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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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India renamed it self, a bit like Turkey recently was renamed into Türkiye. However unlike Türkiye which makes a nice sound, Bharat sounds harsh like somebody burping during speech. They're undoing the colonial naming legacy and have been renaming their cities for some time, but they could have picked a nicer name for their country. Oh well.

I wonder if BRICS for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa , now has to be spelled BRBCS. 'Brubkess' def. is a downgrade from 'Bricks' too.
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this is a stunt.
Even Eric Andre wouldnt dare.


>largest workers strikes in history the last few years
>incapable of revolution
Sure seems to me like they have more revolutionary potential than Europeans at the moment.


Not disagreeing but how do you evaluate the French?


>revolutionary potential
Yes the organized farmers in India have that, however if they take over they would need the help of the Chinese to survive the geopolitical environment in the immediate aftermath.

But the Chinese will not participate in anything that looks like regime change.

That equation only changes if the Indian ruling class declared war against China, and a alternative revolutionary government declared peace. Then the Chinese could say that they recognize which ever government offers them peaceful coexistence. Nobody could accuse them off exporting the revolution if they just choose peace over war.

The Indian Ruling class is not stupid, they're not going to pick a fight with China. So unless something else shakes loose an opportunity, the farmers are kinda stuck.


Seems like the French were defeated by covid.

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What's the deal with the French?

So they form some big "left" coalition to push back against Macron and overwhelm le Pen's party in the recent election… and then they immediately nominate another neoliberal technocrat for prime minister who went to same schools as Macron? How could this do anything but discredit themselves and open a wide lane for more support for the hard right? I don't understand how France can have all these ostensibly left formations and still end up serving the status quo.
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Maybe there is a reshuffling of who is favored, different privileges doled out in the top echelons of society and dribbled down. It's very easy to feed slop to the lower orders and they'll think they received a gift from God. Every time you do the performative politics ideology, you feed that. I don't know why you faggots keep doing it.


Politics after 2000 is entirely an interest of the top echelons - and really this is how it always is. Mass politics was always a delusion when it was done in this abstracted way, divorced from anything a mass political base does. There is this strange and infantile belief that politics is ruled by "me wantee" and empty sentiments, and it's always faggotry. In the past, there were more crumbs handed down, and less ability to really impose will on the lower orders. It was easier for us to keep our head down and let the rulers do their thing, and there was enough self-interest to keep this functional enough. After 1970, it was open season. The favored interests of the middle clamored for blood far more than the rulers themselves - just as they were trained. Every time you encourage that, you're only becoming a greater and deeper fag.


>the performative politics ideology,
Assume I'm an idiot and explain this further?


pls no


But he writes amazing prose, and I'm curious about the concept.

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Why did the Western far-left become the 2SLGBTQRPGMMO+++ rainbow mafia?
It genuinely is perplexing to me that Western leftists seem to hold even the most absurd AGP sex fetish shit and BPD tumblr furry xenogender larping as the most ultimate leftist purity test, yet then will accept literal fucking Capitalists into the movement wihtout hesitation.
I used to think this shit was exaggerated, but it's honestly not, most western leftist spaces are just rainbow mafia/idpol obsessed and you can't push back on even the most absurd, eye rolling narratives, without getting asked to leave, or if online, copping a ban, this includes communities like leftypol(dot)org.
Even holding the same policy positions, as most Communist Parties in the Global South, will get you banned from basically any Westoid "Leftist" space. Leftypol lets you claim Xi is based or whatever, but if you actually espouse his policies, enjoy your ban because it doesn't align with Western Idpol shit.
Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society? They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
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They certainly do, but that doesn't explain why most self proclaimed leftists eat that shit up. We should want to distance ourselves from self-defeating idpol.


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I would say that fundamentally this kind of idpol stems from narcissism. I put forth a theory a while back that it's a reflection of the politics of dominant class in society. In post-industrial financialized economies, that class is finance capitalists. What are the psychological characteristics of finance capitalists? Always there is an obsession with image and presentation, advertising yourself to investors to a point where it becomes utterly phony and narcissistic. The ruling class then creates institutions that valorize and propagate these traits, in order to reproduce their class, until those traits start to trickle down into the rest of society. I never looked further into this, but it would be confirmatory if a place like Singapore had similar narcissist-driven politics and culture.

If this theory is correct, it highlight's Michael Hudson's frequent point about strategy: we may have to first win the war against finance capitalists. We may then be able to bring the class struggle back to workers vs industrial capitalists after the finance narcissists are no longer able to infect movements with this class-cracking bullshit.



Ah yes, the the throwing around of the word that sorta rhymes with anarchism.

That word doesnt really mean what you think it does.

Irony is, intellectual circles are often plagued with the same crimes they accuse the plebians of having.


>That word doesnt really mean what you think it does.
A vacuous assertion without an argument supplied.


Bruh youre the one making vacuous assumptions.

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This was a failed state and its still worshipped by losers like you lmao
>thread got saged from .ogre
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>everyone who doesn't deny the holomodor is a troll
Read a book.

>refuted nazi propaganda that the cia ran with so they can say that stalin and hitler are equally bad.

Nobody thinks stalin is bad. Go out in public with hammer and sickle or antifa logos nobody will say a word. Go outside with nazi logos you will literally get arrested.

>Pretty sure their gdp was growing (if slowly) right up until the dissolution. What makes you think they were wasting money? What makes you think that's what caused the dissolution of the soviet state?

Read a book.
>By some measures, the Soviet economy was the world’s second largest in 1990, but shortages of consumer goods were routine and hoarding was commonplace. It was estimated that the Soviet black market economy was the equivalent of more than 10 percent of the country’s official GDP. Economic stagnation had hobbled the country for years, and the perestroika reforms only served to exacerbate the problem. Wage hikes were supported by printing money, fueling an inflationary spiral. Mismanagement of fiscal policy made the country vulnerable to external factors, and a sharp drop in the price of oil sent the Soviet economy into a tailspin.

>Are you going to ignore all the achievements they made, like beating the Nazis, going to space, pulling everyone out of poverty and giving them education and healthcare?

All of which happened much sooner in countries outside the USSR. Except maybe the space thing which was a waste of time. You shouldn't be celebrating weapons research while your people are starving to death. Japan got fucking nuked twice and still came out ahead of Russia.

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Here are some sources that debunk the Holodomor myth:

< Fraud, Famine and Fascism by Doug Tottle

< The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933 by Davies and Wheatcroft


< Lies concerning the History of the Soviet Union by Mario Sousa


< The Soviet famine of 1932-1933 reconsidered

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your effort post is appreciated


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holodomor is completely fake bullshit that never happend. it relies on changing relevant descriptions and definitions. it's a made-up event and made-up tittle.
>"muh normgroid books!"
>"muh normgroid website!"
>"buh i have a different meaning for it!"
anybody who says otherwise is a counter-revolutionary and deserve to be shot

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The customs of the Jews are base and abominable and owe their persistence to their depravity. Jews are extremely loyal to one another, always ready to show compassion, but towards every other people they feel only hate and enimity. As a race (the Jews are not a race, because they have mingled with the other races to the point that they are only a people, not a race), they are prone to lust; among themselves nothing is unlawful.

Tacitus mogging Judeos
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Capitalism is the new religion


All this whining about the Jews as being tribal but all these racialists advocate the same for theor own ethnic group.


A cult works by making fake rules and regulations regarding who is good and who is bad. So, if you eat food A you are scum! If you wear your hair like style B you are scum! If you didn't learn ABC, you are scum!

That allows the cult members to judge outsiders as scum. So, Bagels were actually made by Polish people, but they were scum with unclean hands, etc so jews made a smaller version so they wouldn't have to buy from the Polish scum.

That's how that works.

So, the plan of bigoted jews is to make society into what they believe about people.

If our society is filled with nice families, educated people, men and women will good morals and values, etc then that means the jews are WRONG. If people are naturally good, then it invalidates their hate group religion.

So, jews make it so that people can't get money, get frustrated, they spread anti-family values, spread porn to pervert people, spread abortion, feminism to make men and women hate each other, and so on. The Jewish politics in the US are not about social improvement, they are about hate and division.

That turns society into a ghetto. So, that confirms their bias that people are infidel scum.

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Turn future tradwives into childfree femdoms with this one weird trick


>muh jews are making me not get innocent virgin pussy

Once again, the white man blames everyone except themselves for their own problems.

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Is it here yet?

pic unrelated
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I think the recession started something like 2 or 3 years ago.


I'm still betting on Trump even if the economy doesn't crash.
There's literally no reason for a new thing to happen to swing the needle towards Trump, we've never been in a position before where the sitting president is getting sued for genocide and his chosen successor has to keep covering up the fact that the sitting president is way too senile to serve competently. The stink of Biden is all over her. More than any electoral significance, the next recession will most likely cause absolute chaos.


Right now, honestly. Like, the economy has been lackluster for decades, now, but this isn't, like… 2008-tier. Getting a job now is way easier.

There was an actual recession 4 years ago circa COVID, essentially a simultaneous COVID-related recession & gas-related recession, but it was conveniently contained through the COVID procedures. Tbh that itself was sort of an economic blessing, as there was already a recession on the way, and they'd probably have struggled much more to shorten a more 'normal' recession. That sudden wave of massive, rapid, temporary unemployment could well have interrupted the natural course of capitalist bedshitting and delayed the inevitable by a few years.


>the economy has been lackluster for decades
Recessions are caused by investment strikes, most of the time.
The neo-liberal period is one of reduced investment into the productive forces. So if you really stretch the definition, you could maybe say neo-liberalism is a long recession.

>There was an actual recession 4 years ago circa COVID, essentially a simultaneous COVID-related recession & gas-related recession, but it was conveniently contained through the COVID procedures.

So basically you're saying they blamed, the recession that was already happening, on covid.


>So basically you're saying they blamed, the recession that was already happening, on covid.
Not exactly.
There was a recession which was (probably) already happening, but the massive hits to the hospitality industry, hits to travel, massive deaths, changes to procedure which slowed production, and massive labor shutdowns were all things specific to COVID. Even if the stuff with Saudi Arabian & Russian petrol had snowballed, it wouldn't be likely to be that dramatic, but there would still have been at least some downturn that year even without COVID, and it's possible that worse would have come that year or shortly after if COVID hadn't had such a rapid, dramatic effect.

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I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good. Sure, there are races nobody wants or wants to be (you know which ones), but I do not want to live in a world without cute redheaded whites or busty ebony blacks.

FINALLY!!! someone in this exact thread have the same opinion as mine. if you can choose which race you want to be, NOBODY in their right mind would choose to be a subcontinental browns. fuck pakistan. fuck india. fuck bangladesh. fuck sri lanka.

everybody who are brown or live in a brow country care. which is half the world. hence why we should do a multigenerational breeding program for the entire world.

post your breeding program
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>be based on merit


"many men" Take a guess, faggo


Every leftist i know, comes from a right wing family,. I think leftists should BREED, but i don't think this will have breeding program.


>be born
>parents fuck you up
>unable to grow into an independent adult due to fuck up
>society demands you pull yourself by your bootsraps
what the fuck is this


Please keep the weird fetish threads on b. Moved to >>>/b/154816

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I hear there's an attempted coup going on after the recent Maduro victory. What's the rundown?

Pic unrelated


There's been a coup attempt or some other shit in every Venezuelan election since Hugo Chavez's Bolivarian revolution. Chances are this will fizzle out.


I'm sure it's some kind of CIA backed coup and I hope it gets squashed. That being said, does anyone know how Venezuela is doing these days?

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Cockshott is probably the best Socialist theorist of our age, he's completely BTFO'ed all arguments against Marx's Law of Value, he's empirically proven that Economic Planning is 100% possible with current data sets and modern computation, he's shown that current economic theory is based on complete woo that doesn't hold up to basic mathematical scrutiny or even basic logic.
The thing is, because all his online content is extremely complex, technical post-grad level university lectures, it's hard to get his idea's out there. Which I think why as Socialists, we should try present his arguments, theories and evidence in a far more presentable, digestable, ELI5 fashion for Normies.
What made classic Leftypol good is that we were able to present Socialist content for normies that would be shared by Zoomers and such. So I think a good project for us on this board, would be to work How the World Works (https://libgen.rocks/ads.php?md5=0f775aef8cbe24a8978e115669bfcdfb) into a decent Youtube series that explains how we can build a new economic order in the not too distant future.
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It's been over a year, how have we progressed on this interesting task?


>Everyone in such a society would know who "should" get the job
That shit only exists in your head, most people absolutely despise people who deluded them selves into thinking they're born to rule. People kept cutting off the heads of aristocrats for a reason.

>specialized knowledge

<Only the people from the magic knowledge cast are allowed to rule
Are you trolling me ?
If the people decide they want to build a power-plant, they hire power-plant-experts.

>seek to rig the randomizer

that can be frustrated, it's really easy to protect the integrity of a random number generator from manipulation compared to the rest of the political system. Pls halt the concern trolling.

>there are good reasons for states and institutions to hold secrets

>you wouldn't want a stalker knowing the location of his target
To guard against stalking, you need super strong privacy protections and sometimes restraining orders.
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>this interesting task?
You mean turning Cockshott's book How the world works into a video series ?

Well there's the formula of doing narration over related stock-images/video, that's easy to do, but there's so many of these, they rarely catch on.

I think we need a video game where you can try out the new economic system.


>I think we need a video game where you can try out the new economic system.
Maybe you want something more like an Explorable Explanation. It's kind of a midpoint between a Flash* game and an article.
Some examples:
and a simpler one more like an article: https://ncase.me/ballot/ (ignore the liberalism)


>Trust game
In part #5 (The Evolution of Distrust) it's almost as if they've independent uncovered alienation as a factor of economic fuckery. Pretty neat.

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My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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Keep your diarrhea in your containment thread, narcissist.


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This person Eugene posted the same thread over at Org siberia. Are we really gonna let that slide?


Previous Eugene-lit thread has been archived at >>>/leftypol_archive/22975


advertising your site is fucking cringe brah.
sage this bullshit


Moved to >>>/edu/7537 after vote. Please do not recreate threads while previous iterations are still active

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