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What are your opinions on this book? I'll keep mine to myself for now, I'm genuinely curious to see how it is viewed in leftist circles.
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Baby's first book in revisionism. But its an okay book but very over simplified and doesn't really go too much in depth. The author himself is a classic revisionist historian so keep that in mind.


More Marxist than Marx himself.


There was another thread that popped up about this, and it was fairly decent, so I will copy paste the replies here:

There are many critiques of this book, it's very controversial, but good read non the less. I think you should read it and then read some critiques. There are often threads on /his/ about it /lit/ and /pol/ also love to hate it.

You can find a bunch of reviews and critiques of it with a little bit of googling, so I recommend read it, think about it, and read some critiques.


The author himself is not a Marxist, but from what I can gather, the book is a decent layman introduction to the concept of historical materialism and how it can be applied as a lens to assess the comparative development of civilizations. Unfortunately, some of the claims made by the author are backed by research that's more than a bit shoddy, and reactionary critics love to pick on the book for that reason, but it's pretty clear most of their ire stems from the fact that they are uncomfortable with having their racial essentialist worldview attacked so directly.
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While I agree with the other posters here, I think that since no one else has posted about the problems with the book, I will do so briefly. I don't mean to dissuade anyone from reading it, and if memory serves most of the problems are concentrated towards the end:

Ultiamtely Jared Diamond works within a liberal paradigm/discourse, and this paradigm is enamored with competition conceptually. Ultiamtely this stems from liberalism being wedded to capitalism historically and ideologically.

Therefore, the book is rather myopic about imperialism and colonialism (which are logical consequences to coutnries competiting with one another, since being able to extract excess resources from a faraway third region that is colonized gives advantages in war, trade and domestic stability); That certain countries are poor because they have been plundered and continue to be plundered by others does not cross his mind all too much.

Further, that the totalizing nature of competition under capitalism can actually result in constraints on economic development, including on technogical discovery and innovation are mostly passed over.

And this is why the book is often accused of geographic determinism (though i nreality it isn't stricly); That is to say, in order to avoid outright racial or cultural chauvinism, he defaults to saying that the problem is the lack of liberal institutions in poor countries, and that this lack has near exclusive geographic determinants ultimately.

This is the consequence of not having an understanding of capitalism and imperialism as systems with internal logics, combined of course to middle class first world apologia.


I think he's too determinist and doesn't focus enough on economics apart from technology trade. Like sure, Europe based on geography will be in a much better spot than Subsaharan Africa but if we're just going off technology, resources and geography, China would have "won".

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recommend me books of underground socialist/anarchist movements, files and biographies of people who were involved.


Check'd, Nazi.

Bonnot Gang were just a bunch of gangsters and murderers.


the unseen by nanni balestrini


can anyone recomend books about asian (korea and japan) and western eruopean far left movements in the 70s and 80s


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Please guy
You can recommended book of history of africa ? in pdf format of course
Pls… in spanish much better
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There is a nice book on the country of Burkina Faso (from independence to after the 2014 revolt) called «Burkina Faso: A History of Power, Protest and Revolution» by Ernest Harsch, really good read.




"Libgen" es la mejor página para conseguir libros digitales y gratuitos. Algunos archivos podrían no subirse aquí por estar muy pesados, busca allí por tu cuenta.




Para una historia semi-biografica de Sankara especificamente, el libro de Ludo Martens es muy bien y creo que hay una traducción en castellano.

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I'm a celibate man(thus have high brain power)and i want to find the ultimate truth to life.
I have limited time and two options:
>stuyding esotericism,magick,mystic treatises and meditation techniques,the vedas,medieval books etc


>cosmology,neurology,biology,history of life on earth,maths,etc

Which should I devote my time to?
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study logic and scientific critique, then post-critical science shit, learn meditation but as a tool to make your mind sharper thats all, it will give you no knowledge (Except about … meditation), and then get into whatever the fuck u want, u should be insulated from wasting too much time on obvious bullshit if u start out by learning how to think and learn properly.
for "truth of life" tho, read philosophy ffs, all the esoteric stuff is only really appealing to people with inflated egos because you can read whatever you want into it and feel like a genius and like ur learning hidden knowledge. Philosophy (good philosophy…) does the same shit that (honest) mystics and religious figures tried to do, but in more plain language for the modern world


Start with the Africans.


Unironically (whether or not that's in the spirit of this thread) every human should know a lot about a little and a little about a lot. So pick what you want to be an expert in, and read/discuss/investigate deeply in that, but also acquaint yourself with what we've learned more broadly and bring a bunch of different perspectives to bear on what you know best.


Why not both?


One gets you cred on the most mid-wit level boards on 4chan while the other can net you a job, and an actual understanding, albeit still probably reductionist, understanding of the world.


What does /roulette/ think of the markovian view of marxist/althusserian historical materialism presented by the immortal scientist in his review of althusser's philosopher of the encounter, as well as in his book "how the world works".


I thought that picture was a joke? Please don't tell me there are people who truly believe such nonsense.


read the first pdf attached


in order to make the state machine materialist, it would need to have a copy of that diagram for all combinations of relevant material conditions (plus connecting arrows). While it is technically correct, I don't think it is particularly useful.


Obviously this is insufficient as a COMPLETE model, but it's clearly not trying to be. It's expressing the idea that conditions potentially ripe for capitalism more frequently arise than actually do transition to it, which seems largely accurate to me - though of course (1) you could no doubt as mentioned get greater predictive accuracy by adding additional variables and (2) this leaves unexplained what constitutes the different state and why transitions between them should occur. It's not like Marxists have neglected these questions, though, so I think it's worth seeing if FSM-type models can produce anything useful if you noodle around with them.


They can't, this is some horoscope level bullshit.

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Do you prefer physical or digital books /edu/?
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Physical but cause Coronalol, digital so I can use Sci-hub



Though if the apocalypse happens I might regret that


physical always.


I can't read online. I print out PDFs sometimes though instead of buying.


Either digital copies or hardcover physical books.

Paperbacks are pure degeneracy and counter-revolutionairy ;)

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Did the ancient/medieval Ethiopians domesticate the African elephant? In many historical records, the Abyssinians/Aksumites are mentioned to use elephants for military purposes, but were these African elephants or Asian elephants? In modern-day Ethiopia, or in fact anywhere for that matter, there is no sign of domestication of the African elephant. However, African elephants have been extensively used in ancient times for military purposes, for example by the Carthaginians.


thank you for your contribution to this board my friend


phroo :DD


Those war elephants were probably from a now extinct western subspecies of Asian elephant, or northern subspecies of African forest elephant.


Are elephants comrades?


Of course.
We shall help them develop their brains and social minds until they are our equals.
Like dolphins

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This thread is for large-scale improvements or even small tweaks in society that are impossible to implement under capitalism. Inspiration for this thread came after reading this
>Today, we have insight into why a person handling copper day in and day out would have protection from a bacterial threat: Copper is antimicrobial. It kills bacteria and viruses, sometimes within minutes. In the 19th century, exposure to copper would have been an early version of constantly sanitizing one's hands.
>A study from 2015 found that a different coronavirus, human coronavirus 229E, which causes respiratory tract infections, could still infect a human lung cell after five days of being on materials like teflon, ceramic, glass, silicone rubber, and stainless steel. But on copper alloys, the coronavirus was “rapidly inactivated.”
>So given how well it could work, for hospital infections and for health more generally, why isn’t copper everywhere? Why isn’t every door knob, every subway rail, every ICU room, made of copper? Why can we easily buy stainless steel water bottles, but not copper? Where are the copper iPhone cases?
>There might also be a perception that copper is too expensive, Schmidt said, despite the fact that the numbers indicate it would ultimately save money. One of Keevil and Schmidt's studies from 2015 did the math: The cost of treating an HAI ranges from $28,400 to $33,800 per patient. Installing copper on 10 percent of surfaces cost $52,000 and prevented 14 infections over the course of the 338-day study. If you take the lower end of the HAI treatment cost ($28,400), then those 14 prevented infections saved a total of $397,600, or $1,176 a day.
So while the material and reason to use copper for most things are there. The kind of short-term market logic that makes it impossible to do anything about climate change also prevents this move from being made.
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> 3. It is necessary, in the third place, to ensure such a cultural advancement of society as will secure for all members of society the all-round development of their physical and mental abilities, so that the members of society may be in a position to receive an education sufficient to enable them to be active agents of social development, and in a position freely to choose their occupations and not be tied all their lives, owing to the existing division of labour, to some one occupation.

>What is required for this?

>It would be wrong to think that such a substantial advance in the cultural standard of the members of society can be brought about without substantial changes in the present status of labour. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to shorten the working day at least to six, and subsequently to five hours. This is needed in order that the members of society might have the necessary free time to receive an all-round education. It is necessary, further, to introduce universal compulsory polytechnical education, which is requiredin order that the members of society might be able freely to choose their occupations and not be tied to some one occupation all their lives. It is likewise necessary that housing conditions should be radically improved, and that real wages of workers and employees should be at least doubled, if not more, both by means of direct increases of wages and salaries, and, more especially, by further systematic reductions of prices for consumer goods.

>These are the basic conditions required to pave the way for the transition to communism.

>Only after all these preliminary conditions are satisfied in their entirety may it be hoped that work will be converted in the eyes of the members of society from a nuisance into "life's prime want" (Marx), (8) that "labour will become a pleasure instead of being a burden" (Engels), (9) and that social property will be regarded by all members of society as the sacred and inviolable basis of the existence of society.

>Only after all these preliminary condi
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Doesn't copper oxidize, effectively having to be replaced every 10-20 years because it's surface wouldn't inactivate viruses anymore?


i wonder if you could just sand/scruff the surface??


No, read the piece
>Another reason copper may have been passed over for steel, plastic, or glass is that it can easily tarnish and requires a lot of cleaning to remain shiny. “But copper is antimicrobial regardless of how grody it looks, if it turns green on you, it still has the ability to kill bacteria and viruses and fungi,” he said.


Whales are one of the best ways to sustainably store carbon away from the environment because they eat a lot and then sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Why are whales going extinct? Over-fishing, pollution, lots of reasons

>Now we turn to the economic side of the solution. Protecting whales has a cost. Mitigating the many threats to whales involves compensating those causing the threats, a group that includes countries, businesses, and individuals. Ensuring that this approach is practical involves determining whales’ monetary value.


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any good books on the medieval period?
yes i have already read the peseant war in germany, no i did not understood what the fuck it was saying
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John Hatcher and Mark Bailey Modelling the Middle Ages

The Brenner Debate (Specifically 'Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe')

Guy Bois, The Crisis of Feudalism : Economy and Society in Eastern Normandy C1300-1550

Robert Bartlett, The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonisation and Cultural Change: 950-1350 (Personal fave, the least dry out of all the texts and it gives you a broad picture for you to decide what your interested in)

As posted by previous anon, 'The Three Orders' is a must imo. If you have a specific area your interested in that would help as there's a lot going on at the same time, and it becomes tricky to create general histories due to the variety of shit that was going on across europe. Especially since a lot of histories just ignore eastern europe.


Jacques Le Goff


From a more rightist colleague I've heard John Huizinga's "Autumn of the Middle Ages" as THE book I should read. (His 'Homo Ludens' also sounds quite interesting)


Why does a full suit of High Middle Ages chainmail, like with coif, hauberk, mufflers, cuisse, etc. look so fucking good?


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A bit specialist, but there are some reading recommendations in this academic syllabus for anyone interested in medieval philosophy and theology:

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date: 9-4kya

blue = european
orange = levant MENA
green = iran MENA

9kya, levants colonize europe and mix with european foragers. The mixing ultimately ends up being on somewhat even terms.

5kya, a mixed race group (half euro half iran) colonizes europe very hard, killing off both euro/levant males and essentially raping their women. These "aryans" introduce the indoeuropean languages into europe.

Every european today has these three ancestries in their genome. Some europeans, like italians and greeks, are more Middle Eastern than European.

The average Brit is 60% european, 40% MENA (30% levant and 10% iran)

In addition, Finns and Russians have about 10% Asian ancestry from Uralics.
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>lol they have shit science
>lol see, look at these different nations
>huh huh nations means race cus reasons
>Personally, I am just kinda disgusted by the entire European ancestry
>im a good guy huh huh
>by the way white isnt real after all of my reasons
wew i love you guys, its like metoker is back already hahahaha


>ya so is everyone else retard
Not really, at least not in the same scale.

In a strict sense, yes everyone (and everything) is mixed race.

In a more liberal sense, only Eurasians were mixed race until recently. Africans, Americans, and Oceanians were all genetically pretty pure.

And even within Eurasia, Europeans are more mixed than Indians (maybe excepting Pakistanis) or any of the Asian races.

>you know that ethnicity has existed for thousands of years before anyone knew anything about this bullshit?

cope, these genes have existed for millions of years before humans even learned how to walk upright. We only started knowing about them 50 years ago, doesn't make them only 50 years old.


He's right though, italians are considered white now. Irish/Polish is a spook because they are nordeuro. But italians look different, esp the southern ones that came to the US.

Next step is Mestizo Latinos start getting the white treatment

>nation means race

yeah, it's arbitrary and retarded just like your system. I see no problem here.

scientifically, Europe is a Middle Eastern rapebaby reservoir. "White" is not a race, it's an appearance. White people are mixed race.


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Fun fact, the purest Europeans were quite dark skinned (think Native North American, if not darker)

Light skin was introduced via Middle Eastern farmer/pastoralist migrants.

These MENAs mixed with the local population, and as they adapted to a more lactovegetarian diet, they developed even lighter skin than the original MENAs, due to the dark climate.

The original pure Europeans were also exclusively light-eyed, and actually all genetically European groups were 100% light eyed 10kya. Brown eyes are a Middle Eastern feature.


explains why my Iranian friends are pastier than most americans

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