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I'm a highschool drop out who never had the tension span to read anything more than 200 pages, why should I now read some 700 pages of confusing dialectics? isn't it enough to read some wikipedia articles or something? aren't there any movies that explain all the theory?
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>I'm a highschool drop out who never had the tension span to read anything more than 200 pages
I'm in the same boat friend. undiagnosed learning disorders. My path was to listen to audio lectures by various people. Richard Wolf is a good entry point as he has all this on youtube. Just listen to these while you're on the job or go for a walk or whatever you need to do to keep listening.

Joining a reading group helped, and I was able to read on my own for a while when I was on medication, but those ran out and were too expensive to maintain so I just kind of gave up on reading. Still feel pretty confident in my knowledge on this stuff. Asking questions on leftypol of course also useful for learning.


I also don't read or like doing it a whole lot either but unfortunately it spells the difference between being cultured or not and the same also for achieving material wealth.

I find a good way to absorb written works is by listening to audiobooks while going along with the text of it without obsessing too much over trying ti process every last word.


Build your attenion span up by reading genreshit that interests you and work your way up to big boy books.


You're not sufficiently bored by the modern consumerist life yet. You don't have to like reading, it's just better than any other form of "entertainment" these day.

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 No.106[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

let's play a game
someone draws a historic event in paint and other people try to guess what event that person drew
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Sinn Fein


I like how you made Fidel look like Wario


Mussolini's death?


that'd be upside down


The future?

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So now I really started to want to really understand math and learn more concepts that I didn't learn because I never really liked it very much but now I am more interested in it. What are some resources or basic principles that I can use to understand math better?


this thing + is used to put stuff together
that thing is used to take stuff away from something else


There's nothing to understand, maths is arbitrary.


you can use khan academy. I believe they give out free lectures and practice problems.
if you haven’t learned calculus start with that and go onto calculus 2 after. then learn multivariable calculus and linear algebra, and then differential equations. once you do that you’re at a level where you can start learning undergraduate stuff, for which most people recommend looking at the springer “undergraduate texts in mathematics” book series. I can’t say anything about it though since I’m not at that level, but you can probably find the books themselves for free on libgen.is


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take a a Mathematics proofs class (also called Set theory), you don't need to be actually that good at arithmetic to understand higher math, all you need to be able to do is manipulate equations and add fractions, its mostly applied philosophy

I am a mathematician who got C's all through calculus


what kind of math are you interested in? Abstract stuff? Topology? Applied stuff? Geometry?

I recently got some students into math through working through "The Nature of Code" book/tutorials in the programming language Processing. It was a cool sort of hands on way to interact with different equations that help us define/understand natural phenomena. Creating particle simulators and cool art and all that shit. The "nature of code" is more on the physics end of things but there is a lot of cool visual stuff you can do with geometry and vectors in Processing.

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Any good documentaries for oogling at the wealth amassed by America's industrialists?


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Like the Gilded Age?


this one is quite good


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explain in simple terms pls
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Marxism for people who don’t read books


so when people freak out when other people use the term "postmodern neomarxists", they're wrong?


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Very. Postmodernism rejects historical materialism.
(Watch from 2:26 - 3:56)

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I've been working on formatting Black Bolshevik into EPUB and webpages to make it more accessible, as it's a very long book. At the moment chapters 1-3 are finished. Please contribute if you have the time.



For typos and misprints, I am using this PDF as a basis of comparison http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=AAF60EC535C8BCBE403DCF8E83CB5406


thanks for sharing Anon. what exactly do you need to "finish"? it looks like all the chapters are there on the page


I need to finish formatting the other chapters properly and correcting their spelling mistakes. These have just been converted from the scanned PDF as-is, so the automatic transcriptions are still a problem.
I'll keep working in this as I have time, but I appreciate any extra help as it's taking some time.


how do I compile EPUBS


I've been working on the epub that generated after converting the PDF so I'm not sure how you would compile it from scratch. Here's what I have so far compiled to epub (again, only the first three chapters are finished).


I don't want to leave the house, do any work or anything at all. I would rather lay in bed all day and do heroin. In a socialist society, what happens when I simply refuse to work at all? Do I get housed and fed, or do I starve?
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Feel free to have an argument hedonist.


you go to rehab


my take is that in socialism, if you don't work you get like your basic subsistence met, like you don't starve, but that's it, you don't get to enjoy the good things in life without doing some work


"He who does not work, does not eat" - Lenin


Really it depends on the level of productive forces/abundance in the society. Compare "From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" with "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." I think, for example, in a socialist (lower-phase communism) Germany, you would be provided with a house and food, but probably not much more than that. In a sufficiently abundant higher-phase communism, I'm sure you could be afforded some luxury goods, depending on the level of abundance. People who don't wish to work (where what counts as work is much broader than modern-day capitalism) would be rare. The reason why "forced labour" existed in the USSR was simply because the society was poor and needed to develop quickly, etc.

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What do people exactly mean when they claim Cuba and Venezuela were richer before their socialist governments? was it close to an oligarchy?
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>Dirty commies took away grandpa’s slaves, they should all be exterminated, blacks belong to whites and Cuba belongs to America
Basically this


For what it's worth Venezuela in 1996 had an inflation rate of only 100% as opposed to back in 2018 when it reached up to 130,060%.



Cuba was actually a center for sex tourism, much like Thailand or the Phillipines today.


What exactly caused this inflation are they printing that much money ore is this some US chenanigans


Some little videos about it. At least Venezuela, it's common knowladge that Cuba under Batista was a playground for mafias and rich gringos.

Videos about Venezuela
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvh_mCQbExk Part One
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZ9QJx_Xqw Part Two

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What makes someone a nazbol or "reactionary leftist"?
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Not an argument.


They don't. They think Soviet system is "Jewish" and they were the first to accuse Soviets of killing 100 billion. They just like the aesthetics and symbols of Nazbolism.




a reactionary is one who seeks to defend the system. their reaction is one of picking up arms in the name of capitalism. "left reactionaries," are those who have a veneer of do gooder, but where the rubber meets the road, you see their ideology is just a defense of capitalism. (except with black/gay CEOs for example) so when some 23 year old freshly minted critical theory person comes on the scene and obfuscates class consciousness by directing rage towards selected outgroups, they are in practice, a reactionary leftist. in their mind, they are "on the right side of history," but when you go to the root of their beliefs, they still want to preserve hierarchy, and still enable some rich fucks to control millions of people's lives, because their analysis ends at the thin veneer of "see i said the good thing on social media."

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Just saw this video on the Soviet Antarctic ice cruisers called Kharkovchanka, and thought it was pretty good.
And I remember seeing here and there in all manner of different threads stuff like Soviet nuclear icebreakers and massive scaled naval hovercraft.
So I figure weird and supercool Soviet vehicles like those would be a great topic for an /edu/ thread,
as well as any normal Soviet vehicles of course because they're cool too.



this is also an interesting project that could have make a lot of things easier


I don't understand why people keep telling there's no innovation under socialism, the way I see it, there's only innovation that's actually needed. The only "innovation" capitalism came up with is technology that dumbs down the populations into obedient consumers.


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