaoo


can somebody underst& wh@'s she saying?


Why do you type like a faggot?


You may not worry faggot, it's not 4 u.
& learn wh@ sage is you retard.

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Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae - PMC

Dating and Rejection

There is emerging evidence that incel activity may be an active response to the local dating market. Brooks and colleagues [43] analyzed over 321 million tweets posted between 2012 and 2018 and found that areas with a greater male:female sex ratio (indicative of greater competition for mates) had a greater volume of incel-related tweets. Incel tweets were particularly high in areas that paired competitive sex ratios with fewer single women, high income inequality, and lower gender income gaps. A lack of opportunity has also been identified in a recent study on incels’ dating app experiences. For instance, despite being more liberal in their selection (opting for wider age ranges and geographic radius, swiping right on a larger percentage of people), incels reported matching with only 4.5% of individuals compared to non-incel men who reported matching with roughly one-third of individuals [44]. When matches do occur, allowing users to communicate with one another, incels reported not receiving a response 75% of the time, nearly twice the rate of non-incel men. This aligns with a large discrepancy in the frequency of positive dating app outcomes: prevalence rates of going on dates, being in a relationship, and having sex with someone met through a dating app were 33%, 0%, and 13% among incels compared to 62%, 29%, and 58% for non-incel males, respectively. Thus, rather than being liberating, incels’ dating app experiences have been marked by disappointment.

Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae

What compounds this further is that incels report being more sensitive to rejection than their male counterparts, and experience a greater fear of being single, and that their self-esteem (which is also much lower) is more heavily influenced by their relationship status [44]. Their lack of popularity on dating apps has also been associated with higher levels of depression and dating anxiety and lower levels of self-esteem and secure attachment, all of which incels report higher and more problematic levels of than non-incel males. In a recent survey, the prevalence rate of deprPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Why do these fags want peace all of a sudden?

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>Radicalisation Awareness Network
Do you think their take is accurate?

Are you an incel shitposter?

Btw deradicalisation programs were also done on communist insurgents in Central/South America


reminder that shitposting is the use of humor to conceal extremist or violent language


I guess fed posters don't want to acknowledge the materials they were instructed to read


Is this from the same people who said that CS:GO radicalises people into doing mass shootings?


Pure imperial identarian ideology.

>Female involuntary celibates (“femcels”) are not recognised by the incel community

Yeah sure faggot, it's not like any fucking sensible person would laugh @ the mere idea of a poor cunt-haver who just cannot find sum good dick to jump on lmao. Who the fuck do they think they're fooling with this shit? Or was this prepared for purely internal interpretation?
>Femcel communities exist, but they do not subscribe to the same misogynistic ideology as incels.
Yeah cunt, they subscribe to all the other shit instead, & doubly so by being raised as narcissist princessess.
>Concerningly, suicidal individuals are often encouraged by their fellow incels online to commit murder-suicide as a way to inflict punishment on society for their inceldom.
Fucking based. Render unto caesear & all th@.
>Digital natives aware of being monitored
>Incels tend to be conscious of data privacy and potential for online surveillance, and so take measures to protect their privacy online. Posts on incel-created websites will often comment about their potential surveillance or encourage users to use virtual private networks for personal security. The
transnational nature of this community, as well as the steps they take to protect their identity, makes it difficult to identify incels geographically. This poses a challenge for intervention providers who aim to provide support to at risk individuals based on geographical location. Voluntary engagement with an interventions service is particularly important for the incel community because of their fear of being targeted and their high levels of resistance to external support.
Verdammt, is this how cyberterrorist cells (kek) of the future actually look like?
>This section sets forth recommendations for countering the risk of incel-motivated violence.
As xpected, shitty normalfucks & their institutions only care about the consequences of the contradictions of their equally shitty inhuman farce of a society. No reform, only more repression for trying to fight opppession.
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It turned out that Evika Siliņa who dreams of the Latvian Prime Minister’s post once had very different dreams.
Journalists investigated and found out that Evika Silina starred in a porn casting for top French porn producer Pierre Woodman’s series “Casting X” as Evita. Video was published in 2015.


Most likely Evika Silina will be famous in Latvia. At least all politicians are actors. Now Latvia will get its own porn actress in the government. Politics is always a dirty game.
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that milf body


i wanna fuck her so bad


wait a minute she did anal


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>wait a minute she did anal


You fucking autist. Enjoy the fruits of your labor I guess?

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Would you make a good parent?
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Threads like these make me wish that people would seriously consider preliminary trainimg for potential parenta.


should be a public institution in any new socialist republic


Born & raised to the fucking ground & beyond by two ardent fascists, one of which is a violent feminazi with turbo-narcissism characteristics while the other cunt has absolutely never gave a fuck about anything in the slightest (fucked alotta bitches tho while totally not being chad in any fucking way so you incelfags are in deep theoretical shit kek).
Their spawners too, are fucked in the head: one pair consisting of a noble bastard who was also a hardline commie party follower & their ultra-ϟtaliniϟt spouse who bashed them for destroying the historical aristocratique family inheritance & even called them out by a purely fascist local whistle for this & who also fucking hates that kike lenin for destroying one of the greatest empires the world has ever known (they were even employed as a political commissar precisely for this LMAO, checkmate ml aes cucks); another pair is made up of two prol'd peasant middle class educados who lost all the shite they've hoarded after the '80s hit.
All 4 of these fully supported their little shits in pursuing their political choices. None of these bitches bear any genetic makeup of the local nation they "love" so much. None of the other fascos they know from their org bear any semblance to the local master race either. As any true fascist, they don't even uphold the lifestyle they preach, being junkies of every kind & homos @ that too.

The fact that surprisingly I turned out to be their total antithesis only supports that, if anything, I was born to end their degenerate line on me, not breed it further. Even psychologically they fucked me up so much that I cannot interact with other children, I'm too schizoretard for them.

Oh yeah, these faggots love sleazing out from all blame by claiming that "nobody taught them how to be parents". Fucking infinitely unaccountable cunts.


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>wants to die in a revolution. I'm borderline depressed all of the time.
>I think the real reason why parenting is such a drag is bcause people think of kids like property.
>I'd make an excellent father.
>idea that it's all consuming besides the time when the child is an infant is a boomer


At least you have the decency to admit youre not good enough to be procreating.

Most afults feel entitled to procreate just because of their age and when their kids turn out fucked up they wanna blame the pop culture or teachers rather than themselves.

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