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I'm a history major and the bourgeois dominance of the field is just as prevalent here as anywhere else.

What books on Marxist conceptions of history, historiography, etc are there that can give me the tools to critique and fight back against bourgeois historians.




Also Anti-Duhring deals with marxist conception of science and world in general. The work is a critique of some guy, but also Engels in it explains historical materialist way of looking at things. The part that were of value on their own were later published in two separate works, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, and Origins of the Family. I have not read the second one, but I heard that it is based on obsolete anthropology. Personally, I think Anti-Duhring itself is worth reading, but it is the longest.

And audiobooks of all 3 of them if you want https://listenleft.org/by-author/engels-frederick/


Hobsbawm's 4 Ages books are always worth a read as well, imo. If you're a history major you might not really learn anything new as he's more geared toward a slightly-above-layman level of presumed knowledge, but his Marxist (although never really explicitly ML) perspective is prevalent, unapologetic and rigorously researched.


Jairus Banaji's Theory as History

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People with blue eyes are more prone to alcohol addiction, which makes sense if you take into account their greater social inhibition. For many alcohol can be a way to feel free of inhibitions, so while darker eyed people may be more likely to drink to feel less depressed (if they are socially disadvantaged espec), light eyed people are more likely to drink to become more impulsive.

But ofc, blue eyes aren't making someone less impulsive. It's a Neanderthal trait, so anyone with it is more likely to have another set of Neanderthal traits, correlated with being antisocial.
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What about green eyes


Thanks for sharing this, I've had trouble with alcohol before and this is really interesting


According to the study green eyes are light like blue eyes so they'd also have higher rates of alcoholism




this sounds like bro science tbh

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I'm starting to learn Portuguese, because I'm tired of being an undereducated burger who relies on English news sources for interaction with the rest of the hemisphere. I would like to eventually learn Spanish and French as well. What can I do to retain the language as best I can, while expanding my knowledge as quickly as I can? Pic
hopefully unrelatedd.


An anon explained a bit about second language acquisition at >>4300


Nice. Thanks, anon.

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I need someone to give me a rundown of how does society develop from the end of tribal society up to birth of feudal one.What are the conditions that lead to creation of slave society and lead to its demise? What contradictions are at play here?

My understanding is that first large scale agriculture and with it city states are established. You get social stratification into commoners, nobility and priests. Why does this happen? Do priests and nobles start as mere bureaucrats, organizing production and distribution of food, and over the time solidify their position on top of society?

I am also not quite clear on the reasons why do these city states proceeds to enslave their neighbours. Is because work, particularly farming, sucks and nobody wants to do it, so the citizens of the city state get slaves for it, and thus the main antagonism is between free citizens and slaves? From what I remember from history, the most important class conflicts in Athens were between rising merchant class and nobility, and in Rome between nobility and plebeians.

Ancient city states were oligarchies, but when they expand and become empires, the power seems to concentrate in a hands of single ruler. Why? Also, why does the similar thing happen in feudal kingdoms? In early middle ages, nobility had substantial independence from king, yet during late middle ages came absolutism.

At the end, when Roman empire collapsed, why did the newly settled tribes establish feudal relations between nobility and peasantry, rather that slave society?

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Hello all. I just finished reading a report about the Israel/Lebanon war called "We Were Caught Unprepared" and I was interested in learning more about Effects-Based Operations and Systemic Operational Design which were used by Israel and written or spread by S. Naveh. It sounds like pomo warfare but I want to know if it's legit or not. I'm trying to find more info about it and the document mentioned here in the report:

>Of the 170 pages long doctrine document, many experienced officers didn’t understand more than half. Officers responsible for planning EBOs in the Air Force, could not understand the definition of EBO (more precisely in Hebrew Effect-Based Campaigns) or of the definition of the word “Campaign” in the document. The terminology used was too complicated, vain, and could not be understood by the thousands of officers that needed to carry it out. . . . The new terminology and methodology was supposed to be limited to the higher levels of command, and at the level of theater command and definitely at the division level, the old terminology and methodology should have been used.

I've found several papers on EBO but nothing penned by Naveh (I'm attaching them). ITT we can also academically discuss military doctrines. I'm more versed in philosophy than military doctrine but I'm open to learning about campaigns or strategies.

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How can I learn to write pages of nearly incomprehensible bullshit about simple things that could straightforwardly expressed? I want to fit in on /leftypol/.
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You can put stuff on leftypedia, that would be an effort post that will last


Have you tried starting with the Greeks?


fuck off /lit/


That's actually useful. Just write pamphlets then.


and thus, eugenics-kun was born

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The goal of LLCO is not to get rid of leadership, or simply to declare everyone a leader by fiat, but rather to make everyone capable of truly being a leader.


a cult with no followers



lads, I'm looking for books in pdf or epub format on the CIA and the Mossad, specifically pic related. Drop any you have, or rec

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Has anyone read it? What do you think of its attempt at refuting marxism, its socioeconomic analysis, and Hegelian logic?
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The Cover looks Badass ngl


stop embarrassing yourself




he was spot on though



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I've been working for a manifesto all these days I've been trying to idealize the Khmer rouge ideology which was hardly based on radical nationalism and Maoism and apparently I call my ideology national Maoism.
Therefore I'm searching for the mao Zedong national liberation or KR politics later I would publish my book on amazon kindle.
Still, there is a reel version of my book but sadly I wont reveal it only few had the chance


>Pol Pot




Soo how it's going?


>book about Pol Pot though
>will publish it on Kindle

Hahaha you absolute fucking Schizo. You have my blessings

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