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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Does anyone live in Chicago? It was a complete shithole in the 2000s. Filled with drunks and crackheads and such. I can only imagine it's gotten much worse. Here's how the cycle goes
>Bureacratic opportunists come into power
>City goes to shit
>Smart people move out
>Only literal 90eyeq retards are left in city
>They vote for grifting faggot leftoids
>City continues to go to shit
>Becomes Detroit
>Property value crashes
>Gentrifying whiteoids and real estate speculators move in
>Slight increase in police presence so that faggot homo furdaddies can buy Starbucks without stepping into literal human feces

At one point, Chicago and cities like it had tons of industrial jobs, which kept working people there. But, due to shifts in the economy, I imagine the only people who live there are either lumpenized and maldeveloped or part of the professional managerial/financial grift class. The latter can live in gated communities and vote Democrat to make themselves feel like 'decent human beings'(tm). The former are just braindead.

Basically a blueprint for how communities/societies die.
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have visited last year
here we go
>trashy neighborhoods, i mean lots of actual random trash
>social climate is that suspicion/distrust(extra burger toppings)
>Dogs wander the streets
>females usually are snobby cunts, also so many dykes
>residents are especially self centered
>chicano cringe pride
>globohomo condensed into a city
>cracked sidewalks, shitty roads
>streets are shit
>part of car culture is to ignore ambulances and not pull to the side
>excessive circle jerking among the labor aristocracy(its a union town)

anyway Mao Mao, Pol Pot, and Franny Franco were spot on about cities


>what is deindustrialization
>what is neoliberalism
<muh bureaucrats
<muh eye cue
Leftoids and cryptofash proving once again that they share the same quality of being historically illiterate


woot is dis


Don't you have coffee to pour?


probably busy having anal with a goat fish

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Visited leftypol accidentally thinking it was this site, whole place just looks like a Twitteroid hivemind but more "sophisticated". Why is leftypol such a shithole but this place seemingly rational?


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>lazy moderators
>semi-shit posts are realized to be semi-shit posts
>circle jerks get the acid treatment
thats all really


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troon-joon modocracy tyranny

no gods no masters



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<Why is China so incredibly based?

Virtually everything they do in practice makes the faggot western left seethe. How can we bring this energy to America and Europe? We need socialism that castrates faggot pedos, bullies trawnies to suicide, executes drug dealers, and sends fatties to the labor camps.

Are you a NEET? Minus 50 social credit points.
Masturbate too much? Sorry, no high speed internet for you.
Didn't visit you grandma? Shame on you, not report to the reeducation program.
Don't want to have kids? Why are you supporting invasive bourgeois ideology.

<Chinese socialism is the final solution to the western left(tm).
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I'd honestly not be surprised if it's some white dude trolling


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>worker when bad clothing


no worker wears a suit of their own volition, it's literally a slur for a boss, manager etc.

it's like worker wearing a tophat - ridiculous


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>multipolarity is not a political position - something you are for or against. It is an emerging state of reality in geopolitics and economics, characterized in part by the collapse of US hegemony.

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Here's the take from the Geopolitical Economy Report



about a 2/10 compared to based De Gaulle


>he's actually a Multipolarista
It adds up actually

<Pootin raises the retirement age and russian cucks swallow it.

<Macron tries to do the same as his fellow multipolarista but gets massive riots and strikes.
I think Macron should blitzkrieg Germany next because Alsace-Lorraine needs national self-determination.


and yes, I know that Alsace-Lorraine is part of modern day France..


Well, multi means more than one, so I guess a bipolar US-China Imperial redivision of the globe with new-era Tito-esque fence sitters is multipolar as well!

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Leading 'conservative' thinker, Michael Anton, warms up to socialism

>It has become increasingly common to hear those on what we may call the conventional right claim that the main threat facing the historic American nation and the American way of life is “socialism.” These warnings have grown with the rise of the so-called Great Reset, ostensibly a broad effort to reduce inequality, cool the planet (i.e., “address climate change”), and cure various social ills, all by decreasing alleged overconsumption. In other words, its mission is to persuade people, at least in the developed West, to accept lower standards of living in order to create a more just and equitable world. Since the conservative mind, not unreasonably, associates lower standards of living with socialism, many conservatives naturally intuit that the Great Reset must somehow be socialist.

>I believe this fear is at least partly misplaced and that the warnings it gives rise to, however well-meaning, are counterproductive because they deflect attention from the truer, greater threat: specifically, the cabal of bankers, techies, corporate executives, politicians, senior bureaucrats, academics, and pundits who coalesce around the World Economic Forum and seek to change, reduce, restrict, and homogenize the Western way of life—but only for ordinary people. Their own way of life, along with the wealth and power that define it, they seek to entrench, augment, deepen, and extend.

>This is why a strict or literal definition of socialism—public or government ownership and control of the means of production in order to equalize incomes and wealth across the population—is inapt to our situation. The Great Reset quietly but unmistakably redefines socialism to allow and even promote wealth and power concentration in certain hands. In the decisive sense, then, the West’s present economic system—really, its overarching regime—is the opposite of socialistic.

What follows is a fairly long and detailed summary of Marxism along with a comparison and contrast (mostly contrast) to today's system.

Interesting read
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I mean he’s not completely converted. He still has an obsession with the middle class


I love reading pieces like this by actual rightoids who can fucking READ because it's really an interesting insight into how at least the intellectual thought processes of the other side.
Something I see the same with this author, and rightoid figures like say Hitchens is that they sound reasonable for the most part, but then become completely fucking blinded by their dumb preconcieved notions and moral/romantic views of the Middle Class, Capitalism etc
It always boils down to "Capitalism is actually good, but bad faith actors like cosmopolitian international capitalists are bad because they're not nationalistic so don't have loyalty". This is ridiculous, the reality is Marx was always right he just saw through the romanticsed views and saw the cold reality of Capitalist realism. These aren't bad faith actors, they're the most viciously successful element of the Capitalist class who Capitalism rewards.
The Marxist view isn't that Capitalists are bad people, they're just agents of capital. How can Marxism view Capitalists as bad people when Engels himself was a Capitalist elite? Again the Rightoid mind can't seem to seperate systematic logic from moralism. They know Capitalist business people and they're good friends and very nice, polite people, so they're not bad or evil. It doesn't matter if they're bad or good or nice or rude, all that matters is the role they play within the Capitalist machine.
I definitely get the view that the most intellectual rightoids, seem to be massive romantics and moralfags and this leads them to having utterly childish, "splitting" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splitting_(psychology) ) views when confronted with the overwhelming truth of Scientific Marxism.

Also "Waah if Socialism is correct, why did the USSR collapse" uhh because the USSR was ruled by shitheads and Radlibs? Because the Materialist development for a transition to Socialism has not yet been achieved? (Unlike what this article claims (can be chocked up to Engels overeagerness), Marx seemed to imply that Socialism was literally hundreds of years away)


>They know Capitalist business people and they're good friends and very nice, polite people, so they're not bad or evil. It doesn't matter if they're bad or good or nice or rude, all that matters is the role they play within the Capitalist machine.
This lacks basic common sense. Any successful communist party understood the personal quality of people of of paramount importance. I feel really bad for you if you can't distinguish between decent and shit people, and constantly fall back on, 'Well they're a prole so we're on the same side.' basically a prey mentality
>confronted with the overwhelming truth of Scientific Marxism
Let's ignore the cultish verbiage for a moment. The hallmark of scientific knowledge is the ability to manipulate and change that which is the object of study. By this very definition, considering the abysmal track record of western Marxists at having any solid impact on changing society, it's safe to say that western Marxism isn't scientific.


A prole can be an asshole, but he still has the same class relations and values than I do. I don't have to like people to stick up for them. I understand that personality disorders like BPD and ASPD exist and they SHOULD be kept away from movements and from power. But those are the exceptions rather than the rule, a decent system should be able to root out these types anyway.
I know plenty of Business people, they're "good" people, they polite, kind, do a lot of community stuff, blah blah, this doesn't stop the role they play in the Capitalist system, they are class enemies and when the moment of truth arises, the reality is, these people will most likely side with the forces of reaction.

>considering the abysmal track record of western Marxists at having any solid impact on changing society, it's safe to say that western Marxism isn't scientific.

Western Marxism basically doesn't exist outside of Cockshott and a few other fringe autists who are treated as "red brown strasserites" by Baizuo. This doesn't disprove Marxism, all it debunks is Western "Leftists" from adhering to Scientific Socialist methods. Quickest way to see if a Baizuo is a Leftist, ask him to do a Materialist reading of Gender and explain how can they accept Transwomen are Women?


relevant video (with dogshit audio)

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has anyone here lived in a socialist state i.e. Cuba, China, DPRK, Laos, Vietnam, Venezuela? What was your experience?
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it looks like she got gangbanged by the cookie monster and elmo


Even with the paint she's an 8


even with the paint she looks like a taint


Don't say things like that about her, she's very pretty.


white knights belong @org gtfo

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The strikes are massive and the political opposition to macron's pension-rape has doubled from 26% to 46% in just a few months.

Macron has undemocratically bypassed the french parliament by using article 49.3 of the french constitution, to box this through. However it's now possible to oust him with a no-confidence motion.

There's a very strong possibility that this is Macrons political suicide, and it's very unlikely that this pension-rape will stand. The French imperial bourgeoisie has recently lost a lot of power in their African pseudo-colonies. The president of the Congo Felix Tshisedkedi recently flat out told Macron to shut-up his "imperial paternalism" during a political conference. And that means they can't fight against the french proles at home and fight to maintain imperial dominance in Africa at the same time.

I don't know enough about the political realities in France to make predictions about the ramifications, but seems that the imperial bourgeoisie in France is going to get a serious haircut.

Video source for the op-pic
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Meanwhile, burgers would literally let their boss have sex with their wives while they watch.







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Based frog protestors stormed a Blackrock office

<Paris/London(CNN) Demonstrators forced their way into the building that houses BlackRock's office in Paris Thursday, taking their protest against the government's pension reforms to the world's biggest money manager.

<Videos shared on social media showed protesters entering the Centorial office block, located near the Opéra Garnier opera house, holding red flares and firing smoke bombs.

<About 100 people, including representatives of several labor unions, were on the ground floor of the building for about 10 minutes, chanting anti-reform slogans. BlackRock's office is located on the third floor.

<"The meaning of this action is quite simple. We went to the headquarters of BlackRock to tell them: the money of workers, for our pensions, they are taking it," Jerome Schmitt, spokesman for French union SUD, told CNN affiliate BFM-TV. BlackRock declined to comment.


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This might not be worthy of its own thread, but once you've built a solid support base within one workplace/neighborhood/whatever, how do you build connections with other activists while simultaneously avoiding feds as best as possible(I am pessimistic on how possible that is, but that is a gut feeling rather than something that I have strong logic on, and will accept criticism)? If anyone has insight, it'd do a great service.


I don't think you're going to be able to avoid feds, and spending too much effort to try to weed them out is effort you're not expending toward the actual things you want to accomplish. Far better to assemble structures and rules from the outset that are resistant to sabotage. For example, don't ever give leaders too much power so that their position becomes a target for opportunists. Conversely, don't use anti-democratic decision-making processes such as "consensus" that allow the weakest link to sabotage decisions. At all costs, you want to avoid the kind of performative arrangements that allow narcissist identarians to make meetings about themselves instead the actual fucking task at hand. Feds or not, they are the ultimate wreckers. Never give these people an inch or they'll take a mile.


Rather than asking yourself what a cop/fed would look like so you can avoid them, ask yourself "What is a cop/fed likely to do in this situation, and how can we obviate it?"


If you can't avoid an opponent try figuring out how to exploit them. If you can harvest the energy from their attacks, you'll get stronger the more they attack you.


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>If you can harvest the energy from their attacks, you'll get stronger the more they attack you.


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>If you can harvest the energy from their attacks, you'll get stronger the more they attack you.

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The international criminal court has long had a questionable reputation for having a colonial bias because it almost exclusively has convicted war-criminals from Africa, and virtually non from western countries.

However i think there might be a conspiracy to erode it's legitimacy entirely before destroying it.

I think it started around 2018 when there were attempts to convict war-criminals from the US. It is important to know that the US is not a signatory to the various international treaties that could give the ICC jurisdiction over the US and it citizens.

Attempting to expand the reach of the jurisdiction of a criminal court is very risky because if it fails, it will damage the courts legitimacy within it's existing jurisdictions. And what happened in this case was that the US approved a law that would enable the US to invade the Netherlands in case they arrested US citizens to put them on trial in The Hague.

And recently they have done a similar thing again, but this time picked a fight with a different superpower, that is equally unlikely to yield because it too is not a signatory to international treaties that grant the ICC jurisdiction. They issued a arrest warrant against the Russian head of state, that got denied by the deputy head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Basically they threatened to destroy the ICC with hyper-sonic missiles if they tried to affect any arrests.

But this time the consequences went beyond military saber-rattling and legitimacy damage for the ICC, this time a number of countries have exited the international treaties, effectively rescinding the ICC jurisdiction, because they don't want the obligation to arrest the Russian head of state. Motivated by business interests and fear from retaliation of the Russian federation if they tried to go through with it.

I think that this goes beyond abusing a legal court for political goals, i think this is also about destroying an institution that over time could grow out of it's colonial legacy and become a truly international institution with the power to impose the legal discipline of international law on anybody, including the most powerful people.

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During marx's time money based on precious metals like gold or silver were the universal commodity, against which all other commodities were measured.

After money was detached from metal, the only real universal commodity money was the dollar because that was the only one against which all other commodities were measured. And you could say many of the big currencies that were easily converted into dollars had some of that universality rub off on them. By the way i count precious metal derived money as fiat money as well.

After the US began expanding sanctions at some point they crossed the line where the dollar can't be considered as the universal commodity against which all other commodities are measured anymore.

Precious metals are still universal in the sense that every economy will exchange for it, but you can't really use it to buy stuff. Shops don't have scales for measuring the weight of metal anymore, and won't accept pieces of metal as payments. That means that it's not really money.

There are a select few crypto moneys that appear to have the ambition to become a universal commodity, but they are very far away from realizing that.

So where does that leave universal commodity money ?
Does that still exist ?
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>Anyone who doesn't agree with me is more evidence to supports my worldview


You reek of Tavistock.


How do you know what it smells like though?


It's so odious that the smell is transmitted by words alone. You know it when you develop a sense for it.


Sounds like you spend a decent amount of time around troons. No doubt all part of the eugenics plot

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