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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Prostitutes, camgirls, e-whores and the like are lumpenproles at best and petty bourg at worst
There is no such thing as "le sex work", only redditors and radlibs think so, and their justification for it is always some idealist idpol riddled nonsense like "womens empowerment"
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>it is only in the wage contract that surplus-labour is able to be exploited for the capitalist
>prostitutes arent wage-workers
Why do most workers freely choose to be "exploited" when all they have to do is become self-employed to beat the capitalist oppression? Clearly you're missing something.


Based and trvthpilled



whatevet it is, it is extortive.

White prostitutes are charging OVER $1200 ON AVERAGE online where I live


It's called supply and demand anon


The "supply" is oversaturated

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In only six months, Sahra Wagenknecht's new party has BTFO'd the remnants of Die Linke and is already the 3rd most popular party in recent German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. Is she gonna do it, anons? Can Germany be saved after all?
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>Because no part of capitalism actually intends to deport people it can use as labor. Every part of capitalism wants to import labor via immigration.
But none of the migrants are working. They just get free food and housing from the state. They can't even speak english what job do you expect them to do and how are they going to make a profit when minimum wage is sky high.

>Not really. The alternative to minimum wage laws is militant labor unions.

Unions only work because the state prevents employers from firing strikers and hiring replacements. This contradicts your first argument which is that evil capitalists already control the state enough to influence immigration policy. If they had that much influence why wouldn't they crack down on unions and workers rights first.

>if they develop technology that uses rare minerals large capital can try to capture all the mineral deposits, that makes it hard for competition to form. If they develop technology for common minerals that makes it much easy for competition to form.

Your premise that everyone with "capital" is part of a hive mind working together is wrong. Obviously anybody left out of the rare minerals cartel will be incentivized to develop technology for common minerals. That's how market competition works.

>All EV models are either luxury cars or at least the kind of nicer car that only people with above average income can afford. They're not making the really low cost cars for the masses, which is necessary to get all the economy of scale effects from mass-production.

Low end EVs do exist like the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Bolt. Before Tesla the only EVs were cheap, low end and mass produced. That's not what's stopping them from being profitable.

>I don't understand why you think this corporate machine would be good at innovating. Most of the share-holders that nominally own the thing are only interested in maintaining their wealth. Most of the corporate bureaucracy is run by a psychopathic managerial cast who's only interested in petty careerism.

That's why most innovation comes from startups.
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>The only mode of transportation the state doesn't have absolute control over is private cars.
I guess private boats and planes do exist. But for the common man the only realistic way of escaping a hostile state is with a tank full of gas. EVs that need to charge for 6 hours every 300 miles are not an option.


>But none of the migrants are working. They just get free food and housing from the state.
That's basically what capitalists want. The state pays for the survival of these people. They are counted as un-employed officially while un-officially they are made to work in the informal economy without anything like a labor-contract that granted them some labor rights. That enables capitalists to pay wages below the survival level.

>Unions only work because the state prevents employers from firing strikers and hiring replacements.

Unions work because workers can engage in class struggle. And it's not like states haven't de-fanged unions when those were integrated into the legal frame-work. Look up the history of militant unions. Those blockaded factories and had their own militias to deal with strike-breaker-mercenary groups.

>This contradicts your first argument which is that evil capitalists already control the state enough to influence immigration policy. If they had that much influence why wouldn't they crack down on unions and workers rights first.

There have been Harvard studies on policy preferences, which shows most of the time big capital interests are the only thing that influences policy. There was a time in history where workers had no rights and the result was revolutions.

>Low end EVs do exist like the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Bolt. Before Tesla the only EVs were cheap, low end and mass produced. That's not what's stopping them from being profitable.

I don't know the technical specs of the 2 cars you named, but all the cheaper EV models i looked at were cars intended as a secondary car for grocery-shopping or similar local commutes. People couldn't use this as their only car.

>That's why most innovation comes from startups.

The problem with startups is there is no incentive to invent something "revolutionary" because the purpose of startups is for big monopoly companies to buy them up. Which means the incentive is to only invent something marginally better to maximize the amount of money that can be extracted from monopolies by selling them better technology piece-meal split up into many start-ups. If somebody invents something truly revolutPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


> The investors who could make a profit from nuclear can't out-lobby the oil industry. So what are they supposed to do?
Yeah the oil industry is ruthless, anybody that's trying to compete has to be equally ruthless.
>They're obviously not going to go to jail over this shit.
If they win and become the dominant power source, they'll be immune to that.

>On the other hand in a free market there wouldn't be any regulations to stop them.

There's a number of failed states where governments can't impose any regulations what soever. Yet none of the wonderful things you are promising are happening there.


>all this mutual cock sucking
Did the bots learn 2 scam their employers or smth?

btw this fucking nazi bitch shall burn in piss, keep crying eastoid uyghurs but your masters' investments into this patheticity ist nothing but cope b4 the showdown.
>inb4 if you don't support muh daddy inseminator ur natoid

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idk making this thread because the one on .org died with the rest of the site
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>the reason those threads became about Russia/Ukraine despite the more general and vague intentions behind thread 1 is because Russia/Ukraine has become the global focal point for core-periphery bourgeois conflict in general.
I agree with half of your analysis, the conflict in Ukraine has become a core-periphery thing.

But as far as the intentions go, i remain unconvinced this is innocent. If you want to argue for de-escalation politics like during the entente after the first cold war, you have to argue that Russians are human beings with legitimate grievances. And no-campism seems like it's geared towards attacking that. Like a means for policing the borders of what ruling ideology considers the acceptable range of opinion.


This is why I oppose the worst of all Great Russian Chauvinsts, Agent Zelensky. While Putin took the moderate nationalist position of only annexing the rebel provinces during the peace talks, Agent Z was unsatisfied with that. He pushed for expanding the war, so that Russia will be able to conquer more land and eventually realize the Russian nationalist dream of Novorossiya.

Jokes aside, Lenin and other theorists of the national question were writing at a time when national chauvinism within continental European empires meant the total supression of the linguistic and religious rights of a particular nation. This meant that public schooling was limited to a single language and in order become a government bureaucrat, you had to have a certain religion and speak certain language. Only thing that counterbalanced this is that these empires were seriously backwards with large rural populations who didn't have any access to formal education. This meant that as these empires urbanized, the lesser nations would simultaneously disappear.

This is why some Marxists and the intellectuals of lesser nations were concerned that without statehood, they would cease to exist, just as if they were all marched into gas chambers. The counterargument of other Marxists and proponents of the Great Nations was that these people barely constituted real nation, that their "nationhood" was nothing more than a provincial identity and the illusions of a handful of intellectuals. And in the end the process of assimilation was voluntary process, it didn't require physical violence. This is why Pan-Slavism, an ideology proposing that every single Slavic nation should be ruled by the Czar, had numerous genuine proponents among Croats, Serbs, Slovaks, etc.

Marxists added an additional layer to this debate concerning the feudal and bourgeois-progressive attributes of these empires that existed alongside each other. For someone like Luxemburg, the backwardness of these empires was exemplified by the persistence of provincial non-nations whose only basis of existence was their loyalty to the local nobility and clergy instead of emerging centralized state. Lenin argued that the real backwardness was the dynastic basis of these empires. Assimilation was viewed as impossible, half-assed attempt from the oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>the worst of all Great Russian Chauvinsts, Agent Zelensky


This is one of the first (only?) times I've seen "anti-campism" take into account the nuanced specific context in which he promoted both revolutionary defeatism and argued against a "United States of Europe". And I agree.
The position however by some that nation-states and national divisions should be maintained no matter what be cause those undoing them are "bourgeois" is reactionary, and in favor of maintaining global apartheid. These people may have as well have argued this in favor of the continued existence of the Bantustans ("Blacks" in South Africa referred to dozens of ethnic groups).

The Russian Annexation of Ukraine is progressive because old national divisions are abolished. But Ukrainian culture is not wiped out, the language isn't banned (and continues as an official language of several oblasts), Ukraininans aren't suffering the same fate as the jews during the holocaust.


This thread smells like a sectarian fed op. You're not a cool special snowflake for making up indecipherable abbreviations for your clique, you're just a fag.

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I hate banks. I hate CEOs. I hate Capitalism. I hate israel. why can't we be friends?
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Not defending China, just calling a spade a spade.


>why can't we be friends?
National Socialists want a state run economy for the exclusive benefit of the "aryan race". Leftists want a state run economy for the exclusive benefit of the "proletariat". If a white CEO and a black farmer were both drowning you would save the former and they would save the latter. That's why you can't be friends.


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Nazis fooled us once with their "socialism" and tens of thousands of leftists died in death camps. Never again.


>asiatic despotism
>totemic emporer
Racist drivel.
Langley's not sending their best.

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She fucking won. She will be the first female president whether you commies like it or not!
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They want us to be scared if Trump beats Harris
when really it's the genocide that's actually scarius


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President Donald Trump gets unexpected laugh at United Nations


>She won
She was appointed
>She will be the
first female Nottrump
after Biden who was the first male Nottrump


fuck off with your great semen of history you degenerate

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you killed my leftypol so i killed one of your threads
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That's part of the entertainment, so congratulations on your promotion from bunker vols to /leftypol/ vols.
They can be bunkerchan now.


Nukechan is also open go say hi.


Hell no honky I aint goin to yo David Duke chan ass


Oh Lenin have mercy, the xitterfags have ended up in getchan.


All us black folx vote .net SON BOY FOO

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The infamous chatcontrole-law internet apocalypse in the EU has been postponed. It seems dead for now but these things tend to become like zombies rising from the grave.

Now lets discuss how to actually fix the pedo-problem.

The pedo-problem is a meat-space problem that is bleeding into the virtual world. So lasting solutions can only be found in meat-space.

We have to analyze the politics at play. I doubt the neo-liberal system allows for genuine collective well-being politics. So doing something that benefits all children will not be possible. All the available politics are zero-sum games, improving the lot of some children at the expense of others. This can be overcome by creating civil-society parent lobby groups, enabled to act on the part that benefits the child-interests they represent while blocking the detrimental actions towards other child-interests by locking that into a perpetual battle against each other to neutralize the "negative energy".

The main political energy that genuinely seeks to clean the internet from pedo-material is however, people trying to hide the problem, they don't care about children at all, they care about the appearance of a just society. They see their affluence threatened if the injustice of child-abuse is too visible. They are perhaps the worst bunch. Bending this political energy into a positive outcome is very hard. We might be able to turn this into a general child-privacy scheme. We could make an AI-filter that gets trained to recognize and blur all children. This filter system could be made entirely transparent including the entire source-training-database since regular pictures of children aren't crimes, making it harder to abuse and also minimally invasive by selectively blurring out only children, without censoring the entire material. AI filters are quite good at detecting age and the silhouette of people, and this scheme does not require AI to understand context, reducing false positives. It need not be made mandatory, because it's an easy non-threatening way to prevent having to deal with pedo-material. I feel confident that most websites would use this to make moderation easier. It uses very little compute resources, and the child-abuse is out of sight (which realistically is all that can be done on the computer side of things). On the ethical side we get better online child-privacy without needing heavy handed governmental top-down interference.

The next problePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


People's inherent rights take precedence to everything else including your "protect muh children!" Rehtoric. You can never stop all of it. It's sad but it's true you can just meditate it and you mediate it criminally and mentally via forcing them into therapy and psychology. But it's naive and stupid to think you can ever get rid of it completely.


>People's inherent rights take precedence
I agree with that wholeheartedly. But i fear that this isn't how political mechanisms actually work.

I think they'll keep using the pedo-crap as pretext to try and fuck with the internet, as long as that pedo-crap persists.

We could probably lessen the threat against the internet, if we could find a offline mechanism that would allow them to capture pedos. This is why i'm proposing to create psychological abuse-diagnostics in schools and pedo bounty hunters. I reckon that unlike fucking with the internet, this would actually work, at least enough to reduce the problem below the threshold where it can become a political hot-potato.


Most discussions about pedophilia (including this one) seem to think that detaining children, either in person or avatar, is the only safety measure.

Any organisation that has the "F-bomb" (Family) in their name, slogan, or target audience is a big red flag.
Any suggestion like OP that talks about "blurring childrens pictures" or "extensive diagnostic studying" of children often lead to child abuse.

The only way to confront pedophilia is to admit that childhood as we know it is a social construct that doesnt really hold up to reality.
Innocence is not a virtue of youth, nor should it be.

Modern society thinks that children are supposed to be sheltered from any slight nuance and never be told about anything nor trained for self defense.

"Let kids be kids" is the common sentiment used to justify prolonged ignorance in the juvenile stage of life.

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remember 9/11 1973
never forget

also I guess we can also have a schizo thread where we talk about how burger 9/11 was an inside job or whatever
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Ah yes, the anniversary of the CIA's fascist coup against Allende. How could I ever forget?


Yeah we didn't just loose a socialist country, we also lost the first attempt at doing cybernetic socialism. It would have been so interesting to see the results of that experiment.


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I hate to interrupt an Allende thread with stuff about some dumb revenge attack on history's 2nd evilest empire, but the Canestraro declaration is juicy.

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Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century: planting bombs, assassinating rulers, organizing radical unions
Anarchists today: wear leather jackets and doc martins, listen to Sex Pistols, maybe they'll spray paint some graffiti, otherwise do absolutely nothing

Not saying they were always engaged in effective activity (Propaganda of the Deed is the dumbest revolutionary strategy ever), but at least the original anarchists actually did something. It seems like in every lefty org I've been in the anarchists are the ones least likely to roll up their sleeves and actually get some work done.

What happened?
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Assassinations went out of fashion, it's mostly arson now. You can get the news if you know where to look.


Seems like the kind of crime that'd be real easy to false-flag on someone else.


>set up a commune
I guess many end up like this instead of building orgs for nationwide revolution.


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>Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century: planting bombs, assassinating rulers
Propaganda of the deed was a failed strategy.
However, Siegefags (a syncretic form of neo-Nazism) have tried to continue that strategy in an attempt to incite a race war through terrorism. As you can see, that shit isn't working, but I find it hilarious that they took one of the least effective parts of anarchism and decided to run with it.


that, along with the copying blac block, etc. has almost made them the new as-a-farce anarchists. hurr dur lets shoot down a power transformer. lets just put up some posters an d graffiti.
Honestly, the neo-nazis deciding that 'acktaully the cops and military and big business bad' castrated any chance of them pulling a brownshart corporate-backed coup, which is basically the only way neo-fascism has a chance in present conditions.

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Was Bordiga right?

I have to admit some of his arguments are compelling. It certainly does seem to be the case that an unprincipled "popular front" just leads to liberals taking control of your revolution and directing it away from anticapitalism. At the same time history seems to have been very unkind to his strategy. Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power. Bordiga seemed very satisfied in interviews towards the end, that he had remained ideologically pure throughout his long life. Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.

Maybe there's no effective answer to the problems he identified? Are we supposed to just kick back in our armchairs and wait for capitalism to devour itself in the end?
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Maybe we could try both at the same time.

Have an ML state that organizes high intensity defense, infrastructure and heavy industry, and then have anarchic structures for light industry, low intensity people's militias and amusement. You know pick the strong side of each, while avoiding their weaknesses.


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>Marx would say "ok, we need to develop a workers' state to protect
Marx would fucking shoot your faggot ass 4 being a nutsoy cocksucker instead of a communist. You do not "protect" shit you stole from da big bourgs you fucking petbourg uyghur, you eliminate the class of bourgeoisie from human society EVERYWHERE as it is, including you. & if suddenly you now have to protect muh stuff, then…

>Every time he split his support got smaller and smaller until he was ultimately pushed out and marginalized by those with all the power.
Th@'s called "revolution in retreat" you fucking retard. It's a force of nature th@ you are not in any capacity to tamper with, & so, in the world of failed communist revolution one of the productive things you can do is dogmatizing the og theory so th@ no fucking nutsoy faggot could completely degenerate it into another strain of state liberalism with (super-)nazional characteristics ("marxism-leninism").
>Unfortunately it also seems like he accomplished very little after his expulsion from the Italian Communist Party in 1930.
Gee, I wonder why!

>Maybe we could try both liberalisms at the same time.


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I absolutely despise these purity spiraling communist who think communism is some kind of loyalty test.


If you want a boner killer for his pure and dogmatic thought, see his opinion on Trotsky.

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